New Acquisitions MZES library 2017
Reference books
Aspalter, Christian
The Routledge international handbook to welfare state systems
London ; Routledge, 2017
Shelfmark: ALLG/Info/Handb/111
Ballas, Dimitris
The human atlas of Europe : a continent united in diversity
Bristol : Policy Press, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Info/Atl/010
Best, Heinrich
The Palgrave handbook of political elites
London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Info/Handb/116
The Sage handbook of electoral behaviour. Volume 1
Los Angeles : SAGE reference, 2017
Shelfmark: ALLG/Info/Handb/112=1
Cogan, Jacob Katz
The Oxford Handbook of international organizations
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016
Shelfmark: ALLG/Info/Handb/010=25
Dreyfus, Michel
Les sources de l'histoire ouvrière, sociale et industrielle en France (XIXème - XXème siècles) : guide documentaire
Paris : Ed Ouvrières 1987
Shelfmark: F/Info/Biblio/013
Dølvik, Jon Erik
Labour mobility in the enlarged single European market
Bingley : Emerald Group Publishing, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Info/Jahrb/006=32
Gillespie, Richard
Routledge handbook on Mediterranean politics
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Info/Handb/033
Harkins, Stephen G.
The Oxford handbook of social influence
New York : Oxford University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: ALLG/Info/Handb/114
Hooghe, Liesbet
Measuring international authority
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: ALLG/Info/Handb/115
Kennett, Patricia
Handbook of European social policy
Cheltenham, UK ; Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Info/Handb/031
Luijkx, Ruud
European values in numbers : trends and traditions at the turn of the century
Leiden ; Brill, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Info/Daten/020
Mingst, Karen A.
The United Nations in the 21st century
Boulder, CO : Westview Press, 2017
Shelfmark: ALLG/Info/Handb/113
Rovira Kaltwasser, Cristóbal
The Oxford handbook of populism
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: ALLG/Info/Handb/010=26
Sundhaussen, Holm
Lexikon zur Geschichte Südosteuropas
Wien ; Böhlau Verlag, 2016
Shelfmark: E.K./Info/Handb/007=2
EU Integration
Berend, Tibor Iván
The contemporary crisis of the European Union : prospects for the future
London ; Routledge, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/598
Busch, Klaus
Europa geht auch solidarisch! : Streitschrift für eine andere Europäische Union
Hamburg : VSA: Verlag, 2016
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/597
Castells, Manuel
Europe's crises
Cambridge : Polity Press, 2018
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/609
Chopin, Thierry
The State of the Union : Schuman Report 2017 on Europe
Paris : Lignes De Repères, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/592=2017
Cini, Michelle
European Union politics
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/318=5
Dinan, Desmond
The European Union in crisis
London : Palgrave MacMillan education, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/604
Drozdiak, William
Der Zerfall : Europas Krisen und das Schicksal des Westens
Zürich : Orell Füssli Verlag, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/608
The quest for Europeanization : interdisciplinary perspectives on a multiple process = Die Suche nach Europäisierung : ein komplexer Prozess in interdisziplinärer Perspektive
Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/607
Hoebink, Hein
Wir brauchen das Vereinte Europa!
Essen : Klartext, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/606
Jansen, Thomas
Europa verstehen : Reflexionen gegen die Krise der Union
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2016
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/601
Marhold, Hartmut
Europe in trouble : developing under the constraint of crises
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2016
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/600
McCormick, John
Understanding the European Union : a concise introduction
Basingstoke, Hampshire : Palgrave Macmillan, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/224=7
Medeiros, Eduardo
Uncovering the territorial dimension of European Union cohesion policy : cohesion, development, impact assessment, and cooperation
London ; Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/605
Verhofstadt, Guy
Europe's last chance : why the European states must form a more perfect union
New York : Basic Books, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/599
Åslund, Anders
Europe's growth challenge
New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/602
General, social, economic history
Blume, Georg
Der Frankreich-Blues : wie Deutschland eine Freundschaft riskiert
Hamburg : Edition Körber, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Allg/293
Cole, Alistair
French politics and society
London ; Routledge, 2017
Shelfmark: F/Allg/048=3
Crainz, Guido
Storia del miracolo italiano : culture, identità, trasformazioni fra anni cinquanta e sessanta
Roma : Donzelli Editore, 2005
Shelfmark: I/Allg/065
Ferfila, Bogomil B.
