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3296 Ergebnisse

Kalter, Frank, und Nadia Granato (2007): Educational Hurdles on the Way to Structural Assimilation in Germany. S. 271 - 319 in: Anthony Heath, Sin Yi Cheung (Hrsg.) Unequal chances. Ethnic Minorities in Western Labour Markets. Oxford: Oxford University Press. mehr
Kalter, Frank, Nadia Granato und Cornelia Kristen (2007): Disentangling Recent Trends of the Second Generation's Structural Assimilation in Germany. S. 214 - 245 in: Stefani Scherer, Reinhard Pollak, Gunnar Otte, Markus Gangl (Hrsg.) From Origin to Destination. Trends and Mechanisms in Social Stratification Research. Frankfurt a. M.: Campus. mehr
Kogan, Irena (2007): Continuing Ethnic Segmentation in Austria. S. 103-141 in: Anthony F. Heath, Sin Yi Cheung (Hrsg.) Unequal Chances: Ethnic Minorities in Western Labour Markets. Oxford: Oxford University Press. mehr
Kogan, Irena (2007): The role of host countries’ institutional characteristics in the labour market success of third-country immigrants in Europe. S. 55-78 in: Henrik Egbert, Clemens Esser (Hrsg.) Migration and Labour Markets in the Social Sciences. Münster, Hamburg, Berlin, Wien, London: LIT Verlag. mehr
Kogan, Irena (2007): A study of immigrants’ employment careers in West Germany using the sequence analysis technique. Social Science Research, 36, Heft 2, S. 491-511. mehr
Kogan, Irena, Marge Unt und Ellu Saar (2007): Youth unemployment in the enlarged European Union. S. 182-213 in: Stefani Scherer, Reinhard Pollak, Gunnar Otte, Markus Gangl (Hrsg.) From Origin to Destination. Trends and Mechanisms in Social Stratification Research. Frankfurt (Main)/New York: Campus. mehr
Kohler-Koch, Beate (2007): European Union-Society Relations in European Governance. S. 61-65 in: Olivier Costa, Isabelle Janin (Hrsg.) Democracy, European Governance and Social Sciences. What's Wrong with Europe?. Montrouge: Éditions de Condé. mehr
Kohler-Koch, Beate (2007): The Organization of Interests and Democracy in the European Union. S. 255-271 in: Beate Kohler-Koch, Berthold Rittberger (Hrsg.) Debating the Democratic Legitimacy of the European Union. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. mehr
Kohler-Koch, Beate (2007): Political Representation and Civil Society in the EU. Florence mehr
Kohler-Koch, Beate, und Barbara Finke (2007): The Institutional Shaping of EU-Society Relations: A Contribution to Democracy via Participation?. Journal of Civil Society, 3, Heft 3, S. 205-221. mehr
