Übung für Fortgeschrittene „Soziale Ungleichheit im internationalen Vergleich“



Universität Mannheim – Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften – Herbstsemester 2006
Di., 13.45 – 15.15 in B6 A1.02

05.09.2006 1 Vorbesprechung    
    Theorien internationaler sozialer Ungleichheit    
12.09.2006 2 Modernisierungs- und Entwicklungs-theorien (Rostow) [Kilian, Klenner, Jenny Weber]
19.09.2006 3 Dependenztheorie (Cardoso) [Gand, Hoang]
26.09.2006 4 Weltsystemtheorie (Wallerstein) [Lang, Stark, Staszewski]
03.10.2006   Tag der Deutschen Einheit    
10.10.2006 5 Globalisierungstheorien (Guillén) [Acar, Klein, Lehmann, McCarthy, Schmidt, Wolf]
    Methoden und Daten    
17.10.2006 6 Methoden der Messung inter- und intranationaler sozialer Ungleichheit
24.10.2006 7 Konzeptualisierungen, Daten, Indikatoren [Flörchinger, Landes, Siefert, Volkert]
    Internationale soziale Ungleichheit: Ungleichheit zwischen Ländern    
31.10.2006 8 Unterschiede sozio-ökonomischer Entwicklung: Industrialisierung, Urbanisierung, Wirtschaftswachstum, Ungleichheit zwischen Ländern [Liebender, Walter]



07.11.2006 9 Bevölkerung, Fertilität, Frauen und Familie [Bassler, Bernwald, Hajek, John]
14.11.2006 10 Gesundheit, Aids und Lebenserwartung [Escribano, Göktas, Graf, Sawatzki]
21.11.2006 11 Ökonomische Partizipation und soziale Sicherheit
28.11.2006 12 Humankapitalausstattung: Bildung [Detweiler, Scheid, Sommer, Vollweiler]
    Intranationale soziale Ungleichheit: Ungleichheit innerhalb von Ländern    
05.12.2006 13 Sozio-ökonomische Ungleichheit im Globalisierungsprozeß: Intranationale Ungleichheit der Einkommen, des Vermögens und Armut
12.12.2006 14 Entwicklungspolitik und Entwicklungsprobleme    


Bücher im Seminarapparat

Bradshaw, York W., and Michael Wallace 1996: Global Inequalities. Thousand Oaks, CA, London, UK, New Delhi, India: Pine Forge Press. Sowi 7000 Br 812 gi
Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, and Enzo Faletto 1979: Dependency and Development in Latin America. Berkeley [u.a.]: University of California Press. Sowi 9460 Ca 268 ddl
Grusky, David B., and Szonja Szelényi, eds. 2006: Inequality: Classic Readings in Race, Class, and Gender. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. Nur MZES Theo/Unglei/38
International Labour Organization (ILO) 2004: Economic Security for a Better World. Geneva: ILO. Nur MZES ILO/Socsec/32
Maddison, Angus 2001: The World Economy: A Millenial Perspective. Paris: OECD. MZES OECD/Series/0.98=1; UB MA 2001 L 0469; Ehrenhof
McMichael, Philip 2000: Development and Social Change: A Global Perspective. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA, London, UK, New Delhi, India: Pine Forge Press. Nur MZES Allg/Wirt/90; 1. Aufl. Sowi 8100 Ma 167 dsc
Pakulski, Jan 2004: Globalising Inequalities: New Patterns of Social Privilege and Disadvantage. Crows Nest NSW, Australia: Allen & Unwin. Nur MZES Theo/Unglei/38
Rostow, Walt W. 1960 (1990): The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-Communist Manifesto. 3rd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. UB MA 91 A 5685; Schloss Ehrenhof; Sowioo
United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs 2005: The Inequality Predicament: Report on the World Social Situation 2005. New York: United Nations, pp. 14–19, 43–58. Nur MZES UN/Series/1.2=2005
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 2005: Human Development Report 2005: International Cooperation at a Crossroads: Aid, Trade and Security in an Unequal World. New York: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). MZES UN/UNDP/Series/8.1=2005; Online
Wallerstein, Immanuel 1974: The Modern World System, Vol. 1: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century. New York: Academic Press. UB MA AH 1013-1; Sowi 9100 Wa 198 mws-1
Wallerstein, Immanuel 2004: World-Systems Analysis: An Introduction. Durham, NC [u.a.]: Duke Univ. Press. Nur UB MA 2004 B 0951
The World Bank and Oxford University Press 2005: World Development Report 2006: Equity and Development. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank. Nur MZES UN/IBRD/Yearb/1=2006


