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418 Ergebnisse

Gebel, Michael (2010): Early career consequences of temporary employment in Germany and the United Kingdom. Work, Employment and Society, 24, Heft 4, S. 641-660. mehr
Gebel, Michael (2010): Early career consequences of temporary employment in Germany and UK.. [Research Network EQUALSOC - Final Conference, Amsterdam, 04. bis 05. Juni 2010] mehr
Gebel, Michael (2010): Frühe prekäre Lagen als permanente Narben? Familiäre Einkommensarmut und kindlicher Bildungserfolg in Deutschland. [Tagung der Sektionen „Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse“ und „Familiensoziologie“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie zum Thema "Reproduktion von Ungleichheit durch Arbeit und Familie", Rostock, 15. bis 16. April 2010] mehr
Gebel, Michael (2010): Main results of the Syrian Youth Transition Survey. [Workshop of the European Training Foundation and the Central Bureau of Statistics of Syria: First analyses of the Syrian Youth Transition Survey, Damascus, 17. März 2010] mehr
Gebel, Michael (2010): Main results of the Syrian Youth Transition Survey. [Personal report to the Deputy Prime Minister of Syria, Damascus, 18. März 2010] mehr
Gebel, Michael (2010): Youth at risk? The impact of labour market deregulation on youths‘ relative unemployment and temporary employment risks in Europe. [EQUALSOC-EMPLOY Research Group Meeting “Varieties of life course patterns: the role of institutions in shaping labour market careers in Europe", European University Institute, Florence, 29. bis 30. April 2010] mehr
Gebel, Michael, und Friedhelm Pfeiffer (2010): Educational expansion and its heterogeneous returns for wage workers. Journal of Applied Social Science Studies (Schmollers Jahrbuch), 130, Heft 1, S. 19-42. mehr
Gebel, Michael, und Irena Kogan (2010): Tertiary Education Landscape and Labour Market Chances of the Higly Educated in Central and Eastern Europe. [International Conference "Higher education and beyond – Inequalities regarding entrance to higher education and educational credentials", Monte Verità, Ascona, 04. bis 09. Juli 2010] mehr
Giger, Nathalie (2010): Do parties ensure equal representation? A longitudinal and cross-national analysis. [Comparing European Countries: Multi-level, Cross-time. Workshop of the HumVIB project, Hamburg, 16. bis 17. Dezember 2010] mehr
Giger, Nathalie (2010): Do voters punish the government for welfare state retrenchment? A comparative study of electoral costs associated with social policy. Comparative European Politics, 8, Heft 4, S. 415–443. mehr
