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232 Ergebnisse

Giebler, Heiko, Bernhard Weßels und Andreas M. Wüst (2014): Does Personal Campaigning Make a Difference?. S. 140-164 in: Bernhard Weßels, Hans Rattinger, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck (Hrsg.) Voters on the Move or on the Run?. Oxford: Oxford University Press. mehr
Heichel, Stephan, Jessica Pape und Jale Tosun (2014): Regulation of Industrial Discharges into Surface Water. S. 64-103 in: Helge Jörgens, Andrea Lenschow, Duncan Liefferink (Hrsg.) Understanding Environmental Policy Convergence: The Power of Words, Rules and Money. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. mehr
Huber, Sascha (2014): Coalitions and Voting Behaviour in a differentiating Multi-Party-System. S. 65-87 in: Bernhard Weßels, Hans Rattinger, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck (Hrsg.) Voters on the Move or on the Run?. Oxford: Oxford University Press. mehr
Johnston, Richard, Julia Partheymüller und Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck (2014): Activation of Fundamentals in German Campaigns. S. 217-237 in: Bernhard Weßels, Hans Rattinger, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck (Hrsg.) Voters on the Move or on the Run?. Oxford: Oxford University Press. mehr
Kohler-Koch, Beate (2014): Representation as the cornerstone for efficient and legitimate governance. S. 215-235 in: Sandra Kröger (Hrsg.) Political Representation in the European Union: Still democratic in times of crisis?. London/New York: Routledge. mehr
Kreuter, Frauke, und Roger D. Peng (2014): Extracting information from big data: issues of measurement, inference and linkage. S. 257-275 in: Julia Lane, Victoria Stodden, Stefan Bender, Helen Nissenbaum (Hrsg.) Privacy, Big Data, and the Public Good: Frameworks for Engagement. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. mehr
Kristen, Cornelia, Yossi Shavit, Svetlana Chachashvili-Bolotin, Tobias Roth und Irit Adler (2014): Achievement differences between immigrant and native fourth graders in Germany and Israel. S. 191-209 in: Rainer K. Silbereisen, Peter F. Titzmann, Yossi Shavit (Hrsg.) The challenges of diaspora migration: Interdisciplinary perspectives on Israel and Germany. Farnham: Ashgate. mehr
Kroneberg, Clemens (2014): Frames, Scripts, and Variable Rationality: An Integrative Theory of Action. S. 95-123 in: Gianluca Manzo (Hrsg.) Analytical Sociology: Actions and Networks. Chichester: Wiley. mehr
Lewin-Epstein, Noah, Zerrin Salikutluk, Irena Kogan und Frank Kalter (2014): Mobility Aspirations of Immigrant and Native Youth in Germany and Israel. S. 167-189 in: Rainer K. Silbereisen, Peter F. Titzmann, Yossi Shavit (Hrsg.) The Challenges of Diaspora Migration: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Israel and Germany. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing. mehr
Myant, Martin, und Jan Drahokoupil (2014): The Road to a Distinct System? The Development of the Welfare State in the Czech Republic. S. 525-546 in: Zlatica Zudová-Lešková, Emil Voráček (Hrsg.) Theory and practice of the Welfare State in Europe in 20th century: Ways to the Welfare State. Institute of History, Czech Academy of Sciences: Prague. mehr
