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1350 Ergebnisse

Gereke, Johanna, Max Schaub und Delia Baldassarri (2022): Immigration, integration and cooperation: experimental evidence from a public goods game in Italy. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48, Heft 15, S. 3761-3788. mehr
Gschwend, Thomas, Klara Müller, Simon Munzert, Marcel Neunhoeffer und Lukas Stoetzer (2022): The Zweitstimme Model: A Dynamic Forecast of the 2021 German Federal Election. PS: Political Science and Politics, 55, Heft 1, S. 85-90. mehr
Gutfleisch, Tamara (2022): Hiring discrimination against foreigners in multi-ethnic labour markets: Does recruiter nationality matter? Evidence from a factorial survey experiment in Luxembourg. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 77, Heft February, (article no. 100672). mehr
Gutfleisch, Tamara, und Irena Kogan (2022): Parental occupation and students’ STEM achievements by gender and ethnic origin: Evidence from Germany. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 82, S. 1-12, (article no. 100735). mehr
Gutfleisch, Tamara, und Robin Samuel (2022): Hiring in border regions: experimental and qualitative evidence from a recruiter survey in Luxembourg. Journal for Labour Market Research, 56, (article no. 21), pp. 1-13. mehr
Helbing, Marc, Felix Jäger und Richard Traunmüller (2022): Muslim Bias or Fear of Fundamentalism? A Survey Experiment in Five Western European Democracies. Research & Politics, 9, Heft 1, (e-only). mehr
Helbling, Marc, Rahsaan Maxwell, Simon Munzert und Richard Traunmüller (2022): The importance of citizenship for deserving COVID-19 treatment. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9, (article no. 302) e-only. mehr
Henninger, Felix, Yury Shevchenko, Ulf K. Mertens, Pascal J. Kieslich und Benjamin E. Hilbig (2022): lab.js: A free, open, online study builder. Behavior Research Methods, 54, Heft 2, S. 556–573. mehr
Heyne, Stefanie, und Tobias Wolbring (2022): Do Mothers and Fathers in Germany Really Prefer a Traditional Division of Labor? The Impact of Working Hours on Life Satisfaction Reconsidered. Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 51, Heft 3, S. 298-306. mehr
Hobolt, Sarah B., Sebastian Adrian Popa, Wouter van der Brug und Hermann Schmitt (2022): The Brexit deterrent? How member state exit shapes public support for the European Union. European Union Politics, 23, Heft 1, S. 100-119. mehr
