Zeitschriftenartikel im Druck (sortiert nach Eingabedatum)

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Engst, Benjamin G., David M. Grundmanns und Thomas Gschwend (In Press): How to place non-majoritarian institutions and political actors in a common policy space: Spatial modeling of court–executive interactions. The Journal of Politics, (publ. online before print). mehr
Wurthmann, Constantin, und Alberto López Ortega (In Press): Bisexual Erasure and Homophobia – Attitudinal Patterns Under Consideration of Sexual Identity. European Journal of Politics and Gender, (publ. online before print). mehr
Wurthmann, Constantin, und Sarah Wagner (In Press): On the Association of Attitudes Toward NATO and Weapon Deliveries for Ukraine with Vote Intentions in Germany. German Politics, (publ. online before print). mehr
Karacay, Irem, Audrey Bousselin, Robin Benz, Merike Darmody und Emer Smyth (In Press): Inequality in participation in shadow education in mathematics in Europe: An intersectional perspective. European Educational Research Journal, (publ. online before print). mehr
Kern, Christoph, Ruben L. Bach, Hannah Mautner und Frauke Kreuter (In Press): When Small Decisions Have Big Impact: Fairness Implications of Algorithmic Profiling Schemes. ACM Journal of Responsible Computing, (Preview). mehr
Lehrer, Roni, Oke Bahnsen, Klara Müller, Thomas Gschwend und Sebastian Juhl (In Press): Rallying around the leader in times of crises: The opposing effects of perceived threat and anxiety. European Journal of Political Research, (publ. online before print). mehr
Debus, Marc, und David Schweizer (In Press): The differentiated impact of perceived EU regional policy on citizens’ position on European integration. Politische Vierteljahresschrift. mehr
Rapp, Milena (In Press): How Important is European Integration for Pro-European Voters in Times of Politicization?. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, (publ. online before print). mehr
Bräuninger, Thomas, und Marc Debus (In Press): Theorie und Empirie der Vergleichenden Koalitionsforschung: Stand und Ausblick. Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, (publ. online before print). mehr
Bach, Ruben L., Henning Silber, Frederic Gerdon, Florian Keusch, Matthias Schonlau und Jette Schröder (In Press): To share or not to share – understanding individuals’ willingness to share biomarkers, sensor data, and medical records. Information, Communication & Society, (publ. online before print). mehr
