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363 Ergebnisse

Galesic, Mirta, Wändi Bruine de Bruin, Jonas Dalege, Scott L. Feld, Frauke Kreuter, Henrik Olsson, Drazen Prelec, Daniel L. Stein und Tamara van der Does (2021): Human social sensing is an untapped resource for computational social science. Nature, 595, S. 214–222. mehr
Gerdon, Frederic, Helen Nissenbaum, Ruben L. Bach, Frauke Kreuter und Stefan Zins (2021): Individual Acceptance of Using Health Data for Private and Public Benefit: Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Harvard Data Science Review, Special issue "COVID-19: Unprecedented Challenges and Chances", Heft 1, S. 1-24 (e-only). mehr
Gilan, Donya, Markus Müssig, Omar Hahad, Angela Kunzler, Simon Samstag, Nikolaus Röthke, Johannes Thrul, Frauke Kreuter, Michael Bosnjak, Philipp Sprengholz, Cornelia Betsch, Daniel Wollschläger, Oliver Tüscher und Klaus Lieb (2021): Protective and Risk Factors for Mental Distress and Its Impact on Health-Protective Behaviors during the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic between March 2020 and March 2021 in Germany. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, Heft 17, (article no. 9167). mehr
Grill, Christiane, und Anne Schäfer (2021): Introduction: Deliberative Qualities of Communication. Journal of Deliberative Democracy, 17, Heft 2, S. 130-132. mehr
Gärtner, Lea, und Harald Schoen (2021): Experiencing climate change: revisiting the role of local weather in affecting climate change awareness and related policy preferences. Climatic Change, 167, Heft 3-4, (article no. 31/2021). mehr
Gärtner, Lea, Alexander Wuttke und Harald Schoen (2021): Who Talks and Who Listens? How Political Involvement Influences the Potential for Democratic Deliberation in Everyday Political Talk. Journal of Deliberative Democracy, 17, Heft 2, S. 13-30. mehr
Götz, Friedrich M., Tobias Ebert, Samuel D. Gosling, Martin Obschonka, Jeff Potter und Peter Jason Rentfrow (2021): Local housing market dynamics predict rapid shifts in cultural openness: A 9-year study across 199 cities.. American Psychologist, 76, Heft 6, S. 947-961. mehr
Haensch, Anna-Carolina, Markus Herklotz, Florian Keusch und Frauke Kreuter (2021): The International Program in Survey and Data Science (IPSDS): A modern study program for working professionals. Statistical Journal of the IAOS, 37, Heft 3, S. 921-933. mehr
Hanson, Tim, Marc Helbling, Rahsaan Maxwell, Richard Traunmüller, Kostas Gemenis und Levente Littvay (2021): Developing a COVID-19 module for the European Social Survey. Measurement instruments for the social sciences, 3, (article no. 9), pp. 1-6, e-only. mehr
Helbling, Marc, und Daniel Meierrieks (2021): How climate change leads to emigration: Conditional and long-run effects. Review of Development Economics, 25, Heft 4, S. 2323-2349. mehr
