Other news items
Research Award for Dirk Junge, Thomas König, and Bernd Luig
Political scientists Dirk Junge, Thomas König, and Bernd Luig have won the first award on bureaucracy research granted by the Cologne Institute on Economic Research (Institut der deutschen Wirtscha » more
Best paper award for Moritz Heß and colleagues: conference contribution on population ageing, the intergenerational conflict, and active ageing policies
Moritz Heß (MZES), Elias Naumann (SFB 884, University of Mannheim), and Leander Steinkopf (FU Berlin) have won the best paper award at the conference “Building an evidence base for active ageing po » more
Youth unemployment and employment policy in the EU: article by Professor Jale Tosun on the CUPESSE project "Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte", in German)
"Dieser Beitrag betrachtet die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Europa aus drei Blickwinkeln. » more
Other News
MZES deeply saddened by death of Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Hermann Weber
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WOVEN Publish Prize for former MZES researchers Zerrin Salikutluk and Stefanie Heyne
Award for article on gender specific disadvantages of Turkish-origin immigrant children based on two MZES research projects (press release in German)
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Guest Researcher at the MZES: Prof. Patricia Moy, Ph.D.
The MZES welcomes Professor Patricia Moy as a guest professor in November and December 2014. » more
Winning Paper in the Poliinformatics ‘Computational Linguistics (ACL) Workshop Challenge’ for Nicole Baerg and Will Lowe
The paper "Estimating Central Bank Preferences” by Nicole Baerg, Will Lowe, Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Simone Ponzetto, and Cäcilia Zirn (all: University of Mannheim) was the winning submission in the< » more
Other News
MZES mourns death of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. M. Rainer Lepsius
The MZES is deeply saddened by the death of the renowned sociologist Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. M. Rainer Lepsius. Professor Lepsius was member of the MZES Scientific Advisory Board from 1998 to 2006. » more
CUPESSE Policy Brief No 1
The first CUPESSE policy brief provides an overview of labour market policy foci across countries and discusses an active labour market programme – Jump Plus – aimed at young unemployed adults in M » more
Best Paper Award for Lars Leszczensky and Sebastian Pink
The MZES researchers Lars Leszczensky and Sebastian Pink have been awarded the Best Paper Award at the 1st Annual BAGSS Conference on Migration and Integration in Bamberg for their paper "Ethnic Fr » more