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355 Ergebnisse

Rittberger, Berthold, und Frank Schimmelfennig (2005): The Constitutionalization of the European Union: Explaining the Parliamentarization and Institutionalization of Human Rights. Wien [IHS Working Papers] mehr
Schimmelfennig, Frank (2005): The International Promotion of Political Norms in Central and Eastern Europe: a Qualitative Comparative Analysis. Cambridge, Mass. [Central and Eastern Europe Working Papers] mehr
Schmitt, Hermann, und Jacques Thomassen (2005): The EU party system after eastern enlargement. Wien [Reihe Politikwissenschaft] mehr
Schwellnus, Guido (2005): The Role of Argumentative Coherence in the EU’s Justification of Minority Protection as a Condition for Membership. S. 247-274 in Helene Sjursen (Hrsg): Enlargement in Perspective. Oslo [ARENA Report] mehr
Wendt, Claus, Heinz Rothgang und U Helmert (2005): The self-regulatory German health care system between growing competition and state hierarchy. Bremen [TranState Working Papers] mehr
Zittel, Thomas (2005): Direkte Personalisierte Wählerkommunikation im WWW - Wunsch, Wirklichkeit und Perspektiven. Gutachten im Auftrag des Deutschen Bundestages. Vorgelegt dem Büro für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung (TAB). Mannheim mehr
Barbieri, Paolo, und Stefani Scherer (2004): North-South differences in the consequences of labour market flexibilization in Italy. Granada mehr
Brüderl, Josef (2004): Family Change and Family Patterns in Europe. Mannheim [State of the Art Review for the Changequal Research Network (Economic Change, Unequal Life-Chances and Quality of Life research)] mehr
De Bièvre, Dirk (2004): The dynamics of institutional choice: Why the EU pursues non-trade goals in the WTO rather than within other international institutions. Odense mehr
De Bièvre, Dirk (2004): Governance in International Trade: Judicialisation and Positive Integration in the WTO. Bonn [Preprint] mehr
