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3195 Ergebnisse

Gebel, Michael (2013): Book review: P. Emmenegger, S. Häusermann, B. Palier and M. Seeleib-Kaiser (eds.): The age of dualization. The changing face of inequality in deindustrializing societies. Western European Politics, 36, Heft 3, S. 673–675. mehr
Gebel, Michael (2013): Diskussionsbeitrag zu "Übergänge aus der Grundsicherung in sozialversicherungspflichtige Beschäftigung: Einflussfaktoren und Qualität der Beschäftigung". ["Hartz IV“: Was hat’s gebracht? Die Wirkungsforschung nach § 55 und ihre Lehren für die zukünftige Ausgestaltung des SGB II, Evangelische Akademie, Loccum, 14. bis 15. März 2013] mehr
Gebel, Michael (2013): Does secondary vocational education still pay off at labour market entry? Evidence from British, German and Swiss panel data. [7th International Conference of Panel Data Users, Lausanne, 14. bis 15. Februar 2013] mehr
Gebel, Michael (2013): Europäische Jugendarbeitsmärkte in der Krise: Die Rolle institutioneller und struktureller Faktoren. [AAM-NEPS Colloquium, WZB Berlin, 07. Mai 2013] mehr
Gebel, Michael (2013): The impact of the great recession on youths’ NEET and temporary employment risks in Europe. [ESA 11th Conference "Crisis, Critique and Change", University of Torino, 28. bis 31. August 2013] mehr
Gebel, Michael (2013): The impact of the great recession on youths’ NEET and temporary employment risks in Europe. [21st Annual Workshop of the European Research Network on Transitions in Youth: School-to-Work Transitions in Times of Economic Crisis: Causes, Consequences and Remedies, WZB, Berlin, 11. bis 14. September 2013] mehr
Gebel, Michael (2013): School-to-work transition in comparative perspective. [Conference „Generation Jobless: Youth Unemployment and Disengagement“ La Pietra Dialogues, New York University, Florence, 06. November 2013] mehr
Gebel, Michael (2013): Is a Temporary Job Better than Unemployment? A Cross-country Comparison Based on British, German, and Swiss Panel Data. Berlin [SOEPpapers on Multidisciplinary Panel Data Research at DIW Berlin; 543] mehr
Gebel, Michael (2013): Is a temporary job better than unemployment? A cross-country comparison based on British, German, and Swiss Panel Data. Schmollers Jahrbuch - Journal of Applied Science Studies, 133, Heft 2, S. 143-156. mehr
Gebel, Michael (2013): Workshop Summary "School to Work Transitions in Times of Economic Crises: What have we learned and what we still don't know". [21st Annual Workshop of the European Research Network on Transitions in Youth: School-to-Work Transitions in Times of Economic Crisis: Causes, Consequences and Remedies, WZB, Berlin, 11. bis 14. September 2013] mehr
