Neuerwerbungen der MZES Bibliothek 2018

Reference books

Herron, Erik S.
The Oxford handbook of electoral systems
New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2018]
Shelfmark: ALLG/Info/Handb/118

Institut für Europäische Politik
Jahrbuch der europäischen Integration
Baden-Baden : Nomos
Shelfmark: E.A./Info/Jahrb/001

Jopp, Tobias Alexander
Historische Statistik lehren : quellenkritische Vermittlung von Zielen und Methoden statistischen Arbeitens in der Geschichtswissenschaft
Schwalbach/Ts. : Wochenschau Verlag, [2017]
Shelfmark: ALLG/Info/Daten/021

Mitchell, Brian R.
European historical statistics 1750 - 1970
London [u.a.] : MacMillan 1975
Shelfmark: ALLG/Info/Daten/5=1

Rydgren, Jens
The Oxford handbook of the radical right
New York : Oxford University Press, [2018]
Shelfmark: ALLG/Info/Handb/119

Saltman, Kenneth J.
The Wiley handbook of global educational reform
Hoboken, NJ : Wiley Blackwell, 2019
Shelfmark: ALLG/Info/Handb/120

Thompson, Wayne C.
Western Europe 2018 - 2019
Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Info/Handb/34=2018

Uslaner, Eric M.
The Oxford handbook of social and political trust
Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2018]
Shelfmark: ALLG/Info/Handb/117

Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche
Handbook of statistics
Vienna : Inst
Shelfmark: OE/Info/Jahrb/001

Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche
Handbook of statistics
Vienna : Inst
Shelfmark: OE/Info/Jahrb/001

EU Integration

Attac Österreich
Entzauberte Union : warum die EU nicht zu retten und ein Austritt keine Lösung ist
Wien : mandelbaum, [2017]
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/610

Berger, Stefan
History and belonging : representations of the past in contemporary European politics
New York ; Berghahn, 2018
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/614

Kreis, Georg
Gerechtigkeit für Europa : eine Kritik der EU-Kritik
Basel : Schwabe [2017]
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/613

Patel, Kiran Klaus
Projekt Europa : eine kritische Geschichte
München : C.H. Beck, [2018]
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/615

Rüttgers, Jürgen
Europas Ende, Europas Anfang : neue Perspektiven für die Europäische Union
Bonn : Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/611

Weber, Klaus
Reshaping the European Union
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2018
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/612

General, social, economic history

Barbu, Daniel
Rumäniens "Rückkehr" nach Europa : Versuch einer Bilanz
Wien : new academic press, [2017]
Shelfmark: RO/ALLG/020

Calic, Marie-Janine
Geschichte Jugoslawiens
München : Verlag C.H. Beck, 2018
Shelfmark: YU/Allg/033

Danailov, Teodora Raya
Bulgaria : environmental, social and economic challenges
New York : Nova Science Publishers, Inc., [2018]
Shelfmark: BG/Allg/024

Evangelista, Matthew
Italy from crisis to crisis : political economy, security, and society in the 21st century
London ; Routledge, 2018
Shelfmark: I/ALLG/066

Heper, Metin
The Routledge handbook of modern Turkey
London ; Routledge, 2017
Shelfmark: TR/Allg/032

Koleva, Svetla
Totalitarian experience and knowledge production : sociology in Central and Eastern Europe 1945-1989
Leiden ; Brill, [2018]
Shelfmark: OE/Allg/134

McGrath, John T.
The modernization of the Western world : a society transformed
London : Routledge, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Allg/295

Neumann, Iver B.
Russia and the idea of Europe : a study in identity and international relations
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017
Shelfmark: RUS/Allg/005=2

Wasserstrom, Jeffrey N.
China in the 21st century : what everyone needs to know
New York : Oxford University Press, [2018]
Shelfmark: ASI/Allg/047

Wiegel, Michaela
Emmanuel Macron : ein Visionär für Europa - eine Herausforderung für Deutschland
Berlin ; Europa Verlag, [2018]
Shelfmark: F/Allg/109

Ījabs, Ivars
Lettland 1918-2018 : ein Jahrhundert Staatlichkeit
Paderborn : Ferdinand Schöningh, [2018]
Shelfmark: LV/Allg/008

Population, migration, urbanism, social geography

Askola, Heli
The demographic transformations of citizenship
Cambridge ; Cambridge University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Bevgeo/543

Barker, Vanessa
Nordic nationalism and penal order : walling the welfare state
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: S/Bevgeo/008

Bennett, Sam
Constructions of migrant integration in British public discourse : becoming British
London ; Bloomsbury Academic, 2018
Shelfmark: GB/Bevgeo/048

Bernes, Laure-Anne
Migration in the Western Mediterranean : space, mobility and borders
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Bevgeo/542

Bulmer, Martin
Muslims, migration and citizenship : processes of inclusion and exclusion
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Bevgeo/544

Comte, Emmanuel
The history of the European migration regime : Germany's strategic hegemony
London ; Routledge, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Bevgeo/539

Coole, Diana H.
Should we control world population?
Cambridge, UK ; Polity, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Bevgeo/232

Cortese, Antonio
L'emigrazione italiana in Francia dal 1876 al 1976 : uno sguardo d'insieme
Todi, PG : Tau editrice 2017
Shelfmark: I/Bevgeo/052