The Nordic countries : a comparative approach
Ljubljana : Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2009
Shelfmark: E.K./Allg/290
Frank, Matthew James
Making minorities history : population transfer in twentieth-century Europe
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Allg/292
Pinto, António Costa
Corporatism and fascism : the corporatist wave in Europe
London ; Routledge, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Allg/291
Prebelakēs, Geōrgios-Stylianos
Qui sont les Grecs? : Une identité en crise
Paris : CNRS Éditions, 2017
Shelfmark: GR/Allg/032
Rosengarten, Ulrich
Litauen - ein europäischer Staat zwischen Ost und West
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2016
Shelfmark: LT/Allg/014
Stråth, Bo
European modernity : a global approach
London ; Bloomsbury Academic, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Allg/294
Estonian human development report
Tallinn : sn Nachgewiesen 1995 -
Shelfmark: EST/Allg/003
Uterwedde, Henrik
Frankreich - eine Länderkunde
Opladen ; Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2017
Shelfmark: F/Allg/108
Population, migration, urbanism, social geography
Borgna, Camilla
Migrant penalties in educational achievement : second-generation immigrants in Western Europe
Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Bevgeo/536
Castles, Stephen
Migration, citizenship and identity : selected essays
Cheltenham, UK ; Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017
Shelfmark: ALLG/Bevgeo/228
Dorling, Daniel
Why demography matters
CambridgeA : Polity, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Bevgeo/229
Eager, Paige Whaley
Global population policy : from poulation contral to reproductive rights
London ; Routledge, 2017
Shelfmark: ALLG/Bevgeo/227
Erel, Umut
Migrant women transforming citizenship : life stories from Britain and Germany
London : Routledge, 2016
Shelfmark: E.K./Bevgeo/537
Kivisto, Peter
National identity in an age of migration : the US experience
London : Routledge, 2016
Shelfmark: USA/Bevgeo/077
Lima, Philomena de
International migration : the well-being of migrants
Edinburgh ; Dunedin, 2017
Shelfmark: ALLG/Bevgeo/225
Maley, William
What is a refugee?
London : Hurst & Company, 2016
Shelfmark: ALLG/Bevgeo/226
Marinescu, Nicolae
East-West migration in the European Union
Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Bevgeo/535
Nadler, Robert
Return migration and regional development in Europe : mobility against the stream
London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2016
Shelfmark: E.K./Bevgeo/534
Nowicka, Magdalena
Migration and social remittances in a global Europe
London : Palgrave Macmillan, an imprint of Springer Nature, 2016
Shelfmark: E.K./Bevgeo/538
Waldinger, Roger David
The cross-border connection : immigrants, emigrants, and their homelands
Cambridge, Massachusetts ; Harvard University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: USA/Bevgeo/078
Education, science, research
Bucholc, Marta
Sociology in Poland : to be continued?
London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2016
Shelfmark: PL/Bild/005
Chaudry, Ajay
Cradle to kindergarten : a new plan to combat inequality
New York : Russell Sage Foundation, 2017
Shelfmark: USA/Bild/048
Collins, Harry M.
Why democracies need science
Cambridge ; Polity Press, 2017
Shelfmark: ALLG/Bild/097
Geo-JaJa, MacLeans A.
