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Podiumsdiskussion am 11. September zu Hass und Häme in der politischen Debatte
Start der neuen Veranstaltungsreihe „Hass und Intoleranz in der offenen Gesellschaft“ » more
Professor Frauke Kreuter wins ASA Links Lecture Award
MZES project director Professor Frauke Kreuter is the most recent winner of the American Statistical Association Links Lecture Award. » more
Bojanovsky Research Award for Jing Shen, Ph.D.
MZES researcher Jing Shen has been granted this year's research award of the Prof. Dr. Anna und Prof. Dr. Jörg Jiri Bojanovsky Foundation. » more
Veranstaltungshinweis: Welche Integration, wie messen? DeZIM-AL#2 mit Gästen aus Wissenschaft, Politik und Zivilgesellschaft
"Welche Integration, wie messen? » more
Deutsches Zentrum für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung erhält Doppelspitze
Mit der Berufung von Prof. Dr. Frank Kalter in die Doppelspitze des neu gegründeten Deutschen Zentrums für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung e.V. ist die Leitung des Instituts komplett. » more
Open access: 10,000 Euros of MZES funding per year – first publication out now
MZES Fellow Dr. Paul C. Bauer is author of the first MZES-funded open access publication. » more
MZES postdoc conference "Vices and Virtues of Decentralization": special issue of "West European Politics" out now
The contributions to the MZES postdoc conference "Vices a » more
Professor Thomas König elected member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
Political scientist Professor Thomas König has been elected member of the Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina.
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Former MZES researcher Dr. Moritz Heß wins Research Award of the FNA Research Network on Pensions
Sociologist Moritz Heß has been awarded this year's Research Award of the FNA Research Network on Pensions for his dissertation „Preferred and Expected Retirement Age in Germany and Europe“ » more
Predictions for Anti-Immigrant Parties in Western Europe: talk by Dr. Nate Breznau at the ALUM conference in Beirut, Lebanon
Conference of the Alliance of Leading Universities on Migration (ALUM) at the American University of Beirut, Lebanon: Dr. » more