Croitoru, Alin
Antreprenoriatul în migraţia românească
Bucureşti : Tritonic, 2016
Shelfmark: RO/Bevgeo/004

Enos, Ryan D.
The space between us : social geography and politics
Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: ALLG/Bevgeo/230

Foroutan, Naika
Postmigrantische Perspektiven : Ordnungssysteme, Repräsentationen, Kritik
Frankfurt ; Campus Verlag, [2018]
Shelfmark: D/Bevgeo/178

Greenhalgh, Charlotte
Aging in twentieth-century Britain
Oakland, California : University of California Press, 2018
Shelfmark: GB/Bevgeo/049

Gutekunst, Miriam
Grenzüberschreitungen - Migration, Heirat und staatliche Regulierung im europäischen Grenzregime : eine Ethnographie
Bielefeld : transcript, [2018]
Shelfmark: D/Bevgeo/179

Hofbauer, Hannes
Kritik der Migration : wer profitiert und wer verliert
Wien : Promedia, [2018]
Shelfmark: ALLG/Bevgeo/234

International Conference "International Migration in 21st Century" 2016 Istanbul
International migration in the 21st century : problems and solutions
Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Bevgeo/546

Kaloudis, George S.
Modern Greece and the diaspora Greeks in the United States
Lanham ; Lexington Books, [2018]
Shelfmark: GR/Bevgeo/022

Klvaňová, Radka
The brother of the other : immigration from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine to the Czech Republic and the boundaries of belonging
Brno : Masaryk university, 2017
Shelfmark: CZ/Bevgeo/003

Laton, Christine
Citizenship and intercultural dialogue : IR analysis & minority youth in the UK and Germany
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019
Shelfmark: E.K./Bevgeo/545

Leal, David L.
Migration in an era of restriction and recession : sending and receiving nations in a changing global environment
Cham : Springer, 2016
Shelfmark: E.K./Bevgeo/547

Polakow-Suransky, Sasha
Go back to where you came from : the backlash against immigration and the fate of Western democracy
London : Hurst & Company, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Bevgeo/540

Prak, Maarten Roy
Citizens without nations : urban citizenship in Europe and the world, c.1000-1789
Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Bevgeo/548

Sivaramakrishnan, Kavita
As the world ages : rethinking a demographic crisis
Cambridge, Massachusetts ; Harvard University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: AE/Bevgeo/010

Thorvaldsen, Gunnar
Censuses and census takers : a global history
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Bevgeo/231

Vaughan, Laura
Mapping society : the spatial dimensions of social cartography
London : UCL Press, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Bevgeo/233

Vlase, Ionela
Le genre dans la structuration de la migration : les roumains-e-s en Italie
Iaşi : Institutul European, 2016
Shelfmark: RO/Bevgeo/005

White, Anne
The impact of migration on Poland : Eu mobility and social change
London : UCL Press, 2018
Shelfmark: PL/Bevgeo/015

Labour market, classes, professions, status groups

Baxandall, Phineas
Constructing unemployment : the politics of joblessness in East and West
London ; Routledge, 2018
Shelfmark: H/Erwkla/004

Doellgast, Virginia
Reconstructing solidarity : labour unions, precarious work, and the politics of institutional change in Europe
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Erwkla/528

Procyk, Stephanie
Precarious employment : causes, consequences and remedies
Halifax ; Fernwood Publishing, [2017]
Shelfmark: AME/Erwkla/006

Ó Riain, S.
The changing worlds and workplaces of capitalism
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
Shelfmark: E.K./Erwkla/529

Family, household, kinship

Bejenaru, Anca
Adoptia copiilor în România
Iaşi : Ed Institutul European 2011
Shelfmark: RO/Famil/002

Blöss, Thierry
Ageing, lifestyles and economic crises : the new people of the Mediterranean
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Famil/408

Bolzan, Mario
Domani in famiglia
Milano : F Angeli 2018
Shelfmark: I/Famil/032

Carlson, Allan C.
Fractured generations : crafting a family policy for twenty-first-century America
London ; Routledge, [2018]
Shelfmark: USA/Famil/087

Finckenauer, James O.
Russian youth : law, deviance, and the pursuit of freedom
New York ; Routledge, 2018
Shelfmark: RUS/Famil/007

Gender Differences in the History of European Legal Cultures 2016 Rouen
Gender, law and economic well-being in Europe from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century : north versus south?
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019
Shelfmark: E.K./Famil/412

Jurado Guerrero, Teresa
Youth in transition : housing, employment, social policies and families in France and Spain
London ; Routledge, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Famil/409

Majmundar, Malay Kiran
Future directions for the demography of aging : proceedings of a workshop
Washington, DC : The National Academies Press, [2018]
Shelfmark: E.K./Famil/414

Mehrotra, Chandra
Aging and diversity : an active learning experience
New York ; Routledge, 2019
Shelfmark: USA/Famil/088

Montoro Gurich, Carolina
Políticas familiares
Pamplona : Ed Univ de Navarra SA 2008
Shelfmark: E.K./Famil/411

Portier-Le Cocq, Fabienne
Fertility, health and lone parenting : European contexts
Oxford : Routledge, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Famil/410

Roché, Sebastian
Minority youth and social integration : the ISRD-3 study in Europe and the US
Cham : Springer, [2018]
Shelfmark: E.K./Famil/413

