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van Apeldoorn, Bastiaan, Jan Drahokoupil und Laura Horn (Hrsg.) (2009): Contradictions and limits of neoliberal European governance. From Lisbon to Lisbon. Basingstoke: Palgrave. mehr
van der Eijk, Cees, und Hermann Schmitt (2009): Legitimacy and Electoral Abstention in European Parliament Elections. S. 208-224 in: Jacques Thomassen (Hrsg.) The Legitimacy of the European Union after Enlargement. Oxford: Oxford University Press. mehr
van Deth, Jan W. (2009): The 'Good European Citizen' Congruence and Consequences of Different Points of View. European Political Science, 8, Heft 2, S. 175–189. mehr
Weishaupt, J. Timo (2009): Book Review: David Rueda: Social Democracy Inside Out. Partisanship and Labor Market Policy in Industrialized Democracies. Oxford 2007: Oxford University Press. Czech Sociological Review, 45, Heft 3, S. 622-625. mehr
Weishaupt, J. Timo (2009): Money, votes or 'good' ideas? Partisan politics and the effectiveness of the European Employment Strategy in Austria and Ireland. European Integration online Papers (EIoP), 13, Heft 1, Art. 14, S. 1-17. mehr
Wendt, Claus (2009): Mapping European healthcare systems. A comparative analysis of financing, service provision, and access to healthcare. Journal of European Social Policy, 19, Heft 5, S. 432-445. mehr
Wendt, Claus, Lorraine Frisina und Heinz Rothgang (2009): Healthcare system types: a conceptual framework for comparison. Social Policy & Administration, 43, Heft 1, S. 70-90. mehr
Wirth, Heike, Cornelia Gresch, Walter Müller, Reinhard Pollak und Felix Weiss (2009): Measuring social class: the case of Germany. S. 114-137 in: David Rose, Eric Harrison (Hrsg.) Social Class in Europe - an Introduction to the European Socio-Economic Classification. Abingdon: Routledge. mehr
Wirth, Heike, Cornelia Gresch, Walter Müller, Reinhard Pollak und Felix Weiss (2009): Validating the ESeC-scheme as operationalization of social class: The case of Germany. Mannheim [Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung: Arbeitspapiere; 119] mehr
Wonka, Arndt, und Berthold Rittberger (2009): How independent are EU Agencies?. Oslo [RECON Online Working Paper 2009/12] mehr
