Multi-dimensional wellbeing in the European Union: A Configurational Analysis of Disadvantages in EU-27 countries

27.05.2014 - 17:15
Location : 
A 5,6 Raum A 231
Type of Event : 
AB A-Kolloquium
Prof. Jon Kvist, Ph.D.
Lecturer affiliation: 
Roskilde University

This paper, written by Charles Ragin (University of Irvine, California) and Jon Kvist (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark), offers innovative set-theoretical methodology for the study of multi-dimensional well-being and a new mapping of multi-dimensional well-being in the countries in the European Union (EU). Whereas the multi-dimensional nature of wellbeing and the connection between different dimensions is well-known the practical tools to study combinations of disadvantage has been lacking. Using set-theoretical methodology we explore these new ways of studying multi-dimensional wellbeing that grows out of Charles Ragin’s work on configurational methods. We demonstrate the policy relevance of the new approach by applying it to the EU’s strategy, EU2020, that aim at smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The EU headline target for inclusive growth includes reduction of the number of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion with 20 million persons in the EU. The reduction concerns the number of people experiencing either material deprivation, risk of poverty, or living in jobless households. Based on data from EU SILC we demonstrate how set-theoretic methodology can provide new insights into how material deprivation, risk of population and living in jobless households coincide in countries and across population groups. Identifying how disadvantages coincide in different ways across countries and population groups provides new types of essential information for policy makers wanting to secure inclusive growth.