Song, Miri
Multiracial parents : mixed families, generational change, and the future of race
New York : New York University Press, [2017]
Shelfmark: GB/Famil/120

Tsekeris, Charalambos
Youths in challenging situations : international and interdisciplinary perspectives
London ; Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2019
Shelfmark: E.K./Famil/415

Monetary, financial institutions

Ragone, Sabrina
Managing the euro crisis : national EU policy coordination in the debtor countries
London ; Routledge, 2018
Shelfmark: E.A./Finanz/213

EU institutions

Costa, Olivier
How the EU really works
London ; Routledge, 2019
Shelfmark: E.A./Inst/240

Ripoll Servent, Ariadna
The European Parliament
London : Palgrave, 2018
Shelfmark: E.A./Inst/239

International relations

Abels, Joscha
Die EU nach der Krise : Neuformierung und Zerfall
Münster : Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2018
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/642

Baker-Beall, Christopher
The European Union's fight against terrorism : discourse, policies, identity
Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2019
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/645

Bitzegeio, Ursula
Flucht, Transit, Asyl : interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf ein europäisches Versprechen
Bonn : Dietz, [2018]
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/636

Damro, Chad
The European Union's evolving external engagement : towards new sectoral diplomacies?
London ; Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/631

Gstöhl, Sieglinde
The neighbours of the European Union's neighbours : diplomatic and geopolitical dimensions beyond the European neighbourhood policy
London ; Routledge, 2018
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/641

Göler, Daniel
Norm- und Regeltransfer in der europäischen Außenpolitik
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2018
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/632

Hoffmann, Thomas
Russia and the EU : spaces of interaction
London ; Routledge, Taylor&Francis Group, 2019
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/640

Jackson, Simon
The institution of international order : from the League of Nations to the United Nations
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Intbez/516

Kuźniar, Roman
Europe in the international order
Berlin ; Peter Lang, [2018]
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/644

Le Gloannec, Anne-Marie
Continent by default : the European Union and the demise of regional order
Ithaca ; Cornell University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/633

Morgenstern-Pomorski, Jost-Henrik
The contested diplomacy of the European External Action Service : inception, establishment and consolidation
London ; Routledge, 2018
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/637

Pease, Kelly-Kate S.
International organizations : perspectives on global governance
New York ; Routledge, 2019
Shelfmark: ALLG/Intbez

Poast, Paul
Organizing democracy : how international organizations assist new democracies
Chicago ; The University of Chicago Press, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Intbez/512

Schrötter, Hans Jörg
Die Europäische Union und ihre östlichen Nachbarn : neue Partner, die Rolle Russlands und Armeniens gescheiterte Assoziierung
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/630

Schwok, René
Did European construction contribute to peace?
Bruxelles : PIE Peter Lang, 2018
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/643

Spaiser, Olga A.
The European Union's influence in Central Asia : geopolitical challenges and responses
Lanham ; Lexington Books, [2018]
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/635

Tino, Elisa
Non-governmental interests in international regional organizations
Leiden ; Brill Nijhoff, [2018]
Shelfmark: ALLG/Intbez/513

Violakis, Petros
Europeanisation and the transformation of EU security policy : post-Cold War developments in the common security and defence policy
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/639

Weiss, Thomas G.
The Oxford handbook on the United Nations
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Intbez/515

Wood, Stephen
Germany and East-Central Europe : political, economic and socio-cultural relations in the era of EU enlargement
London ; Routledge, 2018
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/634

Xu, Yi-Chong
The working world of international organizations : authority, capacity, legitimacy
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Intbez/511

Üstün, Çiǧdem
The rise and fall of Europeanization : what is next for Turkey-EU relations?
Berlin : Peter Lang, 2018
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/638

Religion, culture, media

Akan, Murat
The politics of secularism : religion, diversity, and institutional change in France and Turkey
New York : Columbia University Press, [2017]
Shelfmark: E.K./Kultur/144

Allievi, Stefano
I musulmani nelle società europee : appartenenze, interazioni, conflitti
Milano : Guerini e associati ottobre 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Kultur/146

Bozorgmehr, Mehdi
Growing up Muslim in Europe and the United States
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Kultur/147

Bucher, Taina
If...then : algorithmic power and politics
New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Medien/057

Carvill, Michelle
Get social : social media strategy and tactics for leaders
London : Kogan Page, [2018]
Shelfmark: ALLG/Medien/059

Colonna, Ilenia
Sette anni di crisi italiana nella narrazione dei media : un'analisi socio-comunicativa
Milano : Mimesis, 2018
Shelfmark: I/Medien/006

Everton, Sean F.
Networks and religion : ties that bind, loose, build-up and tear down
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Kultur/082

Galdieri, Christopher J.
Role of twitter in the 2016 US election
Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, 2018
Shelfmark: USA/Medien/019

Joppke, Christian
Der säkulare Staat auf dem Prüfstand : Religion und Politik in Europa und den USA
Hamburg : Hamburger Edition, September 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Kultur/083

Kirche und Staat in Mittel- und Osteuropa 2016 Freising
Kirche und Staat in Mittel- und Osteuropa : die Entwicklung des Staat-Kirche-Verhältnisses in den Transformationsländern Mittel- und Osteuropas seit 1990
Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Kultur/145

Mars, Laura
Careers in social media
Ipswich, Massachusetts : Salem Press, a division of EBSCO Information Services, Inc, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Medien/060

