Building Europe's Parliament: Democratic Representation Beyond the Nation-State.
Oxford University Press.
Prof. Dr. Berthold Rittberger
Ehemaliger Projektleiter
RP8 B3 Regieren in Mehrebenensystemen
RP8 BI Assoziierte Projekte
FP7 B3 Regieren in Mehrebenensystemen
FP6 B3 Demokratie und Regieren im europäischen Mehrebenen-System
FP6 BI Assoziierte Projekte
(Anmerkung: In der Regel sind auf den Seiten ehemaliger Mitarbeiter/innen nur die am MZES entstandenen Publikationen verzeichnet sowie Publikationen, die nach dem Ausscheiden in Ko-Autorenschaft mit aktiven MZES-Mitarbeiter/innen entstanden sind.)
Kohler-Koch, Beate, und Berthold Rittberger
Debating the Democratic Legitimacy of the European Union.
Rowman & Littlefield.
Rittberger, Berthold, und Frank Schimmelfennig
Die Europäische Union auf dem Weg in den Verfassungsstaat.
Frankfurt/New York:
[Mannheimer Jahrbuch für Europäische Sozialforschung; 10]
Holzinger, Katharina, Christoph Knill, Dirk Peters, Berthold Rittberger, Frank Schimmelfennig und Wolfgang Wagner
Die Europäische Union. Theorien und Analysekonzepte.
Schöningh (UTB).
Beiträge in Zeitschriften
Schneider, Ellen, Berthold Rittberger und Arndt Wonka
Adapting to Europe? Regional MPs' Involvement in EU Affairs in Germany.
Regional & Federal Studies, 24, Heft 4, S. 407 - 427.
Wonka, Arndt, und Berthold Rittberger
Agency Governance in the European Union.
Journal of European Public Policy. Special Issue, 18, Heft 6, S. 780-789.
Wonka, Arndt, und Berthold Rittberger
Perspectives on EU governance: an empirical assessment of the political attitudes of EU agency professionals.
Journal of European Public Policy. Special Issue, 18, Heft 6, S. 888-908.
Goetze, Stefan, und Berthold Rittberger
A matter of habit? The sociological foundations of empowering the European Parliament.
Comparative European Politics, 8, Heft 1, S. 37-54.
Rittberger, Berthold, und Arndt Wonka
Credibility, Complexity and Uncertainty: Explaining the Institutional Independence of 29 EUAgencies.
West European Politics, 33, Heft 4, S. 730-752.
Rittberger, Berthold
The historical origins of the EU's system of representation.
Journal of European Public Policy, 16, Heft 1, S. 43-61.
Maier, Jürgen, und Berthold Rittberger
Shifting Europe's Boundaries: Mass Media, Public Opinion and the Enlargement of the EU.
European Union Politics, 9, Heft 2, S. 243-267.
Kohler-Koch, Beate, und Berthold Rittberger
The 'Governance Turn' in EU Studies (in chinesischer Sprache).
Chinese Journal of European Studies, 25, Heft 5, S. 19-40.
Rittberger, Berthold, und Simon Meier-Beck
The EU's External Governance: Democracy promotion in Europe and beyond (in chinesicher Sprache).
Chinese Journal of European Studies, 25, Heft 5, S. 86-100.
Kohler-Koch, Beate, und Berthold Rittberger
Review Article: The "Governance Turn" in EU Studies.
Journal of Common Market Studies, 44, Heft 1, S. 27-49.
Beiträge in Büchern
Rittberger, Berthold
Democracy and European Union Governance.
S. 134-167 in:
Michelle Egan, Neill Nugent, William E. Paterson
Research Agendas in EU Studies. Stalking the Elephant.
Palgrave Macmillan.
Kohler-Koch, Beate, und Berthold Rittberger
A Futile Quest for Coherence: The Many Frames of EU Governance.
S. 3-18 in:
Beate Kohler-Koch, Fabrice Larat
European Multi-Level Governance. Contrasting Images in National Research.
Cheltenham, UK Nortampton, MA, USA:
Edward Elgar.
Rittberger, Berthold
"Copy and Paste": Parlamentarisierung jenseits des Nationalstaates.
S. 137-159 in:
Nicole Deitelhoff, Jens Steffek
Was bleibt vom Staat? Demokratie, Recht und Verfassung im globalen Zeitalter.
Frankfurt a.M.:
Rittberger, Berthold, und Simon Meier-Beck
The EU's External Governance: Democracy Promotion in Europe and Beyond (in chinesischer Übersetzung).