Effects of globalization on education systems and development : debates and issues
Rotterdam ; Sense Publishers, 2016
Shelfmark: AE/Bild/008
Loprieno, Antonio
Die entzauberte Universität : europäische Hochschulen zwischen lokaler Trägerschaft und globaler Wissenschaft
Wien : Passagen Verlag, 2016
Shelfmark: ALLG/Bild/096
Moutsios, Stavros
Society and education : an outline of comparison
London ; Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Bild/098
Reay, Diane
Miseducation : inequality, education and the working classes
Bristol : Policy, 2017
Shelfmark: GB/Bild/041
Simola, Hannu
The Finnish education mystery : historical and sociological essays on schooling in Finland
London ; Routledge, 2017
Shelfmark: FIN/Bild/013
Waller, Richard
Higher education and social inequalities : university admissions, experiences, and outcomes
London ; Routledge, 2018
Shelfmark: GB/Bild/040
Wisselgren, Per
The social scientific gaze : the social question and the rise of academic social science in Sweden
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017
Shelfmark: S/Bild/008
Labour market, classes, professions, status groups
Altenried, Moritz
Logistische Grenzlandschaften : das Regime mobiler Arbeit nach dem Sommer der Migration
Münster : Unrast, 2017
Shelfmark: D/Erwkla/287
Antoniou, Alexander-Stamatios G.
The aging workforce handbook : individual, organizational and societal challenges
Bingley : Emerald, 2017
Shelfmark: ALLG/Erwkla/111
David, Alexandra
Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial skills in Europe : examples to improve potential entrepreneurial spirit
Opladen ; Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Erwkla/526
Greer, Ian
The marketization of employment services : the dilemmas of Europe's work-first welfare state
Oxdford : Oxford University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Erwkla/524
Hilson, Mary
Labour, unions and politics under the North Star : the Nordic countries, 1700-2000
New York ; Berghahn Books, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Erwkla/522
Razzu, Giovanni
Gender inequality in the Eastern European labour market : twenty-five years of transition since the fall of communism
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Erwkla/521
Słomczynski, Kazimierz M.
Dynamics of social structure : Poland's transformative years 1988-2013
Warsaw : IFIS Publishers, 2016
Shelfmark: PL/Erwkla/011
Taylor, Marcus
Global labour studies
Cambridge, UK ; Polity Press, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Erwkla/112
Vössing, Konstantin
How leaders mobilize workers : social democracy, revolution, and moderate syndicalism
Cambridge ; Cambridge University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Erwkla/527
Zahn, Rebecca
New labour laws in old member states : trade union responses to European enlargement
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Erwkla/523
Family, household, kinship
Albera, Dionigi
Reframing the history of family and kinship : from the Alps towards Europe
Bern ; Peter Lang, 2016
Shelfmark: E.K./Famil/401
Angel, Ronald
Family, intergenerational solidarity, and post-traditional society
New York ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: USA/Famil/086
Aubourg, Valérie
Familles et temps : modification des liens conjugaux et parentaux
Paris : Harmattan, 2016
Shelfmark: F/Famil/062
Baker, Catherine
Gender in twentieth-century Eastern Europe and the USSR
London ; Palgrave Macmillan, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Famil/403
Byer, Silvia Giovanardi
Representations of female identity in Italy : from neoclassism to the 21st century
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017
Shelfmark: I/Famil/031
Evans, Mary
The persistence of gender inequality
Cambridge, UK ; Polity Press, 2017
Shelfmark: ALLG/Famil/181
Feller, Elise
Du vieillard au retraité : la construction de la vieillesse dans la France du XXe siècle
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2017
Shelfmark: F/Famil/061
Gianesini, Giovanna
Divorce, separation, and remarriage : the transformation of family
Bingley : Emerald, 2016
Shelfmark: ALLG/Famil/182
Green, Andy
The crisis for young people : generational inequalities in education, work, housing and welfare
Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2017
Shelfmark: GB/Famil/119
Grunow, Daniela
Couples' transitions to parenthood : analysing gender and work in Europe
Cheltenham ; Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016
Shelfmark: E.K./Famil/404
Kilkey, Majella
Family life in an age of migration and mobility : global perspectives through the life course
London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2016
Shelfmark: E.K./Famil/402
Lamb, Sarah
Successful aging as a contemporary obsession : global perspectives
New Brunswick ; Rutgers University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: ALLG/Famil/183
Liinason, Mia
Equality struggles : women's movements, neoliberal markets and state political agendas in Scandinavia
London ; Routledge, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Famil/407