Murthy, Dhiraj
Twitter : social communication in the twitter age
Cambridge ; Polity, [2018]
Shelfmark: ALLG/Medien/055

Nelson, Lisa S.
Social media and morality : losing our self control
Cambridge, United Kingdom ; Cambridge University Press, [2018]
Shelfmark: ALLG/Medien/061

Pajnik, Mojca
Populism and the Web : communicative practices of parties and movements in Europe
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Medien/061

Rosling, Hans
Factfulness : wie wir lernen, die Welt so zu sehen, wie sie wirklich ist
Berlin : Ullstein, [2018]
Shelfmark: ALLG/Medien/054

Schlipphak, Bernd
Muslim attitudes towards the European Union
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019
Shelfmark: E.A./Kultur/090

Settle, Jaime
Frenemies : how social media polarizes America
Cambridge ; Cambridge University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: USA/Medien/020

Stănuş, Cristina
Libertatea de expresie, mass media şi politica în România postcommunistă
Cluj-Napoca : Presa Universitară Clujeană 2012
Shelfmark: RO/Medien/001

Truong, Fabien
Radicalized loyalties : becoming Muslim in the West
Cambridge : Polity, [2018]
Shelfmark: F/Kultur/025

Vaidhyanathan, Siva
Antisocial media : how facebook disconnects us and undermines democracy
New York : Oxford University Press, [2018]
Shelfmark: ALLG/Medien/056

Veale, Tony
Twitterbots : making machines that make meaning
Cambridge, Massachusetts : The MIT Press, [2018]
Shelfmark: ALLG/Medien/058

Woolley, Samuel C.
Computational propaganda : political parties, politicians, and political manipulation on social media
New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2019]
Shelfmark: E.K./Medien/062

EU member states

Batory, Agnes
Policy experiments, failures and innovations : beyond accession in Central and Eastern Europe
Cheltenham, UK ; Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018
Shelfmark: E.A./MGS/495

Bulmer, Simon
Germany and the European Union : Europe's reluctant Hegemon?
London : Red Globe Press, 2019
Shelfmark: E.A./MGS/497

Closa, Carlos
Secession from a member state and withdrawal from the European Union : troubled membership
Cambridge ; Cambridge University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./MGS/493

Furedi, Frank
Populism and the European culture wars : the conflict of values between Hungary and the EU
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: E.A./MGS/494

Nizhnikau, Ryhor
EU induced institutional change in post-Soviet space : promoting reforms in Moldova and Ukraine
London ; Routledge, 2019
Shelfmark: E.A./MGS/496

Nationalism, minorities, regionalism

Arunagirinathan, Umeswaran
Der fremde Deutsche : Leben zwischen den Kulturen
Hamburg : Konkret Literatur 2017
Shelfmark: D/Nation/049

Ashcroft, Richard
Multiculturalism in contemporary Britain : policy, law and theory
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019
Shelfmark: GB/Nation/053

Baker, Catherine
Race and the Yugoslav region : postsocialist, post-Conflict, postcolonial?
Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: YU/Nation/013

Baluch, Alim
The disintegration of Bosnia and Herzegovina : from ethnic cleansing to ethnified governance
Oxford : Peter Lang Ltd., International Academic Publishers, 2018
Shelfmark: BiH/Nation/005

Berry, John W.
Mutual intercultural relations
Cambridge : Cambridge Univ Press, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Nation/464

Dowling, Andrew
The rise of Catalan independence : Spain's territorial crisis
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: E/Nation/036

Graziano, Manlio
L'isola al centro del mondo : una geopolitica degli Stati Uniti
Bologna : Il Mulino, 2018
Shelfmark: USA/Nation/043

Law, Ian
Ethnicity and education in England and Europe : gangstas, geeks and gorjas
London , New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2016
Shelfmark: E.K./Nation/465

Morrison, Ken
Nationalism, identity and statehood in post-Yugoslav Montenegro
London ; Bloomsbury, 2018
Shelfmark: MNE/Nation/001

Neuer Nationalismus im östlichen Europa. Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven 2016 München
Neuer Nationalismus im östlichen Europa : kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven
Bielefeld : transcript, [2017]
Shelfmark: E.K./Nation/462

Petersen, William
From persons to people : further studies in the politics of population
London ; Routledge, 2003
Shelfmark: ALLG/Nation/154

Rubin, Victor
Regional equity
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2016
Shelfmark: USA/Nation/042

Rusu, Horatiu
Schimbare socială și identitate socioculturală : o perspectivă sociologică
Iași : Institutul European 2008
Shelfmark: RO/Nation/008

Saurugger, Sabine
Crisis and institutional change in regional integration
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2016
Shelfmark: E.K./Nation/463

Schulze, Jennie L.
Strategic Frames : Europe, Russia, and minority inclusion in Estonia and Latvia
Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Nation/466

Voicu, Bogdan
The values of Romanians : 1993 - 2006; a sociological perspective
Iaşi : Inst European 2008
Shelfmark: RO/Nation/009

Wimmer, Andreas
Nation building : why some countries come together while others fall apart
Princeton ; Princeton University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Nation/155

xu, Yi-Chong
La Francia mondiale : parigi ripensa il mondo per salvarsi dal declino Macron, Giove all'Eliseo
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: F/Nation/029