S. 145-161 in:
Hong Zhou, Beate Kohler-Koch
Ouzhou mmoshi yanjiu congshu = EU Governance Model.
Social Sciences Academic Press (China).
Kohler-Koch, Beate, und Berthold Rittberger
Charting Crowded Territory: Debating the Democratic Legitimacy of the European Union.
S. 1-29 in:
Beate Kohler-Koch, Berthold Rittberger
Debating the Democratic Legitimacy of the European Union.
Rowman & Littlefield.
Rittberger, Berthold
Constructing Parliamentary Democracy in the European Union: How Did It Happen?.
S. 111-137 in:
Beate Kohler-Koch, Berthold Rittberger
Debating the Democratic Legitimacy of the European Union.
Rittberger, Berthold, und Frank Schimmelfennig
The Constitutionalization of the European Union: Explaining the Parliamentarization and the Institutionalization of the Human Rights.
S. 213-229 in:
Sophie Meunier, Kathleen McNamara
Making history: European integration and institutional change at fifty.
Oxford University Press.
Auel, Katrin, und Berthold Rittberger
Fluctuant nec merguntur. The European Parliament, national parliaments, and European integration.
S. 121-145 in:
Jeremy Richardson
European Union. Power and policy-making.
3. Aufl.,
Schimmelfennig, Frank, und Berthold Rittberger
Theories of European integration. Assumptions and hypotheses.
S. 73-95 in:
Jeremy Richardson
European Union. Power and policy-Making.
3. Aufl.,
Papers / Reports
Wonka, Arndt, und Berthold Rittberger
How independent are EU Agencies?.
[RECON Online Working Paper 2009/12]
Rittberger, Berthold, und Frank Schimmelfennig
The Constitutionalization of the EU.
[The State of the European Union (Oxford University Press)]
Rittberger, Berthold, und Frank Schimmelfennig
The Constitutionalization of the European Union: Explaining the Parliamentarization and Institutionalization of Human Rights.
[IHS Working Papers]
Rittberger, Berthold
The Implementation of the Lisbon Treaty: Institutional and Policy Implications.
[EUSA/ECPR Conference, Florenz, 27. bis 28. April 2010]
Rittberger, Berthold
Cure or Placebo? The Lisbon Treaty and the EU’s Democratic Deficit.
[Vortragsreihe in Neuseeland, University of Christchurch, NCRE, 12. August 2009]
Rittberger, Berthold
Der Lissaboner Vertrag und das demokratische Defizit der EU.
[Fachtagung “Europa in guter Verfassung? Aktuelle Herausforderungen der EU vor und nach den Wahlen zum Europaparlament", Universität der Bundeswehr München, 08. bis 10. Mai 2009]
Rittberger, Berthold
Der Vertrag von Lissabon und das Demokratiedefizit Europas: demokratietheoretische Interpretationshilfen.
[Seminar für amerikanische und deutsche Studenten, Atlantische Akademie Rheinland-Pfalz, Ludwigshafen, 07. März 2009]
Rittberger, Berthold, und Franziska Brantner
Europa – Brauchen wir eigentlich noch einen Nationalstaat?.
[Kamingespräch der sdw Regionalgruppe MA-HD, Universität Mannheim, 22. September 2009]
Rittberger, Berthold
Heilmittel oder Plazebo? Der Vertrag von Lissabon und das Demokratiedefizit der EU.
[Lecture, Institut français, Mainz, 30. November 2009]
Rittberger, Berthold, und Arndt Wonka
How Independent? Exploring the Implications of Agency Independence for Democratically Legitimate Governance in the EU.
[EUSA 11th Biennial International Conference, Marina Del Rey, California, 23. bis 25. April 2009]
Rittberger, Berthold
Paliamentary Democracy and the EU's Democratic Deficit. Lessons from Democratic Theory.
[Conference on "The EP in an ever changing Union: where to go from here?", Montesquieu Institute, Maastricht University, 05. bis 06. März 2009]
Rittberger, Berthold
Paths to Independence: Explaining the Institutional Design of EU Agencies.
[Vortragsreihe in Neuseeland, University of Christchurch, NCRE, 14. August 2009]
Rittberger, Berthold
Presentation to Constitutional Law Class: “Legal Integration in the European Union” and seminar on: “Cure or Placebo? The Lisbon Treaty and the EU’s Democratic Deficit.
[Vortragsreihe in Neuseeland,, University of Hamilton, 18. August 2009]
Rittberger, Berthold
Representation in international organisations: Why the EU is a special case.
[Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences, Lecture Series, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, 28. Januar 2009]
Rittberger, Berthold
The Continuous Expansion of EP powers.
[RECON Workshop: With or Without Lisbon: Continuous Institutional Change in the EU, Amsterdam, 15. bis 16. Mai 2009]
Rittberger, Berthold
The Power of the of the European Parliament revisted.
[Lecture, Bremen International School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS), 16. bis 17. Juni 2009]
Rittberger, Berthold
The problem of delegation, democracy and accountability.
[RECON Midterm Conference, Prague, 08. bis 10. Oktober 2009]
Wonka, Arndt, und Berthold Rittberger
Paths to independence: Determinants of institutional independence of twenty-nine EU agencies.
[European Union Studies Association (EUSA), Los Angeles, 23. bis 25. April 2009]
Rittberger, Berthold
Explaining the Constitutionalization of the EU.
[Conference on Global Constitutionalism: Process and Substance, Swiss National Center for Competence in Research (NCCR), Kandersteg, 17. bis 19. Januar 2008]
Rittberger, Berthold
Path dependency in the development of the EU's representative system.
[Presentation, University of Reading, 22. Februar 2008]
Rittberger, Berthold
The Constitutionalization of the European Union, 1951-2004.
[Presentation, Central European University, Budapest, 13. Februar 2008]
Rittberger, Berthold
The Historical Origins of the EU's System of Representation.
[Presentation, ETH / University Zurich, 11. Dezember 2008]
Wonka, Arndt, und Berthold Rittberger
The politics of mobilisation: National parties and EU decision-making.
[Political institutions in the European Union: Theoretical and empirical innovations in current research, Universität Konstanz, 07. bis 08. Juli 2008]
Rittberger, Berthold
EU Governance in Relation to Global Governance.
[CASS Workshop Peking, EU Governance at Work, Peking, 14. bis 16. Juni 2007]
Rittberger, Berthold
Eurpean governance concept: state of the art and prospects for the future.
[Summer School on European Union Studies: Methodological Opportunities and Limits, St. Petersburg, 07. bis 11. September 2007]
Rittberger, Berthold
Risk, uncertainty and institutional design: delegation and control in the Treaty of Paris.
[Institutional change and the dynamics in Europe, Seminar, Robert Schuman Centre, European University Institute Department of Public Administration, Leiden University, Florenz, Villa la Fonte, 27. bis 29. September 2007]
Rittberger, Berthold, und Jürgen Maier
Shifting European Boundaries. Mass media, public opinion, and the enlargement of the EU.
["Amours et Désamours entre Européens" Pour une sociologie politique des sentiments dans l'intégration européene, 2. Colloque international de la Section d'études européennes (See) de l' Association francaise de science politique (Afsp), Grenoble, 06. bis 07. Dezember 2007]
Rittberger, Berthold
The EU, still a civilian power?.
[CASS Conference Beijing, EU Model under Discussion, Peking, 12. bis 14. Juni 2007]
Rittberger, Berthold
The historical trajectory of representation in the European Union.
[Connex Thematic Conference on Accountability, Florenz, 29. bis 30. Juni 2007]
Bürgin, Alexander, Berthold Rittberger, Frank Schimmelfennig und Guido Schwellnus
The Constituionalization of the European Union: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis.
[UACES Workshop on the Constitutionalization of the European Union, Oxford, Nuffield College, 24. bis 25. Juni 2005]
Rittberger, Berthold, und Frank Schimmelfennig
Closing the Legitimacy Gap: The Parliamentarization and Institutionalization of Human Rights in the EU.
[Ninth Biennial International Conference of the European Union Studies Association, Austin, Texas, 31. März bis 02. April 2005]
Rittberger, Berthold, und Frank Schimmelfennig
Parlamentarisierung und Institutionalisierung der Menschenrechte in der EU: eine qualitativ-vergleichende Analyse.
[IB-Sektionstagung der DVPW, Mannheim, 06. bis 07. Oktober 2005]
Rittberger, Berthold
Parliamentary Democracy beyond the nation state: how do states respond the EU's democratic deficit?.
[Annual conference of the International Studies Association, Honululu, Hawaii, 02. bis 05. März 2005]
Rittberger, Berthold, und Frank Schimmelfennig
The Constitutionalization of the European Union: Explaining the Parliamentarization and Institutionalization of Human Rights.
[Annual conference of the International Studies Association, Honululu, Hawaii, 02. bis 05. März 2005]