Liu, Edgar
Multigenerational family living : evidence and policy implications from Australia
London ; Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2017
Shelfmark: AUS/Famil/003
Santos, Gonçalo
Transforming patriarchy : Chinese families in the twenty-first century
Seattle : University of Washington Press, 2017
Shelfmark: ASI/Famil/012
Strobel, Katharina
Familie auf Europäisch : Liebe und Alltag zwischen den Kulturen
Berlin : Ch. Links Verlag, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Famil/406
Warat, Marta
Gender equality and quality of life : perspectives from Poland and Norway
Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang Edition, 2016
Shelfmark: E.K./Famil/405
Xu, Anqi
The Chinese family today
London ; Routledge, Tayloer & Francis Group, 2017
Shelfmark: ASI/Famil/010
Yoshida, Akiko
Unmarried women in Japan : the drift into singlehood
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017
Shelfmark: ASI/Famil/011
Monetary, financial institutions
Baruphakēs, Giannēs
Adults in the room : my battle with Europe's deep establishment
London : The Bodley Head, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Finanz/211
Henning, C. Randall
Tangled governance : international regime complexity, the Troika, and the Euro crisis
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Finanz/210
Preda, Daniela
The history of European Monetary Union : comparing strategies amidst prospects for integration and national resistance
Brussels : P.I.E. Peter Lang S.A., 2016
Shelfmark: E.A./Finanz/212
Schneider, Etienne
Raus aus dem Euro - rein in die Abhängigkeit? : Perspektiven und Grenzen alternativer Wirtschaftspolitik außerhalb des Euro : eine Veröffentlichung der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung
Hamburg : VSA Verlag Hamburg, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Finanz/209
EU institutions
Hodson, Dermot
The institutions of the European Union
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Inst/192=4
Jensen, Mads Dagnis
EU presidencies between politics and administration : the governmentality of the Polish, Danish and Cypriot trio presidency in 2011-12
London ; Routledge, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Inst/236
Knauff, Matthias
Die Europäische Kommission zwischen Technokratie und Politisierung
Berlin : BWV, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2016
Shelfmark: E.A./Inst/237
Nugent, Neill
The government and politics of the European Union
London : Palgrave macmillan education, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Inst/020=8
Pukallus, Stefanie
Representations of European citizenship since 1951
[London] : Palgrave Macmillan, 2016
Shelfmark: E.A./Inst/235
Rauh, Christian
A responsive technocracy? : EU politicisation and the consumer policies of the European Commission
Colchester, United Kingdom : ECPR Press, 2016
Shelfmark: E.A./Inst/234
Schmahl, Stefanie
The Council of Europe : its law and policies
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Inst/238
International relations
Arbeitskreis Europäische Integration 2015 Essen
Die Beziehungen zwischen der Europäischen Union und China
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/618
Beckouche, Pierre
Europe's Mediterranean neighbourhood : an integrated geography
Cheltenham, UK ; Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/623
Berti, Benedetta
Democratization in EU foreign policy : new member states as drivers of democracy promotion
London; New York : Routledge, 2016
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/626
Bourantonis, Dimitrios
The EU in UN politics : actors, processes and performances
London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2017
Shelfmark: ALLG/Intbez/507
Busygina-Thränert, Irina M.
Russia-EU relations and the common neighborhood : coercion vs. authority
London ; Routledge, 2018
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/625
Carey, Henry F.
The challenges of European governance in the age of economic stagnation, immigration, and refugees
Lanham ; Lexington Books, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/617
Freyberg-Inan, Annette
Growing together, growing apart : Turkey and the European Union today
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2016
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/620
Gstöhl, Sieglinde
Theorizing the European neighbourhood policy
London ; Routledge, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/614
Hill, Christopher
International relations and the European Union
Oxford [u.a.] : Oxford University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/481=3
Hilz, Wolfram
Deutschland und Polen in der Europäischen Union : nationale Präferenzen und Kooperationspotentiale ein Vierteljahrhundert nach dem Umbruch 1989/90
Marburg : Tectum Verlag, 2016
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/624
Huigens, Judith
The EU and effective multilateralism : internal and external reform practices
London : Routledge 2014
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/627
Ikonomou, Haakon A.
