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216 Ergebnisse

Müller, Walter (2010): Change in gender and class inequality in educational attainment. Why do women outperform men?. [Presentation at the Department of Sociology, Utrecht University, Utrecht, 23. März 2010] mehr
Müller, Walter (2010): Educational expansion and educational inequality in comparative perspective. [Master-Class Lectures, Department of Sociology, Utrecht University, Utrecht, 24. bis 26. März 2010] mehr
Müller, Walter (2010): Educational inequality and returns to education. [EQUALSOC Final Conference, EDUC Thematic Group, Amsterdam, 03. bis 05. Juni 2010] mehr
Müller, Walter (2010): Expected and unexpected consequences of educational expansion. [Lecture for 3rd International Bamberg Summer School in Empirical Education Research on Institutional and Contextual Determinants of Educational Judgement, Decision Making and Learning, Bamberg, 21. bis 24. September 2010] mehr
Müller, Walter (2010): Der langfristige Wandel in Bildungsdisparitäten und sozialer Durchlässigkeit. [Tagung Europa und der "American Dream“. Eine transatlantische Traumdeutung, Berlin, 27. Oktober 2010] mehr
Müller, Walter (2010): Returns to education: the links between educational and occupational attainment. [Max Weber Programme Conference on Contemporary approaches to inequality in the social sciences, European University Institute, Florence, 05. bis 06. Mai 2010] mehr
Müller, Walter, Rolf Becker, Ilona Relikowski und Hans-Peter Blossfeld (2010): Why do women better in education than men? Gender and class disparities on the path to higher education. [International conference “Higher education and beyond – inequalities regarding entrance to higher education and educational credentials”, Monte Verità, Ascona, 04. bis 08. Juli 2010] mehr
Neugebauer, Martin (2010): Can The Teacher's Gender Explain The 'Boy Crisis' in Educational Attainment?. [Research Network EQUALSOC - Final Conference, Amsterdam, 03. bis 07. Juni 2010] mehr
Neugebauer, Martin (2010): Can the teacher's gender explain the 'boy crisis' in educational attainment?. [EARLI JURE "Connecting Diverse Perspectives on Learning and Instruction: A Conference of Synergy", Frankfurt, 19. bis 22. Juli 2010] mehr
Neugebauer, Martin (2010): Werden Jungen in der Schule tatsächlich von Lehrerinnen benachteiligt? Analysen auf Basis der IGLU Daten. [Kolloquiumsvortrag am Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften, Universität Bern, Bern, 04. November 2010] mehr
