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407 Ergebnisse

Kreuter, Frauke (2021): Partnering with a Global Platform to Inform Research and Public Policy Making in Times of Covid-19. [Women in Data Science, Bonn, 28. Mai 2021] mehr
Kreuter, Frauke (2021): Survey and Data Science: Lessons Learned from World‘s Largest Survey on COVID-19. [LAPOP's Workshop on International Survey Methods, (virtual conference), 15. Dezember 2021] mehr
Kreuter, Frauke (2021): Using Human Social Sensing and Other Sensors to Enhance Public Health and Economic Research Studies. [54th Essex Summer School, (virtual conference), 11. August 2021] mehr
Kreuter, Frauke (2021): Wer entscheidet, was zählt? KI und Big Data: Anwendungen in wirtschafts- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschung. [KI Lectures, (virtual conference), 16. November 2021] mehr
Landesvatter, Camille, und Paul C. Bauer (2021): Web Probing and Automated Text Analysis: New Tools for Sociologists?. [Gemeinsamer Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie und der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie 2021, (virtual conference), 23. bis 25. August 2021] mehr
Ludwig, Katharina (2021): Can Self-transcendent Emotions Make a Difference? An Automated Content Analysis of German News Media during the “Refugee Crisis” 2015/2016. [8th European Communication Conference (ECREA), (virtual conference), 26. bis 29. September 2021] mehr
Ludwig, Katharina (2021): Self-transcendent Emotions as Facilitators of positive Mediated Intergroup Contact? An Automated Content Analysis of German News Media during the “Refugee Crisis” 2015/2016. [71th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), (virtual conference), 27. bis 31. Mai 2021] mehr
Malich, Sonja, Sebastian Bähr, Georg-Christoph Haas, Florian Keusch, Frauke Kreuter und Mark Trappmann (2021): Auswertung von Smartphone-Daten für die Sozialforschung. [Gemeinsamer Kongress der DGS und der ÖGS "Post-Corona-Gesellschaft? Pandemie, Krise und ihre Folgen , (virtual conference), 23. bis 25. August 2021] mehr
Matthieß, Theres (2021): No tolerance for parties breaking their promises? What citizens (do not) want from their parties. [11th Annual Meeting of the European Political Science Association, (virtual conference), 24. bis 25. Juni 2021] mehr
Mikucka, Malgorzata (2021): Loneliness among older adults in Poland. What triggers it and what are the social differences?. [Conference "Harmonized longitudinal data on social structure: Polish research in a cross-national perspective", Warsaw, 01. bis 02. Dezember 2021] mehr