European enlargement across rounds and beyond borders
London ; Routledge, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/616
Jakob, Christian
Diktatoren als Türsteher Europas : wie die EU ihre Grenzen nach Afrika verlagert
Berlin : Ch. Links Verlag, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/628
Lane, David
The Eurasian Project in global perspective
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Intbez/510
Littoz-Monnet, Annabelle
The politics of expertise in international organizations : how international bureaucracies produce and mobilize knowledge
London ; Routledge, 2017
Shelfmark: ALLG/Intbez/506
Men, Jing
China and EU : reform and governance
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/621
Scalera, Jamie E.
Negotiating membership in the WTO and EU : the politics of accession
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017
Shelfmark: ALLG/Intbez/505
Sloan, Stanley R.
Defense of the west : NATO, the European Union and the transatlantic bargain
Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2016
Shelfmark: ALLG/Intbez/504
Smith, Michael E.
Europe's common security and defence policy : capacity-building, experiential learning, and institutional change
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/622
Smith, Nicholas Ross
EU-Russian relations and the Ukraine crisis
Cheltenham ; Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/613
Webber, Mark
Theorising NATO : new perspectives on the Atlantic alliance
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2016
Shelfmark: ALLG/Intbez/508
Weller, Patrick Moray
The politics of international organizations : views from insiders
London [u.a.] : Routledge 2015
Shelfmark: ALLG/Intbez/509
Yeşilada, Birol A.
Global power transition and the future of the European Union
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/629
Religion, culture, media
Colom González, Francisco
Multireligious society : dealing with religious diversity in theory and practice
Abingdon ; Routledge, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Kultur/142
Margetts, Helen
Political turbulence : how social media shape collective action
Princeton, New Jersey ; Princeton University Press, 2016
Shelfmark: ALLG/Medien/049
Nelis, Jan
Religion and secularism in the European Union : state of affairs and current debates
Bruxelles ; P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Kultur/089
Papaioannou, Tao
Media representations of anti-austerity protests in the EU : grievances, identities and agency
New York ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Medien/060
Seizov, Ognyan
New studies in multimodality : conceptual and methodological elaborations
London ; Bloomsbury Academic, 2017
Shelfmark: THEO/Medien/011
Triantaphyllidu, Anna
The problem of religious diversity : European challenges, Asian approaches
Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Kultur/143
Vorderer, Peter
Permanently online, permanently connected : living and communicating in a POPC world
New York ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Medien/052
EU member states
Franceschi, Patrice
Combattre! : comment les Etats-Unis d'Europe peuvent sauver la France : manifeste
Paris : Editions de La Martinière, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./MGS/489
Giuliani, Jean-Dominique
Pour quelques étoiles de plus... : quelle politique européenne pour la France?
Gambais : Editions Lignes de Repères, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./MGS/490
Kaliber, Alper
Is Turkey de-Europeanising? : encounters with Europe in a candidate country
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./MGS/488
Nas, Çiğdem
Turkey and EU integration : achievements and obstacles
Abingdon, Oxon ; Routledge, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./MGS/491
Păun, Nicolae
Borders, identities, communities : the road to reconciliation and partnership in Central and Eastern Europe
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2016
Shelfmark: E.A./MGS/487
Saral, Melek
Turkey's 'self' and 'other' definitions in the course of the EU accession process
Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./MGS/492
Nationalism, minorities, regionalism
Beer, Paul de
Ethnic diversity and solidarity : a study of their complex relationship
Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017
Shelfmark: ALLG/Nation/153
Beremēs, Thanos
A modern history of the Balkans : nationalism and identity in Southeast Europe
London ; I.B. Tauris, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Nation/459
Chin, Rita C.-K.
