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111 Ergebnisse

Heß, Moritz, Elias Naumann und Leander Steinkopf (2017): Population Ageing, the Intergenerational Conflict, and Active Ageing Policies – a Multilevel Study of 27 European Countries. Journal of Population Ageing, 10, Heft 1, S. 11-23. mehr
Horwitz, Rachel, Frauke Kreuter und Frederick G. Conrad (2017): Using Mouse Movements to Predict Web Survey Response Difficulty. Social Science Computer Review, 35, Heft 3, S. 388–405. mehr
Jungherr, Andreas, und Yannis Theocharis (2017): The Empiricist’s Challenge: Asking Meaningful Questions in Political Science in the Age of Big Data. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 14, Heft 2, S. 97-109. mehr
Jungherr, Andreas, Harald Schoen, Oliver Posegga und Pascal Jürgens (2017): Digital Trace Data in the Study of Public Opinion: An Indicator of Attention Toward Politics Rather than Political Support. Social Science Computer Review, 35, Heft 3, S. 336–356. mehr
Jäger, Kai (2017): Economic freedom in the early 21st century: government ideology still matters. Kyklos : International Review for Social Sciences, 70, Heft 2, S. 256-277. mehr
Jäger, Kai (2017): The potential of online sampling for studying political activists around the world and across time. Political Analysis, 25, Heft 3, S. 329-343. mehr
Keusch, Florian, und Chan Zhang (2017): A review of issues in gamified survey design. Social Science Computer Review, 35, Heft 2, S. 147-166. mehr
Keusch, Florian, und Ting Yan (2017): Web vs. mobile Web – An experimental study of device effects and self-selection effects. Social Science Computer Review, 35, Heft 6, S. 751–769. mehr
Kiefer, Maximilian, Kira Messing, Julia Musial und Tobias Weiß (2017): Westliche Jugendliche im Bann des Islamischen Staates - Radikalisierende Inhalte der IS-Propaganda am Beispiel der Onlinemagazine Dabiq und Rumiyah. Journal for Deradicalization, 9, S. 125-184. mehr
Klein, Oliver, und Birgit Becker (2017): Preschools as language learning environments for children of immigrants. Differential effects by familial language use across different preschool contexts. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 48, Heft April, S. 20-31. mehr
