Frühere Veranstaltungen
30.11.20, Online via Zoom, AB B-Kolloquium
Dr. Svenja Krauss, University of Essex, Take the Streets or Take the Parliament? Political Participation Choices for Radical Left (Non-)Voters
24.11.20, Online via Zoom, AB A-Kolloquium
Prof. Tod Van Gunten, Ph.D., University of Edinburgh, Where Does Power Come from? Elite Networks and the Presidential Succession in Mexico, 1940–2000
23.11.20, Online via Zoom, AB B-Kolloquium
Prof. Sergi Pardos-Prado, University of Glasgow, Border Walls, Refugees and Terrorism
17.11.20, Online via Zoom, AB A-Kolloquium
Prof. Dr. Thomas Paster, Roskilde University, State Support for Multi-Employer Collective Bargaining: Why Do Some Countries Use Statutory Coverage Extensions More Frequently than Others?
10.11.20, Online via Zoom, AB A-Kolloquium
Prof. Maria Abascal, Ph.D., Columbia University, The Meanings of Neighborhood Diversity: Evidence from a National Experiment and a Survey of Chicago Residents
02.11.20, Online via Zoom, AB B-Kolloquium
Prof. Melike Wulfgramm, University of Southern Denmark, Inequality in Healthcare Access Across Europe: Patterns and Determinants
26.10.20, Online via Zoom, AB B-Kolloquium
Prof. Kathrin Ackermann, Universität Heidelberg, The Activation of Norms - Revisiting the Link between Citizenship Norms and Participation
20.10.20, Online via Zoom, AB A-Kolloquium
Dr. Ariane Bertogg, Universität Konstanz, Needs or Obligations? The Role of Childcare Infrastructure and Regional Norms for Reconciling Grandchild Care and Employment
05.10.20, Online via Zoom, AB B-Kolloquium
Prof. Chitralekha Basu, Universität zu Köln, Democratizing from Within: British Elites and the Expansion of the Franchise
24.9.20 bis 25.9.20, A 5,6 Raum A 231, Workshop
Teaching Replication in the Social Sciences