Political parties, elections, participation, elites, public opinion

Akgül Açıkmeşe, Sinem
The European Union and the Black Sea : the state of play
London ; Routledge, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Polsoz/336

Albertus, Michael
Authoritarianism and the elite origins of democracy
Cambridge ; Cambridge University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1221

Aleksašenko, Sergej V.
Putin's counterrevolution
Shelfmark: RUS/Polsoz/122

Allen, Nicholas
None past the post : Britain at the polls, 2017
Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: GB/Polsoz/298

Allen, Peter
The political class : why it matters who our politicians are
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: GB/Polsoz/294

Anselmi, Manuel
Populism : an introduction
London ; Routledge, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Polsoz/361

Arceneaux, Kevin
Taming intuition : how reflection minimizes partisan reasoning and promotes democratic accountability
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: USA/Polsoz/247

Bacon, Edwin
Inside Russian politics
London : Biteback Publishing, 2017
Shelfmark: RUS/Polsoz/119

Badescu, Gabriel
Implicarea civică şi politică a tinerilor
Constanţa : Editura Dobrogea 2010
Shelfmark: RO/Polsoz/015

Bakır, Caner
Policy analysis in Turkey
Bristol, UK ; Policy Press, 2018
Shelfmark: TR/Polsoz/028

Bartolini, Stefano
The political
New York : Rowman & Littlefield International Ltd, [2018]
Shelfmark: ALLG/Polsoz/375

Baser, Bahar
Authoritarian politics in Turkey : elections, resistance and the AKP
London : I.B. Tauris, 2017
Shelfmark: TR/Polsoz/026

Beckman, Ludvig
The liberal state and the politics of virtue
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2001
Shelfmark: ALLG/Polsoz/382

Behnke, Joachim
Wahlen und Wahlsysteme
Berlin ; De Gruyter Oldenbourg, [2017]
Shelfmark: THEO/Polsoz/199

Besier, Gerhard
Neighbourhood perceptions of the Ukraine crisis : from the Soviet Union into Eurasia?
London ; Routledge, 2018
Shelfmark: OE/Polsoz/209

Beyme, Klaus von
From post-democracy to neo-democracy
Cham : Springer, [2018]
Shelfmark: THEO/Polsoz/201

Bichta, Tomasz
Political systems of the former Yugoslavia : Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia
Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, 2017
Shelfmark: YU/Polsoz/010

Bieber, Florian
Social movements in the Balkans : rebellion and protest from Maribor to Taksim
London ; Routledge, 2019
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1234

Birrell, Derek
The integration of health and social care in the UK : policy and practice
London : Palgrave, 2018
Shelfmark: GB/Polsoz/290

Bluhm, Katharina
New conservatives in Russia and East Central Europe : edited by
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1245

Brandsma, Gijs Jan
Controlling the EU executive? : the politics of delegation in the European Union
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Polsoz/333

Brug, Wouter van der
The politicisation of migration
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Welfare state, social policy, public health

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Shelfmark: E.K./Sozsta/1035

Kubon-Gilke, Gisela
Gestalten der Sozialpolitik : theoretische Grundlegungen und Anwendungsbeispiele
Marburg : Metropolis-Verlag, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Sozsta/252

León, Margarita
The transformation of care in European societies
Basingstoke [u.a.] : Palgrave Macmillan 2014
Shelfmark: E.K./Sozsta/1034

Lindsay, Colin
New perspectives on health, disability, welfare and the labour market
Chichester : Wiley Blackwell, 2015
Shelfmark: GB/Sozsta/203

MacRae, Heather
Towards gendering institutionalism : equality in Europe
London ; Rowman & Littlefield International, [2017]
Shelfmark: E.A./Sozsta/492

Molokotos Liederman, Lina
Religion and welfare in Europe : gendered and minority perspectives
Bristol ; Policy Press, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Sozsta/1041

Natali, David
The new pension mix in Europe : recent reforms, their distributional effects and political dynamics
Brussels : P.I.E. Peter Lang S.A., [2017]
Shelfmark: E.K./Sozsta/1032

Ocampo Gaviria, José Antonio
The welfare state revisited
New York : Columbia University Press, [2018]
Shelfmark: ALLG/Sozsta/256

Oorschot, Wim van
The social legitimacy of targeted welfare : attitudes to welfare deservingness
Cheltenham, UK ; Edward Elgar Publishing, [2017]
Shelfmark: E.K./Sozsta/1033

Oude Nijhuis, Dennie
Religion, class and the postwar development of the Dutch welfare state
Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press, [2018]
Shelfmark: NL/Sozsta/023

Pigou, Arthur C.
The economics of welfare
London ; Routledge, 2017
Shelfmark: ALLG/Sozsta/255

Powell, Fred
The Political Economy of the Irish Welfare State : Church, State and Capital
Bristol ; Policy Press, 2017
Shelfmark: IRL/Sozsta/042

Sokhey, Sarah Wilson
The political economy of pension policy reversal in post-communist countries
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Sozsta/1031

Spies, Dennis Christopher
Immigration and welfare state retrenchment : why the US experience is not reflected in Western Europe
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: E.A./Sozsta/494

Vandenbroucke, Frank
A European social union after the crisis
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Sozsta/493

Constitution, european treaties, government, administration, law

Badiou, Alain
Greece and the reinvention of politics
London : Verso, 2018
Shelfmark: GR/Staat/022