The crisis of multiculturalism in Europe : a history
Princeton ; Princeton University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Nation/461
Clayer, Nathalie
Europe's Balkan muslims : a new history
London : Hurst & Company, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Nation/458
Franceschelli, Michela
Identity and upbringing in South Asian Muslim families : insights from young people and their parents in Britain
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2016
Shelfmark: GB/Nation/051
Grimm, Jürgen
Dynamics of national identity : media and societal factors of what we are
London ; Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2016
Shelfmark: E.K./Nation/456
Jiménez, Tomás R.
The other side of assimilation : how immigrants are changing American life
Oakland, California : University of California Press, 2017
Shelfmark: USA/Nation/041
Madsen, Peter
Challenging identities : European horizons
New York ; Routledge, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Nation/455
Neal, Sarah
Lived experiences of multiculture : the new social and spatial relations of diversity
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: GB/Nation/052
Tomić, Đorđe
Phantomgrenzen und regionale Autonomie im postsozialistischen Südosteuropa : die Vojvodina und das Banat im Vergleich
Göttingen : Wallstein Verlag, 2016
Shelfmark: E.K./Nation/454
Vetter, Reinhold
Nationalismus im Osten Europas : was Kaczyński und Orbán mit Le Pen und Wilders verbindet
Berlin : Ch. Links Verlag, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Nation/457
Weisskirch, Robert S.
Language brokering in immigrant families : theories and contexts
New York : Routledge, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Nation/460
Political parties, elections, participation, elites, public opinion
Abromeit, John
Transformations of populism in Europe and the Americas : history and recent tendencies
London : Bloomsbury Academic, 2016
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1195
Bailey, David
Political economy of Brexit
Newcastle upon Tyne : agenda publishing, 2017
Shelfmark: GB/Polsoz/284
Bale, Tim
European Politics : a comparative Introduction
London : Palgrave, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Polsoz/199=4
Balík, Stanislav
Czech politics : from West to East and back again
Opladen ; Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2017
Shelfmark: CZ/Polsoz/021
Bedock, Camille
Reforming democracy : institutional engineering in Western Europe
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1187
Bee, Cristiano
Active citizenship in Europe : practices and demands in the EU, Italy, Turkey and the UK
New York, NY : Springer, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Polsoz/326
Bertelsen, Olga
Revolution and war in contemporary Ukraine : the challenge of change
Stuttgart : Ibidem-Verlag, 2016
Shelfmark: UKR/Polsoz/065
Bilgin, Ayhan
Political culture of Turkey in the rule of the AKP : change and continuity = Politische Kultur der Türkei in der Herrschaft der AKP : Wandel und Kontinuität
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2016
Shelfmark: TR/Polsoz/024
Blau, Adrian
Methods in analytical political theory
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: THEO/Polsoz/196
Boicu, Roxandra
Political communication and European Parliamentary elections in times of crisis : perspectives from Central and South-Eastern Europe
London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1172
Brack, Nathalie
Opposing Europe in the European Parliament : rebels and radicals in the Chamber
London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2018
Shelfmark: E.A./Polsoz/329
Brancati, Dawn
Democracy protests : origins, features, and significance
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2016
Shelfmark: ALLG/Polsoz/338
Brennan, Jason
Against democracy
Princeton ; Princeton University Press, 2016
Shelfmark: THEO/Polsoz/194
Bröning, Michael
Flucht, Migration und die Linke in Europa
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Welfare state, social policy, public health
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Karimi, Sirvan
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Schuerkens, Ulrike
Social changes in a global world
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Constitution, european treaties, government, administration, law
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EU policy responses to a shifting multilateral system
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Belco, Michelle
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Social policies and public action
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Dahlström, Carl
Organizing Leviathan : politicians, bureaucrats and the making of good government
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Diesen, Glenn
Russia's geoeconomic strategy for a greater Eurasia
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Föderale Kompetenzverteilung in Europa
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Giegerich, Thomas
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Greve, Carsten
Nordic administrative reforms : lessons for public management
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Grimmel, Andreas
The crisis of the European Union : challenges, analyses, solutions
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Guild, Elspeth
Brexit and its consequences for UK and EU citizenship or monstrous citizenship
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Jančić, Davor
National parliaments after the Lisbon treaty and the Euro crisis : resilience or resignation?
