News items
Please note that the MZES does not offer internships.
Dr. Asmus Zoch new scientific staff member
Asmus Zoch joined the MZES in January 2023. Asmus Zoch has a lot of practical experience in large household data collections in Asia and Africa. At the MZES he works in Prof. Dr. » more New scientific staff member: Johannes Lattmann
In December 2022, Johannes Lattmann started working as a research associate for Prof. » more Katharina Ludwig new scientific staff member
Since November 2022, Katharina Ludwig has been a research associate in the project "Implicit and Explicit Racism in News Media and Social Media: Extent and Impact" in collaboration with Prof. » more Koalitionsabkommen für Niedersachsen: Prof. Marc Debus misst klare politische Verschiebung
Der rot-grüne Koalitionsvertrag führt voraussichtlich zu deutlichen politischen Veränderungen in Niedersachsen. » more Dr. Ruben Bach new fellow in the Data and Methods Unit
Since October 2022, Ruben Bach is a fellow in the Data and Methods Unit at the MZES. » more Prof. Marc Debus: ‘red–green’ most likely coalition in Lower Saxony
According to Prof. » more New scientific staff member: Felix Münchow
Felix Münchow is a PhD candidate in Political Science at the Center for Doctoral Studies in Social and Behavioral Sciences (CDSS) and since August 2022 a Research Associate in the SecEUrity-project » more John James Collins new scientific staff member
John ‘Jack’ Collins is a PhD student in sociology at the Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences and an academic staff member at the MZES since September 2022 (Research Dept. A, Dr. » more Party positions in the run-up to the state election in Lower Saxony: short analysis by Professor Marc Debus (in German)
Wer regiert Niedersachsen nach der Landtagswahl am 09. Oktober? Politikwissenschaftler Prof. Marc Debus hat die Wahlprogramme der Parteien inhaltlich ausgewertet und visualisiert. » more New scientific staff member: Clara Husson
Since April 2021, Clara Husson has been working as a Research Associate at the chair of Empirical Democracy Research at the University of Mannheim and since August 2022 she has been working as an a » more