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223 Ergebnisse

Horr, Andreas, Christian Hunkler und Clemens Kroneberg (2018): Ethnic Discrimination in the German Housing Market: A Field Experiment on the Underlying Mechanisms. Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 47, Heft 2, S. 134-146. mehr
Janson, Marc Philipp, Lena Kieserling, Hannah Mansmann-Mezger und Herbert Bless (2018): Are the consequences of income inequality dependent on gross-domestic product or not? How different methodological approaches lead to different conclusions. [51. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Frankfurt am Main, 15. bis 20. September 2018] mehr
Jugert, Philipp, Lars Leszczensky und Sebastian Pink (2018): The Effects of Ethnic Minority Adolescents’ Ethnic Self-Identification on Friendship Selection. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 28, Heft 2, S. 379-395. mehr
Jungherr, Andreas, Matthias Mader, Harald Schoen und Alexander Wuttke (2018): Context-Driven Attitude Formation: The Difference Between Supporting Free Trade in the Abstract and Supporting Specific Trade Agreements. Review of International Political Economy, 25, Heft 2, S. 215-242. mehr
Jungherr, Andreas, Pascal Jürgens und Harald Schoen (2018): Twitter-Daten in der Wahlkampfforschung: Datensammlung, Aufarbeitung und Analysebeispiele. S. 255-293 in: Andreas Blätte, Joachim Behnke, Kai-Uwe Schnapp, Claudius Wagemann (Hrsg.) Computational Social Science: Die Analyse von Big Data. Baden-Baden: Nomos. mehr
Jäger, Kai (2018): The Limits of Studying Networks Via Event Data: Evidence from the ICEWS Dataset. Journal of Global Security Studies, 3, Heft 4, S. 498–511. mehr
Jäger, Kai (2018): Process or Candidate: U.S. Pressure for Democracy Promotion Abroad. [8th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Vienna, 21. bis 23. Juni 2018] mehr
Kalter, Frank (2018): Setting „spanish legacies“ into further context: some findings and thoughts from CILS4EU. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 41, Heft 3, S. 500-508. mehr
Kern, Christoph, und Petra Stein (2018): Modelling Decision-Making Processes of Regional Mobility in a Dyadic Framework. European Sociological Review, 34, Heft 4, S. 433-451. mehr
Keusch, Florian, und Ting Yan (2018): The influence of rating scale direction on reliability. [AAPOR 73rd Annual Conference, Denver, CO, 16. bis 19. Mai 2018] mehr
