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1658 Ergebnisse

Dassonneville, Ruth, Marc Hooghe und Marc Debus (2018): Economic voting in a federal country: Overcoming the limited clarity of responsibility. S. 161-182 in: Kris Deschouwer (Hrsg.) Mind the Gap. Political Participation and Representation in Belgium. London: Rowman & Littlefield. mehr
Dassonneville, Ruth, Pierre Baudewyns, Marc Debus und Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck (2018): The time of the vote. Causes and consequences of late deciding. S. 201-225 in: Kris Deschouwer (Hrsg.) Mind the Gap. Political Participation and Representation in Belgium. London: Rowman & Littlefield. mehr
Debus, Marc (2018): Pariah Parties, Policy Profiles and Party Politics in a Multilevel System: Coalition Formation in Germany, 2017–2018. S. 189-205 in: Brigid Laffan, Lorenzo Cicci (Hrsg.) 2017: Europe’s Bumper Year of Elections. Florence: European University Institute. mehr
Dollmann, Jörg, Frida Rudolphi und Meenakshi Parameshwaran (2018): Ethnic Differences in Language Skills: How Individual and Family Characteristics Aid and Prohibit the Linguistic Integration of Children of Immigrants. S. 219-245 in: Frank Kalter, Jan O. Jonsson, Frank van Tubergen, Anthony Heath (Hrsg.) Growing Up in Diverse Societies. The Integration of the Children of Immigrants in England, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden. Oxford: Oxford University Press. mehr
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard, und Elias Naumann (2018): Class, Union, or Party Allegiance? Comparing Pension Reform Preferences in Britain and Germany. S. 107-128 in: Bernhard Ebbinghaus, Elias Naumann (Hrsg.) Welfare State Reforms Seen from Below: Comparing Public Attitudes and Organized Interests in Britain and Germany. London: Palgrave Macmillan. mehr
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard, und Elias Naumann (2018): Introduction: Analysing Organized Interests and Public Opinion Towards Welfare Reforms. S. 1-23 in: Bernhard Ebbinghaus, Elias Naumann (Hrsg.) Welfare State Reforms Seen from Below: Comparing Public Attitudes and Organized Interests in Britain and Germany. London: Palgrave Macmillan. mehr
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard, und Elias Naumann (2018): The Popularity of Pension and Unemployment Policies Revisited: The Erosion of Public Support in Britain and Germany. S. 155-186 in: Bernhard Ebbinghaus, Elias Naumann (Hrsg.) Welfare State Reforms Seen from Below: Comparing Public Attitudes and Organized Interests in Britain and Germany. London: Palgrave Macmillan. mehr
Gould, Robert, Roger D. Peng, Frauke Kreuter, Randall Pruim, Jeff Witmer und George W. Cobb (2018): Challenge to the established curriculum: a collection of reflections. S. 415-432 in: Dani Ben-Zvi, Katie Makar, Joan Garfield (Hrsg.) International Handbook of Research in Statistics Education. Cham: Springer. mehr
Grill, Christiane (2018): What is funny to whom? Applying an integrative theoretical framework to the study of political humor appreciation. S. 157-181 in: Jody C. Baumgartner, Amy B. Becker (Hrsg.) Political humor in a changing media landscape. A new generation of research. Lanham: Lexington Books. mehr
Heath, Anthony, Konstanze Jacob und Lindsay Richards (2018): Young People in Transition: The National Identity of Minority Youth. S. 274-302 in: Frank Kalter, Jan O. Jonsson, Frank van Tubergen, Anthony Heath (Hrsg.) Growing Up in Diverse Societies. The Integration of the Children of Immigrants in England, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden. Oxford: Oxford University Press. mehr
