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4690 Ergebnisse

Schulze, Isabelle, und Michael Moran (2007): Ireland: Pensioning the ‘Celtic Tiger’. S. 758-803 in: Ellen M. Immergut, Karen M. Anderson, Isabelle Schulze (Hrsg.) The Handbook of West European Pension Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. mehr
Schulze, Isabelle, und Michael Moran (2007): United Kingdom: pension politics in an adversarial system. S. 49-96 in: Ellen M. Immergut, Karen M. Anderson, Isabelle Schulze (Hrsg.) The Handbook of West European Pension Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. mehr
Schulze, Isabelle, und Sven Jochem (2007): Germany: beyond policy gridlock. S. 660-710 in: Ellen M. Immergut, Karen M. Anderson, Isabelle Schulze (Hrsg.) The Handbook of West European Pension Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. mehr
Shikano, Susumu (2007): Interactive Mechanism of Mixed-member Electoral Systems: A Theory-driven Comparative Analysis via Computational Modelling and Bayesian Statistics. Mannheim: Universität Mannheim. mehr
Sieberer, Ulrich (2007): Selecting independent variables. Competing recommendations for factor-centric and outcome-centric research designs. S. 163-182 in: Thomas Gschwend, Frank Schimmelfennig (Hrsg.) Research design in political science. How to practice what they preach. Basingstoke: Palgrave. mehr
Stocké, Volker (2007): Explaining Educational Decision and Effects of Families´ Social Class Position: An Emprical Test of the Breen-Goldthorpe Model of Educational Attainment. European Sociological Review, 23, Heft 4, S. 505-519. mehr
Stocké, Volker (2007): The Motive for Status Maintenance and Educational Decisions. Which of the Parents Defines the Reference Point?. Mannheim mehr
Stocké, Volker (2007): Strength, Sources, and Temporal Development of Primary Effects of Families' Social Status on Secondary School Choice. Mannheim mehr
Stöver, Philip, und Andreas M. Wüst (2007): Electoral System. S. 109-114 in: Yves Déloye, Michael Bruter (Hrsg.) Encyclopedia of European Elections. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan. mehr
Thiem, Janina (2007): Dealing Effectively with Selection Bias in Large-n Research. S. 127-144 in: Thomas Gschwend, Frank Schimmelfennig (Hrsg.) Research Design in Political Science. How to Practice What They Preach. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan. mehr
