Guest at the MZES: Prof. Bart Meuleman

Bart Meuleman has been awarded a research fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and will be hosted as a guest the at MZES until the end of 2022.

Bart Meuleman is full professor at the Centre for Sociological Research (CeSO), KU Leuven (Belgium). His research focuses on cultural and socio-economic conflict lines in increasingly diverse societies. He is particularly interested in how increasing migration movements and ethnic diversity shape preferences for welfare redistribution and social justice. He has extensively studied the structure and roots of intergroup attitudes, ethnic threat perceptions and prejudices, both from a majority and a minority perspective. He has developed broad experience regarding the design and collection of surveys as well as regarding statistical analyses of complex survey datasets (including multilevel modeling, structural equation modeling and Bayesian statistics). He is National Coordinator of ESS Belgium and (co-)supervisor of the Belgian National Elections Study.

During his stay at the MZES, he will work on the project called “Dual Radicalization: A group-based approach to radical beliefs among minority and majority citizens”. The project aims to understand the emergence of radical belief systems among native majority (radical right) and Muslim minority members (radical Islamism). To this end, a model of dual radicalization is developed that conceptualizes radical belief systems of majority and Muslim minority group members as mirror-images and emphasizes that both radical belief systems are crucially intertwined.

(27 October 2021)

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