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325 Ergebnisse

Liebe, Ulf, Elias Naumann und Andreas Tutić (2019): Prosocial Behavior Across Professional Boundaries: Experimental Evidence From Hospitals. SAGE Open, 9, Heft 2, (e-only). mehr
Liu, Mingnan, Tuba Suzer-Gurtekin, Florian Keusch und Sunghee Lee (2019): Response styles in cross-cultural surveys: An overview on estimation and adjustment methods and empirical applications. S. 477-499 in: Timothy P. Johnson, Beth-Ellen Pennell, Ineke A. L. Stoop, Britta Dorer (Hrsg.) Advances in Comparative Survey Methods: Multinational, Multiregional, and Multicultural Contexts (3MC). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. mehr
Loter, Katharina, Oliver Arránz Becker, Malgorzata Mikucka und Christof Wolf (2019): Mental health dynamics around marital dissolution. Moderating effects of parenthood and children's age. Journal of Family Research, 31, Heft 2, S. 155-179. mehr
Mader, Matthias, und Harald Schoen (2019): The European refugee crisis, party competition, and voters’ responses in Germany. West European Politics, 42, Heft 1, S. 67-90. mehr
Mader, Matthias, und Nils D. Steiner (2019): Party Institutionalization and Intra-Party Preference Homogeneity. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, 13, Heft 2, S. 199-224. mehr
Mader, Matthias, Francesco Olmastroni und Pierangelo Isernia (2019): Public opinion towards European foreign and defence policy and NATO: Still wanting it both ways?. [Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (EPOP) Conference, Glasgow, 13. bis 15. September 2019] mehr
Mata, Jutta (2019): Health psychology in the age of social media. [Women in Data Science Conference, Mannheim, 25. März 2019] mehr
Mata, Jutta (2019): Socio-economic differences in food choice: Representative surveys of 9 European countries. [33rd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS), Dubrovnik, 03. bis 07. September 2019] mehr
Mata, Jutta, Mattea Dallacker, Tobias Vogel und Ralph Hertwig (2019): The role of attitudes in diet, eating, and body weight. S. 67-91 in: Dolores Albarracin, Blair T. Johnson (Hrsg.) Applications. 2. Aufl., New York: Routledge. mehr
Matthieß, Theres (2019): Equal Performance of Minority and Majority Coalitions? Pledge Fulfilment in the German State of NRW. German Politics, 28, Heft 1, S. 123-144. mehr
