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8574 Ergebnisse

Gärtner, Lea, und Harald Schoen (2021): Experiencing climate change: revisiting the role of local weather in affecting climate change awareness and related policy preferences. Climatic Change, 167, Heft 3-4, (article no. 31/2021). mehr
Gärtner, Lea, Alexander Wuttke und Harald Schoen (2021): Who Talks and Who Listens? How Political Involvement Influences the Potential for Democratic Deliberation in Everyday Political Talk. Journal of Deliberative Democracy, 17, Heft 2, S. 13-30. mehr
Götz, Friedrich M., Tobias Ebert, Samuel D. Gosling, Martin Obschonka, Jeff Potter und Peter Jason Rentfrow (2021): Local housing market dynamics predict rapid shifts in cultural openness: A 9-year study across 199 cities.. American Psychologist, 76, Heft 6, S. 947-961. mehr
Haas, Georg-Christoph, Frauke Kreuter, Florian Keusch, Mark Trappmann und Sebastian Bähr (2021): Effects of Incentives in Smartphone Data Collection. S. 389-414 in: Craig Hill, Paul P. Biemer, Trent Buskirk, Lilli Japec, Antje Kirchner, Stas Kolenikov, Lars E. Lyberg (Hrsg.) Big Data Meets Survey Science: A Collection of Innovative Methods. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. mehr
Haensch, Anna-Carolina, Markus Herklotz, Florian Keusch und Frauke Kreuter (2021): The International Program in Survey and Data Science (IPSDS): A modern study program for working professionals. Statistical Journal of the IAOS, 37, Heft 3, S. 921-933. mehr
Hammerschmidt, Dennis, und Cosima Meyer (2021): Money Makes the World Go Frowned. Analyzing the Impact of Chinese Foreign Aid on States’ Sentiment Using Natural Language Processing. S. 241-263 in: Johannes Klenk, Franziska Waschek (Hrsg.) Chinas Rolle in einer neuen Weltordnung. Wissenschaft, Handel und internationale Beziehungen. Baden-Baden: Tectum. mehr
Hanson, Tim, Marc Helbling, Rahsaan Maxwell, Richard Traunmüller, Kostas Gemenis und Levente Littvay (2021): Developing a COVID-19 module for the European Social Survey. Measurement instruments for the social sciences, 3, (article no. 9), pp. 1-6, e-only. mehr
Helbling, Marc (2021): How climate change leads to emigration: Individual-level and long-run effects. [Frontiers in Quantitative Migration Research, Joint Seminar at Berlin Institute for Integration and Migration Research, (virtual seminar), 29. April 2021] mehr
Helbling, Marc (2021): Islamophobie in Westeuropa. Angst vor Muslimen oder Fundamentalisten?. [Hans-Blumenberg Lecture, University of Münster, Religion and Politics Cluster of Excellence, (virtual), 08. Juni 2021] mehr
Helbling, Marc (2021): Klimawandel und Migration. [Klimawandel und Klimakommunikation - Seminar für Medienschaffende, Europäische Akademie Otzenhausen, Nonnweiler, 21. bis 23. Oktober 2021] mehr