Behnke, Nathalie
Ten years of federalism reform in Germany : dynamics and effects of institutional development
London : Routledge, 2018
Shelfmark: D/Staat/198

Bell, Tom W.
Your next government? : from the nation state to stateless nations
Cambridge ; Cambridge University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Staat/184

Bellamy, Richard
Political theory and the European Union
London ; Routledge, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Staat/576

Chilton, Bradley Stuart
The public administration profession : policy, management, and ethics
New York, NY ; Routledge, 2019
Shelfmark: USA/Staat/068

Cochrane, Feargal
Mediating power-sharing : devolution and consociationalism in deeply divided societies
London ; Routledge, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Staat/685

Dardanelli, Paolo
Restructuring the European state : European integration and state reform
Montreal & Kingston ; McGill-Queen's University Press, [2017]
Shelfmark: E.A./Staat/577

Džankić, Jelena
The Europeanisation of citizenship governance in South-East Europe
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2016
Shelfmark: E.K./Staat/684

Economides, Spyros
EU security strategies : extending the EU system of security governance
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: E.A./Staat/573

Foster-Gilbert, Claire
The power of civil servants
London : Haus Publishing, 2018
Shelfmark: GB/Staat/120

Gerschewski, Johannes
Crisis in autocratic regimes
Boulder, Colorado ; Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2017
Shelfmark: ALLG/Staat/183

Giovanola, Benedetta
Giustizia sociale : eguaglianza e rispetto nelle società diseguali
Bologna : Il Mulino, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Staat/186

Hinna, Alessandro
Cambiamento e complessità nella pubblica amministrazione : ruoli, risorse e trasparenza
Milano : Egea marzo 2018
Shelfmark: I/Staat/040

Itrich-Drabarek, Jolanta
The transformations of the civil service in Poland in comparison with International experience
Bern : Peter Lang, 2018
Shelfmark: PL/Staat/023

Leston-Bandeira, Cristina
Exploring Parliament
Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2018]
Shelfmark: GB/Staat/119

Peters, B. Guy
The next public administration : debates & dilemmas
Los Angeles ; Sage, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Staat/185

Polizzi, Emanuele
Costruire il welfare dal basso : il coinvolgimento del terzo settore nelle politiche locali
Milano : Mimesis 2018
Shelfmark: I/Staat/041

Psygkas, Athanasios
From the "democratic deficit" to a "democratic surplus" : constructing administrative democracy in Europe
New York : Oxford University Press, [2017]
Shelfmark: E.A./Staat/575

Reuchamps, Min
Constitutional deliberative democracy in Europe
Colchester : ECPR Press, 2016
Shelfmark: E.K./Staat/688

Rose-Ackerman, Susan
Due process of lawmaking : the United States, South Africa, Germany, and the European Union
Cambridge ; Cambridge University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Staat/687

Sager, Fritz
A transatlantic history of public administration : analyzing the USA, Germany and France
Cheltenham, UK ; Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019
Shelfmark: E.K./Staat/689

Sowa, Frank
The transformation of work in welfare state organizations : new public management and the institutional diffusion of ideas
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Staat/686

Stanivuković, Senka Neuman
Europeanization as discursive practice : constructing territoriality in Central Europe and the Western Balkans
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: E.A./Staat/574

Starodubtsev, Andrey
Federalism and regional policy in contemporary Russia
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: RUS/Staat/072

Vatter, Adrian
Swiss federalism : the transformation of a federal model
London ; Routledge, 2018
Shelfmark: CH/Staat/037

Concepts & theories of integration, federalism, special theories

Epstein, Ben
The only constant is change : technology, political communication, and innovation over time
New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2018]
Shelfmark: THEO/Grund/180

Humphreys, Macartan
Political games : mathematical insights on fighting, voting, lying & other affairs of state
New York ; W.W. Norton & Company, 2017
Shelfmark: THEO/Ent/082

Meurs, Wim P. van
The unfinished history of European integration
Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press, [2018]
Shelfmark: E.A./Theorie/123

Mica, Adriana
Sociology of the invisible hand
Berlin ; Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2018
Shelfmark: THEO/Grund/181

Patterson, Thomas Carl
Social change theories in motion : explaining the past, understanding the present, envisioning the future
New York ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: THEO/Grund/177

Robeyns, Ingrid
Wellbeing, freedom and social justice : the capability approach re-examined
Cambridge, UK : OpenBook Publishers 2017
Shelfmark: THEO/Grund/178

Šubrt, Jiří
The perspective of historical sociology : the individual as homo-sociologicus through society and history
United Kingdom : Emerald Publishing, 2017
Shelfmark: THEO/Grund/179

Environmental policy

O'Neill, Kate
The environment and international relations
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: ALLG/Umwelt/053

Inequality, mobility, social stratification

Abraham, Margaret
Sociology and social justice
Los Angeles ; Sage, 2019
Shelfmark: ALLG/Unglei/192

Antonelli, Gilberto
Inequality in Economics and Sociology : New Perspectives
London : Routledge, 2017
Shelfmark: THEO/Unglei/079

Bethencourt, Francisco
Inequality in the Portuguese-speaking world : global and historical perspectives
Brighton ; Sussex Academic Press, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Unglei/185

Blomberg, Eva
Gender equality on a grand tour : politics and institutions -- the Nordic Council, Sweden, Lithuania and Russia
Leiden ; Brill, [2017]
Shelfmark: E.K./Unglei/181

