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586 Ergebnisse

Sieberer, Ulrich (2007): Selecting independent variables. Competing recommendations for factor-centric and outcome-centric research designs. S. 163-182 in: Thomas Gschwend, Frank Schimmelfennig (Hrsg.) Research design in political science. How to practice what they preach. Basingstoke: Palgrave. mehr
Stocké, Volker (2007): Explaining Educational Decision and Effects of Families´ Social Class Position: An Emprical Test of the Breen-Goldthorpe Model of Educational Attainment. European Sociological Review, 23, Heft 4, S. 505-519. mehr
Stocké, Volker (2007): The Motive for Status Maintenance and Educational Decisions. Which of the Parents Defines the Reference Point?. Mannheim mehr
Stocké, Volker (2007): Strength, Sources, and Temporal Development of Primary Effects of Families' Social Status on Secondary School Choice. Mannheim mehr
Thiem, Janina (2007): Dealing Effectively with Selection Bias in Large-n Research. S. 127-144 in: Thomas Gschwend, Frank Schimmelfennig (Hrsg.) Research Design in Political Science. How to Practice What They Preach. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan. mehr
Thurner, Paul W., und Martin Binder (2007): Effectiveness of Ministries’ Claims in EU Intergovernmental Negotiations: A Multi-Level Approach. Chicago mehr
Tosun, Jale, und Marc Debus (2007): Adjusting to the European Union: What are the effects of European integration on party and government policy positions?. S. 429-465 in: Morten Egeberg (Hrsg.) Institutional Dynamics and the Transformation of Executive Politics in Europe. Mannheim. mehr
van Deth, Jan W. (2007): Norms of Citizenship. S. 402-417 in: Russel J. Dalton, Hans-Dieter Klingemann (Hrsg.) The Oxford Handbook of Political Bahavior. Oxford: University Press. mehr
Westholm, Anders, José Ramón Montero und Jan W. van Deth (2007): Introduction: citizenship, involvement, and democracy in Europe. S. 1-32 in: Jan W. van Deth, José Ramón Montero, Anders Westholm (Hrsg.) Citizenship and Involvement in European Democracies. A comparative analysis. London and New York: Routledge. mehr
Wonka, Arndt (2007): Concept Specification in Political Science Research. S. 41-61 in: Thomas Gschwend, Frank Schimmelfennig (Hrsg.) Research Design in Political Science. How to practice what they preach?. Houndmills: Palgrave MacMillan. mehr
