Zeitschriftenartikel im Druck (sortiert nach Eingabedatum)

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Debus, Marc, und L. Constantin Wurthmann (In Press): LGB+ identity and its implications for the policy positions of parliamentary candidates. European Political Science Review. mehr
Helbling, Marc, Felix Jäger, Rahsaan Maxwell und Richard Traunmüller (In Press): Broad and Detailed Agreement: Public Preferences for German Immigration Policy. International Migration Review, (publ. online before print). mehr
Schimpf, Christian, Alexander Wuttke und Harald Schoen (In Press): Neither a Trait nor Wildly Fluctuating: On the Stability of Populist Attitudes and its Implications for Empirical Research. British Journal of Political Science , (publ. online before print). mehr
Palma, Nicola, und Marc Debus (In Press): The implications of the European financial crisis and parties’ positions on European integration on the outcomes of government formation processes in Southern Europe. South European Society and Politics, (publ. online before print). mehr
Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth, Marc Helbling, Paul Sniderman und Richard Traunmüller (In Press): Value Conflicts Revisited: Muslims, Gender Equality and Gestures of Respect. British Journal of Political Science, (publ. online before print). mehr
Jungkunz, Sebastian, Marc Helbling und Mujtaba Isani (In Press): Measuring Implicit Political Extremism through Implicit Association Tests. Public Opinion Quarterly, (publ. online before print). mehr
Solano, Giacomo, Samuel D. Schmid und Marc Helbling (In Press): Extending Migrants’ Rights but Limiting Long-Term Settlement: Migrant Integration Policy Trends in EU and OECD Countries Between 2010 and 2019. International Migration Review, (publ. online before print). mehr
Chan, Chung-hong, Hartmut Wessler, Marc Jungblut, Kasper Welbers, Scott Althaus, Joseph Bajjalieh und Wouter van Atteveldt (In Press): Challenging the Global Cultural Conflict Narrative: An Automated Content Analysis on How Perpetrator Identity Shapes Worldwide News Coverage of Islamist and Right-Wing Terror Attacks. International Journal of Press-Politics, (publ. online before print). mehr
Morgenstern, Sandra (In Press): (How) Do Information Campaigns Influence Migration Decisions?. Journal of Experimental Political Science, (published online before print). mehr
Kadel, Philipp, Ira E. Herwig und Jutta Mata (In Press): Deliberate ignorance – a barrier for information interventions targeting reduced meat consumption?. Psychology & Health, (publ. online before print). mehr