(Die kursiv und fett markierten Texte sollten von allen Seminarteilnehmern gelesen werden)

Vergleichende Studien zur inter- und intranationalen sozialen Ungleichheit

Atkinson, Anthony B., and François Bourguignon, eds. 2000: Handbook of Income Distribution. Amsterdam et al.: Elsevier. UB MA 2000 A 4573, 1; ZEW+, Schloß Ehrenhof+
Bradshaw, York W., and Michael Wallace 1996: Global Inequalities. Thousand Oaks, CA, London, UK, New Delhi, India: Pine Forge Press. Sowi 7000 Br 812 gi
Grusky, David B., ed. 1994: Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective . Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. MZES Allg/Erwkla/17
Grusky, David B., and Szonja Szelényi, eds. 2006: Inequality: Classic Readings in Race, Class, and Gender. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. MZES Theo/Unglei/38
International Sociological Association (ISA), Research Committee 28 – Social Stratification 2001: Expanding Markets, Welfare State Retrenchment and their Impact on Social Stratification. Papers of the RC28 Spring Meeting Mannheim, Germany April 26-28, 2001. Mannheim: MZES. FR
McMichael, Philip 2000: Development and Social Change: A Global Perspective. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA, London, UK, New Delhi, India: Pine Forge Press. MZES Allg/Wirt/90
Pakulski, Jan 2004: Globalising Inequalities: New Patterns of Social Privilege and Disadvantage. Crows Nest NSW, Australia: Allen & Unwin. MZES Theo/Unglei/38


Modernisierungs- und Entwicklungstheorien (Rostow)

Chirot, Daniel, and Thomas D. Hall 1982: World-System Theory. Annual Review of Sociology 8: 81–106. Online
Meier, Gerald M. 1989: Leading Issues in Economic Development. 5th ed. New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 69–81. FR
Rostow, Walt W. 1979 (zuerst 1956): Die Phase des Take-off. In Wolfgang Zapf (Hrsg.), Theorien des sozialen Wandels. 4. Aufl. Königstein/Ts.: Verlagsgruppe Athenäum, Hain, Scriptor, Hanstein, pp. 286–311.
Rostow, Walt W. 1960 (1990): The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-Communist Manifesto. 3rd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. UB MA 91 A 5685
Rostow, Walt W. 1960: Stadien wirtschaftlichen Wachstums: eine Alternative zur marxistischen Entwicklungstheorie. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. UB MA D 5103


Dependenztheorie (Cardoso)

Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, and Enzo Faletto 1979: Dependency and Development in Latin America. Berkeley [u.a.]: University of California Press. Sowi 9460 Ca 268 ddl
Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, und Enzo Faletto 1976: Abhängigkeit und Entwicklung in Lateinamerika. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp. UB MA AE 8982
Chirot, Daniel, and Thomas D. Hall 1982: World-System Theory. Annual Review of Sociology 8: 81–106. Online
Meier, Gerald M. 1989: Leading Issues in Economic Development. 5th ed. New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 105–110. FR


Weltsystemtheorie (Wallerstein)

Chase-Dunn, Christopher, and Peter Grimes 1995: World-Systems Analysis. Annual Review of Sociology 21: 387–417. Online
Chirot, Daniel, and Thomas D. Hall 1982: World-System Theory. Annual Review of Sociology 8: 81–106. Online

Wallerstein, Immanuel 1966: Social Change: The Colonial Situation. New York: Wiley. Sowi 3100 Wa 198 sc
Wallerstein, Immanuel 1974: The Modern World System, Vol. 1: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century. New York: Academic Press, pp. 3–63. UB MA AH 1013-1
Wallerstein, Immanuel 1979: The Capitalist World Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1–137. Sowi 7000 Wa 198 cwe(R)
Wallerstein, Immanuel 1980: The Modern World System, Vol. 2: Mercantilism and the Consolidation of the European World-Economy 1600–1750. New York: Academic Press. UB MA AH 1013-2
Wallerstein, Immanuel 1989: The Modern World-System, Bd: 3: The Second Era of Great Expansion of the Capitalist World-Economy, 1730–1840s. New York: Academic Press. Sowi 9100 Wa 198 mws-3:1+2
Wallerstein, Immanuel 2004: Das moderne Weltsystem, Bd. 3: Die große Expansion: die Konsolidierung der Wirtschaft im 18. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt am Main: Syndikat. UB MA 99 A 0528-3
Wallerstein, Immanuel 2004: World-Systems Analysis: An Introduction. Durham, NC [u.a.]: Duke Univ. Press. UB MA 2004 B 0951


