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van der Eijk, Cees, und Hermann Schmitt (Hrsg.) (2008): The Multilevel Electoral System of the EU. Mannheim. [CONNEX Report Series; 4] mehr
van Deth, Jan W. (2008): European Civil Society: The Empirical Reality in the Multi-Level System of the EU. S. 326-348 in: Beate Kohler-Koch, Dirk De Bièvre, William A. Maloney (Hrsg.) Opening EU-Governance to Civil Society - Gains and Challenges. Mannheim. mehr
van Deth, Jan W. (2008): In Search of the Good EU Citizen: WYSIWYG?. S. 239-263 in: Beate Kohler-Koch, Fabrice Larat (Hrsg.) Efficient and Democratic Governance in the European Union. Mannheim. mehr
Weber, Hermann (2008): The Stalinization of the KPD: Old and New Views. S. 22 - 44 in: Norman LaPorte, Kevin Morgan, Matthew Worley (Hrsg.) Bolshevism, Stalinism and the Comintern. Perspectives on Stalinization 1917-53. Houndsmills/ Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. mehr
Weßels, Bernhard, und Hermann Schmitt (2008): Meaningful choices, political supply and institutional effectiveness. Electoral Studies, 27, Heft 1, S. 19-30. mehr
Wonka, Arndt (2008): Decision-making dynamics in the European Commission: partisan, national or sectoral?. Journal of European Public Policy, 15, Heft 8, S. 1145-1163. mehr
Wonka, Arndt (2008): Europeanized convergence? British and German business associations’ European lobbying strategies in the formulation of REACH. S. 179-199 in: Jürgen R. Grote, Achim Lang, Volker Schneider (Hrsg.) Organised Business Interests in Changing Environments. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan. mehr
Zittel, Thomas (2008): Participatory Engineering: Promises and Pitfalls. S. 119-144 in: Beate Kohler-Koch, Dirk De Bièvre, William A. Maloney (Hrsg.) Opening EU-Governance to Civil Society - Gains and Challenges. Mannheim. mehr
Zittel, Thomas, und Thomas Gschwend (2008): Individualised Constituency Campaigns in Mixed-Member Electoral Systems: Candidates in the 2005 German Elections. West European Politics, 31, Heft 5, S. 879-1003. mehr
Abendschön, Simone (2007): Are Children Really a Chip off the Old Block? Family influences on Young Children's Value Orientations.. [APSA Annual Meeting: "Polical Science and Beyond", Chicago, Illinois, 30. August bis 02. September 2007] mehr
