Zeitschriftenartikel im Druck (sortiert nach Eingabedatum)

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Rapp, Milena (In Press): How Important is European Integration for Pro-European Voters in Times of Politicization?. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, (publ. online before print). mehr
Bräuninger, Thomas, und Marc Debus (In Press): Theorie und Empirie der Vergleichenden Koalitionsforschung: Stand und Ausblick. Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, (publ. online before print). mehr
Bach, Ruben L., Henning Silber, Frederic Gerdon, Florian Keusch, Matthias Schonlau und Jette Schröder (In Press): To share or not to share – understanding individuals’ willingness to share biomarkers, sensor data, and medical records. Information, Communication & Society, (publ. online before print). mehr
Huber, Lena Maria, und Martin Haselmayer (In Press): Promising links: how parties combine policy issues with group appeals. West European Politics, (publ. online before print). mehr
Debus, Marc, Johannes Lattmann und Sarah Wagner (In Press): Mode of candidacy, electoral prospects, and the ideological deviation of candidacy-seeking politicians from their party leadership. Electoral Studies, 89. mehr
Zhang, Nan, und Alexandra Kommol (In Press): Ethnic diversity and cooperation: evidence from a lost letter experiment. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, (publ. online before print). mehr
Isermann, Lukas, Lea Gärtner und Harald Schoen (In Press): Committed Democrats? How Trade-off Specific Cues Affect Expressions of Support for Liberal and Democratic Principles. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, (publ. online before print). mehr
Mader, Matthias, Moritz Neubert, Felix Münchow, Stephanie Hofmann, Harald Schoen und Konstantin Gavras (In Press): Crumbling in the face of cost? How cost considerations affect public support for European security and defence cooperation. European Union Politics , (publ. online before print). mehr
Dollmann, Jörg, Lena Arnold und Andreas Horr (In Press): CILS4NEPS – Unlocking Research Potential Through More Participants, More Schools and International Comparison: Harmonized Data for Research on Education, School-to-work Transition and Integration Processes for Adolescents in Germany, the Netherlands.... Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik. mehr
Huber, Lena Maria, Thomas M. Meyer und Markus Wagner (In Press): Social group appeals in party rhetoric: Effects on policy support and polarization. The Journal of Politics, (publ. online before print). mehr