Brown, Roger
The inequality crisis : the facts and what we can do about it
Bristol, UK ; Policy Press, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Unglei/182

Cohen, Gerald A.
Per l'eguaglianza e la giustizia
Roma : L'asino d'oro edizioni 2016
Shelfmark: ALLG/Unglei/190

Dorling, Daniel
Do we need economic inequality?
Cambridge, UK ; polity, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Unglei/188

Dorling, Daniel
Peak inequality : Britain's ticking time bomb
Bristol : Policy Press, 2018
Shelfmark: GB/Unglei/064

Edmiston, Daniel
Welfare, inequality and social citizenship : deprivation and affluence in austerity Britain
Bristol : Policy Press, 2018
Shelfmark: GB/Unglei/062

Fée, David
Inequalities in the UK : new discourses, evolutions and actions
Bingley [und weitere] : Emerald, 2018
Shelfmark: GB/Unglei/063

Gatta, Mary
Waiting on retirement : aging and economic insecurity in low-wage work
Stanford, California : Stanford University Press, [2019]
Shelfmark: USA/Unglei/095

Grusky, David B.
Inequality in the 21st century : a reader
Boulder, CO : Westview Press, [2018]
Shelfmark: ALLG/Unglei/185

Hahn, Barbara
Inequality in America : interdisciplinary perspectives
Heidelberg : Universitätsverlag Winter, [2017]
Shelfmark: AME/Unglei/009

Herrero Blanco, Carmen
Las facetas del bienestar : una aproximación multidimensional a la calidad de vida en España y sus comunidades autónomas (2006-2015)
Barcelona : Fundación BBVA, enero 2018
Shelfmark: E/Unglei/022

Honeyford, Ray
The Commission for racial equality : British bureaucracy and the multiethnic society
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017
Shelfmark: GB/Unglei/066

Jarman, Jennifer
Exploring social inequality in the twenty-first century : new approaches, new tools, and policy opportunities
London ; Routledge, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Unglei/186

Kaelble, Hartmut
Mehr Reichtum, mehr Armut : soziale Ungleichheit in Europa vom 20. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart
Frankfurt ; Campus Verlag, [2017]
Shelfmark: E.K./Unglei/183

Krysan, Maria
Cycle of segregation : social processes and residential stratification
New York : Russell Sage Foundation, [2017]
Shelfmark: USA/Unglei/094

Lohmann, Henning
Handbook on In-Work Poverty
Cheltenham ; Edward Elgar Publishing, [2018]
Shelfmark: ALLG/Unglei/187

Nachtwey, Oliver
Germany's hidden crisis : social decline in the heart of Europe
London : Verso, 2018
Shelfmark: D/Unglei/097

Reeves, Richard V.
Dream hoarders : how the American upper middle class is leaving everyone else in the dust, why that is a problem, and what to do about it
Washington, D.C : Brookings Institution Press, 2018
Shelfmark: USA/Unglei/093

Scanlon, Thomas
Why does inequality matter?
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: THEO/Unglei/080

Sosa Elízaga, Raquel
Facing an unequal world : challenges for global sociology
Los Angeles ; SAGE, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Unglei/189

Steed, Christopher
A question of inequality : the politics of equal worth
London ; I.B. Tauris, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Unglei/191

Stigendal, Mikael
Combatting the causes of inequality affecting young people across Europe
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Unglei/186

Tomescu-Dubrow, Irina
Dynamics of class and stratification in Poland
Budapest ; CEU Press, Central European University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: PL/Unglei/005

Tufiş, Paula A.
Status attainment: predictable patterns or trendless fluctuation?
Shelfmark: E.K./Unglei/184

Umney, Charles
Class matters : inequality and exploitation in twenty-first century Britain
London : Pluto Press, 2018
Shelfmark: GB/Unglei/065

Wysong, Earl
Deep inequality : understanding the new normal and how to challenge it
Lanham ; Rowman & Littlefield, [2018]
Shelfmark: USA/Unglei/092

Trade unions, employers' organisations, associations at EU level

Berry, Jeffrey M.
The interest group society
New York ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: USA/Verbän/002=6

Bolleyer, Nicole
The state and civil society : regulating interest groups, parties, and public benefit organizations in contemporary democracies
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Verbän/175

Grant, Wyn
Lobbying : the dark side of politics
Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: GB/Verbän/048

Hertel-Fernandez, Alex
Politics at work : how companies turn their workers in lobbyists
New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2018]
Shelfmark: USA/Verbän/024

Hollman, Michelle
Interest group organisation in the European Union : how internal organisational structures shape interest group agency
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: E.A./Verbän/125

Humphrey, Jill C.
Towards a politics of the rainbow : self-organization in the trade union movement
London ; Routledge, 2018-2002
Shelfmark: GB/Verbän/047

Laurens, Sylvain
Lobbyists and bureaucrats in Brussels : capitalism's brokers
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: E.A./Verbän/124

Park, Susan
International organisations and global problems : theories and explanations
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Verbän/049

Economic structure and -growth, entrepreneurs, internal market

Askerov, Ali
Contemporary Russo-Turkish relations : from crisis to cooperation
Lanham ; Lexington Books, 2018
Shelfmark: OE/Wirt/202

