Eurobarometer Trends

An integrated datafile containing international- comparative survey data from covering three decades (1970-2000)

This is the page where you can download data and documentation of the Mannheim Eurobarometer Trend File. You are kindly requested to identify the source of the findings of secondary analyses you may perform on the basis of this dataset as "Source: Mannheim Eurobarometer Trend File 1970-2000." Comments and inquiries can be send to hermann.schmitt [at] (Hermann Schmitt). The Mannheim Eurobarometer Trendfile 1970 - 2000 shall be updated occasionally. Should data problems become known util then, they will be (a) documented here and (b) of course be solved during such updates.

  • Data (SPSS Portable Format, ZIP-file, 43 MB)
  • Documentation (Codebook and Ungweighted Frequency Distributions, PDF, 1,1 MB, 381 pages)
  • Appendix (2,3 MB, 808 pages)