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King, Desmond S.
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Krumm, Thomas
Staatlichkeit im Wandel : öffentlich-private Partnerschaften im internationalen Vergleich
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Kuijper, Pieter Jan
The law of EU external relations : cases, materials, and commentary on the EU as an international legal actor
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Lapsley, Irvine
Modernizing the public sector : Scandinavian perspectives
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Maatsch, Aleksandra
Parliaments and the economic governance of the European Union : talking shops or deliberative bodies
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Maduro, Miguel Poiares
The transformation of Europe : twenty-five years on
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Marchi Balossi-Restelli, Ludovica
Italy's foreign policy in the twenty-first century : a contested nature?
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Marczuk, Karina Paulina
Reconciliation - partnership - security : cooperation between Poland and Germany 1991-2016 : the 25th anniversary of the treaty between the Republic of Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany on good neighbourliness and friendly cooperation
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Polese, Abel
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Song, Weiqing
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Soyaltin, Digdem
Europeanisation, good governance and corruption in the public sector : the case of Turkey
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Thym, Daniel
Unionsbürgerschaft und Migration im aktuellen Europarecht
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Concepts & theories of integration, federalism, special theories
Bicchieri, Cristina
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Caramani, Daniele
Comparative politics
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Environmental policy
Fitzpatrick, Tony
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Inequality, mobility, social stratification
Bacqué, Marie-Hélène
The middle classes and the city : a study of Paris and London
Basingstoke [u.a.] : Palgrave Macmillan 2015
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Bessant, Judith
The precarious generation : a political economy of young people
London and New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017
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Boatcă, Manuela
Global inequalities in world-systems perspective : theoretical debates and methodological innovations
New York ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
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Calder, Gideon
How inequality runs in families : unfair advantage and the limits of social mobility
Bristol ; Policy Press, 2016
Shelfmark: GB/Unglei/059
Cantillon, Béa
Children of austerity : impact of the great recession on child poverty in rich countries
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017
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Cappellari, Lorenzo
Inequality : causes and consequences
Bingley, United Kingdom : Emerald, 2016
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Chiavacci, David
Social inequality in post-growth Japan : transformation during economic and demographic stagnation
London ; Routledge, 2017
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Cremer, Georg
Armut in Deutschland : Wer ist arm? Was läuft schief? Wie können wir handeln?
München : C.H. Beck, 2016
Shelfmark: D/Unglei/096
Davis, Shannon N.
Gender in the twenty-first century : the stalled revolution and the road to equality
Oakland, California : University of California Press, 2017
Shelfmark: USA/Unglei/091
Erola, Jani
Social inequality across the generations : the role of compensation and multiplication in resource accumulation
Cheltenham, UK , Northampton, MA, USA : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Unglei/177
Evans, Geoffrey
The new politics of class : the political exclusion of the British working class
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: GB/Unglei/060
Gans, Herbert J.
Sociology and social policy : essays on community, economy, and society
New York : Columbia University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: USA/Unglei/090
Harnois, Catherine E.
Analyzing inequalities : an introduction to race, class, gender, and sexuality using the general social survey
Los Angeles ; SAGE, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Unglei/182
Huber, John D.
Exclusion by elections : inequality, ethnic identity, and democracy
Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: ALLG/Unglei/183
Jensen, Carsten
The politics of inequality
London ; Macmillan Education, Palgrave, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Unglei/176
Jodhka, Surinder S.
Inequality in capitalist societies
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Unglei/180
Keating, Michael
A wealthier, fairer Scotland : the political economy of constitutional change
Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: GB/Unglei/061
Kelly, Peter
Neo-liberalism and austerity : the moral economies of young people's health and well-being
London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Unglei/175
Lambert, Paul
Social stratification : trends and processes
London ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2016
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Ragin, Charles C.
