Other news items
New series "MZES Fokus" for target groups (also) outside academia
With “MZES Fokus”, the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES) launches a new series of publications. » more
Other News
ENGAGE.EU Roundtable with Professor Frank Kalter: Integration of Immigrants into Today's Increasingly Heterogeneous Societies: Challenges and Opportunities
In the fourth in a series of digital roundtables, organized by the ENGAGE.EU alliance of universities, experts from international universities join the discussion about the integration of immigrant » more
Dr. Benjamin G. Engst receives the German Political Science Association’s Dissertation Award
The German Political Science Association (GPSA) awards this year’s Dissertation Award to MZES project director Dr. Benjamin G. » more
Other News
Professor Marc Helbling appointed associate editor of the journal International Migration Review
Professor Marc Helbling, professor of sociology and MZES Chair of Sociology of Migration and Integration, was appointed associate editor of the internationally renowned journal International Migrat » more
Professor Jochen E. Gebauer erhält Auszeichnung für herausragende Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der Selbstkonzeptforschung
Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs) ehrt Gebauer mit dem Charlotte- und Karl-Bühler-Preis. » more
Oke Bahnsen receives research funding from Karin Islinger Foundation
MZES political scientist Oke Bahnsen receives 2,000 Euros from the Karin Islinger Foundation for an online survey titled “Evidence on Voters’ Response to Coalition Promise Breaking”. » more
DeZIM meets taz Talk: Unverzichtbares Prekariat
Siehe auch Interview: Migrationsforscher über Systemrel » more
SAGE Concept Grant for MZES Fellow Dr. Chung-hong Chan
MZES Fellow Dr. » more
Two top paper awards for MZES Fellow Dr. Chung-hong Chan at the 70th Annual ICA Conference
MZES Fellow Dr. Chung-hong Chan has won two top paper awards at the recent 70th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) for his contributions » more
ASI young scholar award for Dr. Lars Leszczensky and Dr. Sebastian Pink
The German working group of social science institutes (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute e.V., ASI) has granted this year’s young scholar award (Nachwuchspreis) to the MZES soc » more