News items
Please note that the MZES does not offer internships.
TV talk with Professor Jan van Deth: "Angela Steinbrück - oder wen? Die Wahl als 'Gretchenfrage'"
Diskussionssendung "Zur Sache" auf RNF (Rhein-Neckar-Fernsehen)
"Angela Steinbrück - oder wen? Die Wahl als 'Gretchenfrage'" » more European Journal of Political Research (EJPR) has honoured Professor Hermann Schmitt
On the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the European Journal of Political Research (EJPR), experts commented on seven influential EJPR articles published between 1973 and 2013 with a view on how » more Funding for project "Cultural Pathways to Economic Self-Sufficiency and Entrepreneurship: Family Values and Youth Unemployment in Europe (CUPESSE)"
The European Union has granted funding for Dr. » more New EES website hosts European Election Studies from 1979 to present
The European Election Studies (EES) are about electoral participation and voting behaviour in European Parliament elections, but more than that. » more Manuel Siegert and Tobias Roth receive award for publication on gender and diversity
MZES sociologists Manuel Siegert and Tobias Roth have been awarded the WOVEN (Mannheim Women in Academia Visibility and Career Enhancement Program) prize of the university's department for gender e » more Bojanovsky Award for Sonja Schulz
The council of the Prof. Dr. Anna and Prof. Dr. » more Follow-up funding for project "Referendum 'Stuttgart 21'"
The Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg has granted follow-up funding for Professor Dr. Thorsten Faas' project B1.12 "Referendum 'Stuttgart 21'".
» more Lord Mayor Dr. Peter Kurz and Professor van Deth discuss MZES research project "Democracy Audit Mannheim"
On Tuesday, June 18 2013, 7.30 pm, the City of Mannheim will hold a panel discussion on the future of local democracy at the Mannheim town hall (Stadthaus N1). » more "MS Wissenschaft" with MZES exhibit on board in Mannheim
The "MS Wissenschaft", a former cargo ship, has been fully loaded with science by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. » more New Guest Researcher: Prof. Patricia Moy, Ph.D.
Patricia Moy (Ph.D., Wisconsin) is the Christy Cressey Professor of Communication at the University of Washington where she » more