Intersectional inequality : race, class, test scores, and poverty
Chicago ; University of Chicago Press, 2017
Shelfmark: USA/Unglei/089
Scheidel, Walter
The great leveler : violence and the history of inequality from the Stone Age to the twenty-first century
Princeton ; Princeton University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: ALLG/Unglei/179
Wulfgramm, Melike
Welfare state transformations and inequality in OECD countries
London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2016
Shelfmark: E.K./Unglei/173
Örtenblad, Anders
Gender equality in a global perspective
New York ; Routledge, 2017
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Şentürk, Burcu
Urban poverty in Turkey : development and modernisation in low-income communities
London ; I.B. Tauris, 2016
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Trade unions, employers' organisations, associations at EU level
Bitonti, Alberto
Lobbying in Europe : public affairs and the lobbying industry in 28 EU countries
London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2017
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Greenwood, Justin
Interest representation in the European Union
London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Verbän/076=4
Joos, Klemens
Convincing political stakeholders : successful lobbying through process competence in the complex decision-making system of the European Union
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Landgraf, Christin
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Mahmood, Zaad
Globalization and labour reforms : the politics of interest groups and partisan governments
New Delhi : Oxford University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: ASI/Verbän/004
Phinney, Robin
Strange bedfellows : interest group coalitions, diverse partners, and influence in American social policy
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017
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Wenzel, Michał
Labour protest in Poland : trade unions and employee interest articulation after socialism
Frankfurt am Main ; Peter Lang Edition, 2016
Shelfmark: PL/Verbän/005
Economic structure and -growth, entrepreneurs, internal market
Amable, Bruno
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Baruphakēs, Giannēs
Die ganze Geschichte : meine Auseinandersetzung mit Europas Establishment
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Eitrheim, Øyvind
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Frye, Timothy
Property rights and property wrongs : how power, institutions, and norms shape economic conflict in Russia
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017
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Hickel, Jason
The divide : a brief guide to global inequality and its solutions
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Pisano, Mark A.
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Kultur der grenzüberschreitenden Verwaltungszusammenarbeit : eine empirische Modellstudie am Beispiel der Oberrhein-Region = Culture de la coopération transfrontalière administrative : étude pilote empirique dans la région du Rhin supérieur
Speyer : Deutsche Universität für Verwaltungswissenschaften Speyer, 2015
Shelfmark: WP/D/FÖV/SA/221
Becker, Birgit
Erwerb von sprachlichen und kulturellen Kompetenzen von Migrantenkindern : Methodenbericht
Mannheim : Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung, 2017
Shelfmark: WP/D/MZES/ArbPap/170
Klages, Helmut
Parteiendemokratie im Umbruch
Speyer : Deutsche Universität für Verwaltungswissenschaften Speyer, 2017
Shelfmark: WP/D/FÖV/SA/227
Morner, Michèle
Aufsicht und Leitung eines zukunftsfähigen Beteiligungsmanagements für Städte und Kommunen, Bund und Länder : 4. Speyerer Tagung zu Public Corporate Governance : 04. bis 05. April 2016
Speyer : Deutsche Universität für Verwaltungswissenschaften, 2016
Shelfmark: WP/D/FÖV/SA/225
Möhring, Katja Hanna Helene
Contextual determinants of citizens’ support for gender equality in leadership positions across Europe
Mannheim : Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung, 2017
Shelfmark: WP/D/MZES/ArbPap/169
Pohl, Katharina
Tabellenband ... zur Panelstudie des Bundesinstituts für Bevölkerungsforschung. tab,1, Ausgangsverteilungen nach der insgesamt vorhandenen Kinderzahl der in erster Ehe verheirateten Frauen
Wiesbaden : Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung 1986
Shelfmark: WP/D/BiB/Mat/045b
Scholten, Mirte
Labour market outcomes of higher-education dropouts in Germany : how formal vocational qualifications shape education-to-work transitions and occupational status
Mannheim : Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung, 2017
Shelfmark: WP/D/MZES/ArbPap/168
Schreckenberger, Waldemar
Das Volk - zur Ideengeschichte
Speyer : Deutsche Universität für Verwaltungswissenschaften Speyer, 2017
Shelfmark: WP/D/FÖV/SA/226