Mannheim documentation of the results of the European elections 1979 to 2004
On this website you will find the Mannheim documentation of the results of the European elections 1979 to 2004. You can download data, codebook and tables of the results of the European elections. You are kindly requested to identify the source as “Source: Mannheim documentation of the results of the European elections 1979 to 2004”. Comments and inquiries can be sent to Daniela.Braun [at] (Daniela Braun).
EER_Release_1_0 has been slightly modified with respect to the turnout in Great Britain and Northern Ireland (into EER_Release_1_1).
- Data (SPSS, ZIP-file, 154 KB))
- Documentation (Codebook, PDF-Datei, 81 KB, english)
- Results (PDF-Datei,124 KB )