Suchen in Publikationen nach

13 Ergebnisse

Buchholz, Sandra, Dirk Hofäcker, Kathrin Kolb und Hans-Peter Blossfeld (2011): El desarrollo de desigualdades sociales en el proceso de globalizacion. Estudios Sociologicos, 29, Heft 85, S. 3-31. mehr
Teperoglou, Eftichia, Ioannis Andreadis und Emmanouil Tsatsanis (2011): The structure of ideological space in Greece: mapping political parties' and voters' preferences. Hellenic Political Science Review, 38, S. 5-32 . mehr
Buchholz, Sandra, Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Dirk Hofäcker und Kathrin Kolb (2010): Life Trajectories in the Course of Globalization. On the Change of Social Inequalities in Modern Societies (Cyrillic). Sociological Problems, 43, Heft 1/2, S. 7-31. mehr
Kogan, Irena, Michael Gebel und Clemens Noelke (2010): Educational expansion and social inequality in Central and Eastern European countries (published in Bulgarian). Sociologi?eski problemi, 42, Heft 1-2, S. 94–117. mehr
Müller, Walter, Markus Klein, Steffen Schindler und Reinhard Pollak (2010): Long-Term Development of Social Disparities in Eligibility for Higher Education in Germany (Cyrillic). Sociological Problems, 43, Heft 1/2, S. 146-174 . mehr
Teperoglou, Eftichia, Theodore Chadjipadelis und Ioannis Andreadis (2010): Voters and candidates at national and European cleavages: convergences and divergences. Science and Society, Review of Political and Moral Theory. Special issue on: Cleavages within the party system, Heft 25, S. 37-63. mehr
Önnudottir, Eva Heida (2009): Viðhorf Íslendinga til innflytjenda á Íslandi. Bifröst Journal of Social Science, 3, S. 67-95. mehr
Kohler-Koch, Beate (2007): Der Beitrag der Politikwissenschaft zur europawissenschaftlichen Debatte (in chinesischer Sprache). Deutschland Studien, Heft 4, S. 4-13. mehr
Kohler-Koch, Beate, und Berthold Rittberger (2007): The 'Governance Turn' in EU Studies (in chinesischer Sprache). Chinese Journal of European Studies, 25, Heft 5, S. 19-40. mehr
Rittberger, Berthold, und Simon Meier-Beck (2007): The EU's External Governance: Democracy promotion in Europe and beyond (in chinesicher Sprache). Chinese Journal of European Studies, 25, Heft 5, S. 86-100. mehr
