Previous events
10/10/22, A 5,6 Raum A 231 and online via Zoom, AB B-Kolloquium
Roi Zur, University of Essex, What this Election is About: Issue-Emphasis Strategies in an Uncertain Electoral Environment (joint work with James Adams & Samuel Merrill III)
10/05/22, Online only (zoom link see event website), Workshop
Erik H. Wang, Social Science Data Lab: Matching methods for causal inference with time-series cross-sectional data
10/04/22, A 5,6 Raum A 231 and online via Zoom, AB A-Kolloquium
Marita Jacob, Universität Köln, Who Benefits From Guidance Counseling? Lessons From an Intersectional Perspective Considering Native and Immigrant Students From Low Social Origins
9/26/22, online only, AB B-Kolloquium
Ryan Bakker, University of Essex, Immigration as the Key Structuring Issue of Party Politics in Europe
9/21/22, A 5,6 Raum A 231 + zoom (link: see Event Website), Workshop
Landesvatter, C./ Bauer, P.C./ Behrens, L./ Chan, C.-h./ Sohnius, M.-L./ Undzėnas, D./ Isermann, L., Social Science Data Lab: Application programming interfaces for social scientists: A collaborative review
5/30/22, A 5,6 Raum A 231, AB B-Kolloquium
Prof. Kristine Eck, Uppsala University, Police Attitudes to Misconduct Oversight: A Survey Experiment on US Police Officers
5/24/22, A 5,6 Raum A 231 and/or online via Zoom, AB A-Kolloquium
Prof. Yasemin Soysal, Ph.D., WZB, The Reach and Limits of Cosmopolitan Liberal Citizenship
5/23/22, A 5,6 Raum A 231, AB B-Kolloquium
Dr. Denis Cohen, Universität Mannheim, MZES, The Housing Crisis on Social Media: Housing Markets and the Subnational Diversification of Policy Supply
5/16/22, online only, AB B-Kolloquium
Prof. Ben Ansell, Nuffield College Oxford, Wealth Inequality and Policy Preferences: What Can We Learn from Surveys?
5/10/22, A 5,6 Raum A 231 & online via Zoom, AB A-Kolloquium
Prof. Frida Rudolphi, Ph.D., Umeå University, Educational Choices of Sons and Daughters of Immigrants in Sweden