Batzella, Francesca
The dynamics of EU external energy relations : fighting for energy
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: E.A./Wirt/287

Beramendi, Pablo
The politics of advanced capitalism
New York, USA : Cambridge University Press, 2015
Shelfmark: ALLG/Wirt/216

Chiocchetti, Paolo
Competitiveness and solidarity in the European Union : interdisciplinary perspectives
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019
Shelfmark: E.A./Wirt/289

Doxiadis, Evdoxios
Living under austerity : Greek society in crisis
New York ; Berghahn Books, 2018
Shelfmark: GR/Wirt/025

Luxbacher, Günther
DIN von 1917 bis 2017 : Normung zwischen Konsens und Konkurrenz im Interesse der technisch-wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung
Berlin ; Beuth Verlag GmbH, [2017]
Shelfmark: D/Wirt/145

Meghir, Costas
Beyond austerity : reforming the Greek economy
Cambridge, Massachusetts ; The MIT Press, [2017]
Shelfmark: GR/Wirt/024

Voicu, Anca
Trade, development and structural change : Central and Eastern Europe
London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Wirt/422

Wagner, Peter
The moral mappings of south and north
Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: ALLG/Wirt/218


Atkinson, Paul
Thinking ethnographically
Los Angeles : Sage, 2017
Shelfmark: MET/Erheb/101

Bergin, Tiffany
An introduction to data analysis : quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods
Los Angeles ; Sage, [2018]
Shelfmark: MET/Analys/195

Best, Shaun
Understanding and doing successful research : data collection and analysis for the social sciences
London ; Routledge, 2016
Shelfmark: MET/Erheb/102

Bianconi, Ginestra
Multilayer networks : structure and function
Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: MET/Design/245

Blätte, Andreas
Computational social science : die Analyse von Big Data
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2018
Shelfmark: MET/Design/244

Borgatti, Stephen P.
Analyzing social networks
Los Angeles ; Sage, 2018
Shelfmark: MET/Design/217=2

Chakravarty, Satya R.
Analyzing multidimensional well-being : a quantitative approach
Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, [2018]
Shelfmark: MET/Analys/193

Cummins, Robert A.
Measuring and interpreting subjective wellbeing in different cultural contexts : a review and way forward
Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: MET/Erheb/104

Flick, Uwe
The SAGE handbook of qualitative data collection
Los Angeles ; SAGE, [2018]
Shelfmark: MET/Erheb/099

Gayle, Vernon
What is quantitative longitudinal data analysis?
Shelfmark: MET/Analys/194

Grant, Aimee
Doing excellent social research with documents : practical examples and guidance for qualitative researchers
Abingdon, Oxon ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019
Shelfmark: MET/Erheb/103

Johnson, Timothy P.
Advances in comparative survey methods : multinational, multiregional, and multicultural contexts (3MC)
Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2019
Shelfmark: MET/Erheb/106

Perry, Brea L.
Egocentric network analysis : foundation, methods, and models
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2018
Shelfmark: MET/Design/243

Welker, Martin
Computational social science in the age of big data : concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications
Köln : Herbert von Halem Verlag, [2018]
Shelfmark: MET/Erheb/100

Working Papers

Färber, Gisela
Intergovernmental aspects of public sector costs and benefits of the integration of refugees in Germany
Speyer : Deutsche Universität für Verwaltungswissenschaften Speyer, 2017
Shelfmark: WP/D/FÖV/SA/229

Konferenz anlässlich der 40-jährigen Anwendung des Deutsch-Polnischen Abkommens über die Renten- und Unfallversicherung 2017 Warschau
Die Angemessenheit der Altersrentensysteme : Konferenz anlässlich der 40-jährigen Anwendung des deutsch-polnischen Abkommens über die Renten- und Unfallversicherung am 24. und 25. April 2017 in Warschau
Berlin : Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund, Mai 2018
Shelfmark: WP/D/DRV/Schrif/114

Olsen, Johan P.
Lessons from experience : experiential learning in administrative reforms in eight democracies
Oslo : arena 1994
Shelfmark: WP/N/ARENA/WP/094=3

Pollak, Reinhard
Education as an equalizing force : how have declining educational inequality and educational expansion contributed to more social fluidity in Germany?
Mannheim : Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung, 2018
Shelfmark: WP/D/MZES/ArbPap/171

Siegenthaler, Jürg K.
Poverty among single elderly women under different systems of old-age security : a comparative review
Differdange : LIS 1996
Shelfmark: WP/INT/CEPS/LIS/149

Speyerer Tagung zu Public Corporate Governance 2017 Speyer
Anreizsysteme, Personalmanagement und Vergütung in den Unternehmen der Kommunen, des Bundes und der Länder : 5. Speyerer Tagung zu Public Corporate Governance : 03. bis 04. April 2017
Speyer : Deutsche Universität für Verwaltungswissenschaften, 2017
Shelfmark: WP/D/FÖV/SA/228

Stapf, Heinz
Old-age poverty in selected countries of the European community - are women disproportionally affected
Walferdange : LIS 1994
Shelfmark: WP/INT/CEPS/LIS/105

Staudt, Alexander
Kampagnendynamik bei der Bundestagswahl 2017 : die Rolling Cross-Section-Studie im Rahmen der "German Longitudinal Election Study" 2017
Mannheim : Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung, 2018
Shelfmark: WP/D/MZES/ArbPap/172