Previous events
12/03/13, A 5,6 Raum A 231, AB A-Kolloquium
Prof. Dr. Ruud Koopmans, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, Multiculturalism and Immigration: A Contested Field in Cross-National Comparison
11/26/13, A 5,6 Raum A 231, AB A-Kolloquium
Prof. Yinon Cohen, Columbia University in the City of New York, Has the "Brain Drain" Intensified? Selectivity of Emigrants from Israel to the USA, 1980-2010
11/25/13, A 5,6 Raum A 231, AB B-Kolloquium
Dr. Andrea Ceron, State University of Milan, Inter-factional conflicts and government formation: Do party leaders sort out ideological heterogeneity?
11/19/13, A 5,6 Raum A 231, AB A-Kolloquium
Prof. Dr. Gregory Jackson, Freie Universität Berlin, Corporate Social Responsibility and Irresponsibility: A Configurational Analysis of U.S. firms using fuzzy set/Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fs/QCA)
11/12/13, A 5,6 Raum A 231, AB A-Kolloquium
PD Dr. Thomas Bahle, Prof. Dr. Bernhard Ebbinghaus, Thomas Biegert, Universität Mannheim, MZES, Non-Employment and Social Exclusion in Europe: Individual, Household and Family Risks
11/11/13, A 5,6 Raum A 231, AB B-Kolloquium
Dr. Zoltán Fazekas, University of Southern Denmark, Context and personality interplay in the study of political attitudes
11/05/13, A 5,6 Raum A 231, AB A-Kolloquium
Prof. Dr. Holger Bonin, Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung, Mannheim, Labor Market Effects of Gender-Biased Migration
11/04/13, A 5,6 Raum A 231, AB B-Kolloquium
Prof. Howard Lavine, University of Minnesota, Personality, Culture and Economics: The Psychology of Preference Formation in Polarized America
10/30/13, A 5,6 Raum A 231, MZES Public Lecture
Prof. Robert Huckfeldt, Ph.D., University of California, Davis, Interdependence in the Formation of Public Opinion
10/29/13, A 5,6 Raum A 231, AB A-Kolloquium
Prof. Dr. Herbert Brücker, IAB Nürnberg/Universität Bamberg, Migration and Imperfect Labor Markets: Theory and Cross-country Evidence from Denmark, Germany and the UK