Neuerwerbungen der MZES Bibliothek Juli 2018

Reference books

Mitchell, Brian R.
European historical statistics 1750 - 1970
London [u.a.] : MacMillan 1975
Shelfmark: ALLG/Info/Daten/5=1

EU Integration

Kreis, Georg
Gerechtigkeit für Europa : eine Kritik der EU-Kritik
Basel : Schwabe [2017]
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/613

General, social, economic history

Koleva, Svetla
Totalitarian experience and knowledge production : sociology in Central and Eastern Europe 1945-1989
Leiden ; Brill, 2018
Shelfmark: OE/Allg/134

Population, migration, urbanism, social geography

Sivaramakrishnan, Kavita
As the world ages : rethinking a demographic crisis
Cambridge ; Harvard University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: AE/Bevgeo/010

Education, science, research

Schneider, Silke L.
The International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED-97) : an evaluation of content and criterion validity for 15 European countries
Mannheim : Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung 2008
Shelfmark: E.K./Bild/237

Family, household, kinship

Bolzan, Mario
Domani in famiglia
Milano : F Angeli 2018
Shelfmark: I/Famil/032

International relations

Poast, Paul
Organizing democracy : how international organizations assist new democracies
Chicago ; The University of Chicago Press, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Intbez/512

Tino, Elisa
Non-governmental interests in international regional organizations
Leiden ; Brill Nijhoff, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Intbez/513

Üstün, Çiǧdem
The rise and fall of europeanization : what is next for Turkey-EU relations?
Berlin : Peter Lang, 2018
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/638

Religion, culture, media

Everton, Sean F.
Networks and religion : ties that bind, loose, build-up and tear down
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Kultur/082

Nationalism, minorities, regionalism

La Francia mondiale : parigi ripensa il mondo per salvarsi dal declino Macron, Giove all'Eliseo
Limes : rivista italiana di geopolitica, 3/2018
Shelfmark: F/Nation/029

Political parties, elections, participation, elites, public opinion

Felicetti, Andrea
Deliberative democracy and social movements : transition initiatives in the public sphere
New York ; Rowman & Littlefield International, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Polsoz/376

Foret, François
European values : challenges and opportunities for EU governance
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: E.A./Polsoz/337

Galston, William A.
Anti-Pluralism : the populist threat to liberal democracy
New Haven : Yale University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1229

Korte, Karl-Rudolf
Parteiendemokratie in Bewegung : Organisations- und Entscheidungsmuster der deutschen Parteien im Vergleich
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2018
Shelfmark: D/Polsoz/351

Rahat, Gideon
From party politics to personalized politics? : Party change and political personalization in democracies
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1228

Constitution, european treaties, government, administration, law

Hinna, Alessandro
Cambiamento e complessità nella pubblica amministrazione : ruoli, risorse e trasparenza
Milano : Egea marzo 2018
Shelfmark: I/Staat/040

Rose-Ackerman, Susan
Due process of lawmaking : the United States, South Africa, Germany, and the European Union
Cambridge ; Cambridge University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Staat/687

Sowa, Frank
The transformation of work in welfare state organizations : new public management and the institutional diffusion of ideas
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Staat/686

Environmental policy

O'Neill, Kate
The environment and international relations
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: ALLG/Umwelt/053

Inequality, mobility, social stratification

Bethencourt, Francisco
Inequality in the Portuguese-speaking world : global and historical perspectives
Brighton ; Sussex Academic Press, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Unglei/185

Cohen, Gerald A.
Per l'eguaglianza e la giustizia
Roma : L'asino d'oro edizioni 2016
Shelfmark: ALLG/Unglei/190

Dorling, Daniel
Peak inequality : Britain's ticking time bomb
Bristol : Policy Press, 2018
Shelfmark: GB/Unglei/064

Sosa Elízaga, Raquel
Facing an unequal world : challenges for global sociology
Los Angeles ; SAGE, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Unglei/189

Trade unions, employers' organisations, associations at EU level

Hollman, Michelle
Interest group organisation in the European Union : How internal organisational structures shape interest group agency
London ; Routledge, Taylosr & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: E.A./Verbän/125

Park, Susan
International organisations and global problems : theories and explanations
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Verbän/049

Economic structure and -growth, entrepreneurs, internal market

Voicu, Anca
Trade, development and structural change : Central and Eastern Europe
London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Wirt/422

Working Papers

Konferenz anlässlich der 40-jährigen Anwendung des Deutsch-Polnischen Abkommens über die Renten- und Unfallversicherung 2017 Warschau
Die Angemessenheit der Altersrentensysteme : Konferenz anlässlich der 40-jährigen Anwendung des deutsch-polnischen Abkommens über die Renten- und Unfallversicherung am 24. und 25. April 2017 in Warschau
Berlin : Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund, 2018
Shelfmark: WP/D/DRV/Schrif/114