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2279 Ergebnisse

Bräuninger, Thomas, und Nikolay Marinov (2022): ‪Political Elites and the `War on Truth'. Journal of Public Economics, 206, Heft February 2022, (article no. 104585). mehr
Bräuninger, Thomas, Thomas Däubler, Robert Huber und Lukas Rudolph (2022): How Open Lists Undermine the Electoral Support of Cohesive Parties. British Journal of Political Science, 52, Heft 4, S. 1931-1943. mehr
Bähr, Sebastian, Georg-Christoph Haas, Florian Keusch, Frauke Kreuter und Mark Trappmann (2022): Missing Data and Other Measurement Quality Issues in Mobile Geolocation Sensor Data. Social Science Computer Review, 40, Heft 1, S. 212–235. mehr
Böhmelt, Tobias, Lawrence Ezrow und Roni Lehrer (2022): Populism and intra-party democracy. European Journal of Political Research, 61, Heft 4, S. 1143-1154. mehr
Bühler, Babette, Katja Möhring und Andreas P. Weiland (2022): Assessing dissimilarity of employment history information from survey and administrative data using sequence analysis techniques. Quality & Quantity, 56, S. 4747–4774. mehr
Carey, Sabine C., Belén González und Christian Gläßel (2022): Divergent Perceptions of Peace in Post-Conflict Societies: Insights from Sri Lanka. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 66, Heft 9, S. 1589-1618. mehr
Carey, Sabine C., Neil J. Mitchell und Katrin Paula (2022): The Life, Death, and Diversity of Pro-Government Militias: The Fully Revised Pro-Government Militias Database Version 2.0. Research and Politics, 9, Heft 1, S. 1-9. mehr
Cernat, Alexandru, und Florian Keusch (2022): Do surveys change behaviour? Insights from digital trace data. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 25, Heft 1, S. 79-90. mehr
Chan, Chung-hong (2022): sweater: Speedy Word Embedding Association Test and Extras Using R. Journal of Open Source Software, 7, Heft 72, (article no. 4036), pp. 1-8. mehr
Chan, Chung-hong, und Christiane Grill (2022): The Highs in Communication Research: Research Topics With High Supply, High Popularity, and High Prestige in High-Impact Journals. Communication Research, 49, Heft 5, S. 599–626. mehr
