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277 Ergebnisse

Horwitz, Rachel, Frauke Kreuter und Frederick G. Conrad (2017): Using Mouse Movements to Predict Web Survey Response Difficulty. Social Science Computer Review, 35, Heft 3, S. 388–405. mehr
Horwitz, Rachel, Sarah Brockhaus, Felix Henninger, Pascal J. Kieslich, Malte Schierholz, Florian Keusch und Frauke Kreuter (2017): Learning from mouse movements: Improving questionnaire and respondents' user experience through passive data collection. Nürnberg [IAB-Discussion Paper. Articles on labour market issues; 2017] mehr
Hubl, Vanessa (2017): Household Nonemployment, Social Risks and Inequality in Europe. Mannheim: Dissertation Sozialwissenschaften Universität Mannheim & sciences sociales Universität Luxemburg. [Dissertation Sozialwissenschaften Universität Mannheim & sciences sociales Universität Luxemburg] mehr
Jugert, Philipp, Lars Leszczensky und Sebastian Pink (2017): The Effects of Ethnic Minority Adolescents’ Ethnic Self-Identification on Friendship Selection. [RC28 Spring Meeting 2017, Köln, 30. März bis 01. April 2017] mehr
Jungherr, Andreas, und Yannis Theocharis (2017): The Empiricist’s Challenge: Asking Meaningful Questions in Political Science in the Age of Big Data. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 14, Heft 2, S. 97-109. mehr
Jungherr, Andreas, Alexander Wuttke, Matthias Mader und Harald Schoen (2017): Advocating TTIP: Effects of Interest Groups’ Mailings in the Field. [113th APSA Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Francisco, CA, 31. August bis 03. September 2017] mehr
Jungherr, Andreas, Alexander Wuttke, Matthias Mader und Harald Schoen (2017): The Persuasive Effects of an Interest Group Mailing: Comparing Evidence from Parallel Survey and Field Experiments. [75th Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, 06. bis 09. April 2017] mehr
Jungherr, Andreas, Harald Schoen, Oliver Posegga und Pascal Jürgens (2017): Digital Trace Data in the Study of Public Opinion: An Indicator of Attention Toward Politics Rather than Political Support. Social Science Computer Review, 35, Heft 3, S. 336–356. mehr
Jäger, Kai (2017): Economic freedom in the early 21st century: government ideology still matters. Kyklos : International Review for Social Sciences, 70, Heft 2, S. 256-277. mehr
Jäger, Kai (2017): The potential of online sampling for studying political activists around the world and across time. Political Analysis, 25, Heft 3, S. 329-343. mehr