Globalisierungstheorien (Guillén)

Guillén, Mauro F. 2001: Is Globalization Civilizing, Destructive or Feeble? A Critique of Five Key Debates in the Social Science Literature. Annual Review of Sociology 27: 235–260. Online
McMichael, Philip 2000: Development and Social Change: A Global Perspective. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA, London, UK, New Delhi, India: Pine Forge Press, pp. 147–303 passim. MZES Allg/Wirt/90
Pakulski, Jan 2004: Globalising Inequalities: New Patterns of Social Privilege and Disadvantage. Crows Nest NSW, Australia: Allen & Unwin, pp. 1–14, 142–151. MZES Theo/Unglei/37


Methoden der Messung inter- und intranationaler sozialer Ungleichheit

Cowell, Frank A. (1977) 1995: Measuring Inequality. 2nd ed. London et al.: Prentice Hall/Harvester Wheatsheaf, pp. 1–34.
Deaton, Angus 1997: The Analysis of Household Surveys: A Microeconometric Approach to Development Policy. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, 133–169 (welfare, poverty, and distribution). FR

Siebke, Jürgen 1992: Verteilung, 383–415. In: Dieter Bender et al., Vahlens Kompendium der Wirtschaftstheorie und Wirtschaftspolitik, Bd. 1. 5., überarb. u. erw. Aufl. München: Verlag Franz Vahlen. FR


Konzeptualisierungen, Daten, Indikatoren

Lopez, A. D. et al. 2002: World Mortality in 2000. Life Tables for 191 Countries. Geneva: WHO. MZES Allg/Bevgeo/106
Maddison, Angus 2001: The World Economy: A Millennial Perspective. Paris: OECD. MZES OECD/Series/0.98=1
Maddison, Angus 2003: The World Economy: Historical Statistics. Paris: OECD. MZES OECD/Series/30.97=1
United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division 2004: World Fertility Report: 2003. York: United Nations. MZES UN/Series/2.98.1=13
United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division 2004: World Population to 2300. New York: United Nations. MZES UN/Series/2.9
United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division 2005: World Population Monitoring 2003: Population, Education and Development. New York: United Nations. MZES UN/Series/2.12.1=2003
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 2005: Human Development Report 2005: International Cooperation at a Crossroads: Aid, Trade and Security in an Unequal World. New York: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). MZES UN/UNDP/Series/8.1=2005; online
The World Bank and Oxford University Press 2005: World Development Report 2006: Equity and Development. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank. MZES UN/IBRD/Yearb/1=2006


Unterschiede sozio-ökonomischer Entwicklung: Industrialisierung, Urbanisierung, Wirtschaftswachstum

Barro, Robert 2001: Human Capital and Growth. American Economic Review 91: 12–22. ZZ 156 ZEW 82.1992 -. Online
Berry, Albert, and John Serieux 2004. All About the Giants: Probing the Influences on World Growth and Income Inequality at the End of the 20th Century. CESifo Economic Studies, Vol. 50 (1): 133–170.
Firebaugh, Glenn 2000: The Trend in Between-Nation Income Inequality. Annual Review of Sociology 26: 323–339. Online

Forbes, Kristin 2000: A Reassessment of the Relationship Between Inequality and Growth. American Economic Review 90: 869–887. ZZ 156 ZEW 82.1992 -. Online
Galbraith, James K., and Hyunsub Kum 2003: Inequality and Economic Growth: A Global View Based on Measures of Pay. CESifo Economic Studies, Vol. 49 (4): 527–556.
Kasarda, John D., and Edward M. Crenshaw 1991: Third World Urbanization, Theories and Determinants. Annual Review of Sociology 17: 467–501. Online


