News items
Please note that the MZES does not offer internships.
Lorenz von Stein Award for Dr. Xiao Lu's excellent thesis on new quantile methods
Political scientist Dr. » more New scientific staff member: Dr. Rainer Freudenthaler
Since April 2022 Dr. Rainer Freudenthaler has been working as an academic staff member at the MZES, research dept. B. » more Guest at the MZES: Thomas Tichelbaecker
Thomas Tichelbaecker is a PhD candidate in Comparative Politics at Princeton University and will be hosted at the MZES in research department A until the end of July 2023. » more Sondierungspapier von CDU und Grünen für NRW: Kurzanalyse von Prof. Marc Debus
Zieht man das schwarz-grüne Sondierungspapier für NRW als Grundlage heran, dann konnten sich die Grünen inhaltlich ähnlich gut durchsetzen wie die CDU. Zu diesem Schluss kommt Prof. » more New scientific staff member: Marcel Kappes
Marcel Kappes is a doctoral candidate in sociology at the Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences (GESS) and since January 2022 he has been working as a research assistant at the Mannheim C » more „Rassistische Realitäten“: Erste Ergebnisse des Nationalen Diskriminierungs- und Rassismusmonitors (NaDiRa) in Berlin präsentiert
In der Bundespressekonferenz Berlin wurden heute von Bundesfamilienministerin Lisa Paus und der Doppelspitze des DeZIM-Instituts, Prof. Naika Foroutan und Prof. » more Guest at the MZES: Prof. Guillermo Cordero
Guillermo Cordero is an associate professor in the Department of Political Science at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). » more Jan Dillhöfer new scientific staff member
Since April 2022, Jan Dillhöfer has been working as a researcher at the project A3.2203 "'(Not) welcome to digital Germany'? Causes and mechanisms of cyber-discrimination" of research dept. » more New scientific staff member: Nino Petriashvili
Since October 2021 Nino Petriashvili has been working as a researcher at MZES in the project A2.2104 "Demographic, Societal, and Economic Consequences of East-West Migration in Europe (EUMIG)" of r » more Wahl in Schleswig-Holstein: Nochmal Jamaika? Kurzanalyse der Parteipositionen von Prof. Marc Debus
Welche Koalition regiert den Norden nach der Landtagswahl am 08. Mai? » more