Andreas M. Wüst, Andrea Volkens
Euromanifesto Coding Instructions

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Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung: Arbeitspapiere; 64
ISSN: 1437-8574

The Euromanifesto Coding Instructions are used as handbook for the coding of all manifestos within The Euromanifestos Project in the 15 EU countries. It is based on the second edition of “Manifesto Coding Instructions” by Andrea Volkens of the WZB (Volkens 2002). In accordance with the intention of The Euromanifestos Project to strive for full comparability with the Comparative Manifesto Project, most coding rules have been adapted from the original handbook. The authors acknowledge critical comments by Hermann Schmitt, Tanja Binder and the expert coders on earlier drafts of the coding instructions and the underlying coding scheme as well as the coding sheets (see appendices to this paper). Since the coding has not been finished yet, there might be a revised edition of these instructions at the end of the project.