Please note that the MZES does not offer internships.
Marius Sältzer new scientific staff member
In November 2018, Marius Sältzer started working as a researcher in the project The Populist Challenge in Parliament. » more Guest at the MZES: Or Tuttnauer, Ph.D.
Or Tuttnauer is a DAAD fellowship holder and will be hosted at the MZES in research department B until the end of September 2019. » more Professor David Sulmont guest at the MZES
David Sulmont is a KAAD (Katholischer Akademischer Ausländer-Dienst) scholarship holder and will be hosted at the MZES until 15 December 2018. » more New scientific staff member: Swetlana Nowoshenowa
Since Semptember 2018, Swetlana Nowoshenowa has been working as a researcher in the project A3.16 „Religion, Religiosity, and the Social-Emotional Integration of Muslim Youth” (Dr. » more Reilly Lorenz new scientific staff member
Reilly Lorenz has been working as a researcher in the DeZIM sub-project “ExiTT: Exit – Transit – Transformation” (Prof. Dr. Frank Kalter) since September 2018. » more New scientific staff member: Christine Emmer
In September 2018, Christine Emmer started working as a PhD student at the MZES in research department A. » more Ashrakat Elshehawy new scientific staff member
Since August 2018, Ashrakat Elshehawy has been working as a researcher at the MZES in the project "Individual Responses to International Democratizing Action (IRIDA)". » more Katharina Burgdorf new scientific staff member
In September 2018, Katharina Burgdorf started working as a researcher at the MZES in research area A in the project A1.12 “Origins of Bureaucratic Organization: A Comparative Study of Political Car » more New member of the MZES Data and Methods Unit: Dr. Denis Cohen
Since September 2018, Dr. Denis Cohen has been working as a researcher in the Data and Methods Unit at the MZES. » more Jana Berkessel new scientific staff member
Jana Berkessel is a PhD student at the MZES in research department A. » more