Bevölkerung, Fertilität, Frauen und Familie

Bollen, Kenneth A., Jennifer L. Glanville, and Guy Stecklov 2001: Socioeconomic Status and Class in Studies of Fertility and Health in Developing Countries. Annual Review of Sociology 27: 153–185. Online
Brewster, Karin L., and Ronald R. Rindfuss 2000: Fertility and Women’s Employment in Industrialized Nations. Annual Review of Sociology 26: 271–296. Online
McNicoll, Geoffrey 1992: Changing Fertility Patterns in the Third World. Annual Review of Sociology 18: 85–108. Online

Macura, Miroslav, Alphonse L. MacDonald, and Werner Haug, eds. (United Nations, Economic Commission for Europe (UN, ECE), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) 2005: The New Demographic Regime. Population Challenges and Policy Responses. New York and Geneva: United Nations. MZES EK/Bevgeo/299
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) 2000: Women’s Empowerment and Reproductive Health: Links Throughout the Life Cycle. New York: United Nations. MZES Allg/Famil/77
United Nations, Department for the Advancement of Women, Department of Economic and Social Affairs 1999: 1999 World Survey on the Role of Women in Development: Globalization, Gender and Work. New York: United Nations. MZES Allg/Famil/75
United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division 2005: Population Growth and Demographic Structure. New York: United Nations. MZES Allg/Bevgeo/63
The World Bank 2006: Global Economic Prospects: Economic Implications of Remittances and Migration. Washington, DC: The World Bank. MZES Allg/Bevgeo/138
Zuberi, Tukufu et al. 2003: Population and African Society. Annual Review of Sociology 29: 465–486. Online


Gesundheit, Aids und Lebenserwartung

International Social Science Journal, no. 186, Dec. 2005: Social Science Perspectives on HIV/AIDS. UNESCO: Blackwell.
United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division 1998: Health and Mortality: A Concise Report. New York: United Nations. MZES UN/Series/2.98.5=3
United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division 2004: Population, Reproductive Rights and Reproductive Health with Special Reference to HIV/AIDS. New York: United Nations. MZES UN/Series/2.98.5=8
United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs 2005: The Inequality Predicament: Report on the World Social Situation 2005. New York: United Nations, pp. 58–72. MZES UN/Series/1.2=2005
Wagstaff, Adam, and Mariam Claeson 2004: The Millenium Development Goals for Health: Rising to the Challenges. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank. MZES Allg/Sosta/134
The World Bank and Oxford University Press 2005: World Development Report 2006: Equity and Development. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, pp. 28–34, 56–60. MZES UN/IBRD/Yearb/1=2006


Ökonomische Partizipation und soziale Sicherheit

Figueiredo, José B., and Arjan de Haas, eds. 1998: Social Exclusion: An ILO Perspective. Geneva: International Labour Organization (ILO). MZES ILO/Socsec/27
Ghose, Ajit K. 2003: Jobs and Incomes in a Globalizing World. Geneva: International Labour Organization (ILO). MZES ILO/Eml/37
International Labour Organization (ILO) 2000: World Labour Report. Geneva: ILO. MZES UN/ILO/Series/20.1
International Labour Organization (ILO) 2004: Economic Security for a Better World. Geneva: ILO. MZES ILO/Socsec/32
Torres, Raymond 2001: Towards a Socially Sustainable World Economy: An Analysis of the Social Pillars of Globalization. Geneva: International Labour Organization (ILO). MZES ILO/Socsec/29
United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs 2005: The Inequality Predicament: Report on the World Social Situation 2005. New York: United Nations, pp. 81–104 (chapter IV social integration). MZES UN/Series/1.2=2005
Van Ginneken, Wouter, ed. 1999: Social Security for the Excluded Majority: Case Studies of Developing Countries. Geneva: International Labour Organization (ILO). MZES ILO/Socsec/28


Humankapitalausstattung: Bildung

Buchmann, Claudia, and Emily Hannum 2001: Education and Stratification in Developing Countries: A Review of Theories and Research. Annual Review of Sociology 27: 77–102. Online
Kao, Grace, and Jennifer S. Thompson 2003: Racial and Ethnic Stratification in Educational Achievement and Attainment. Annual Review of Sociology 29: 417–442. Online
Meyer, John W. et al. 1977: The World Educational Revolution, 1950–1970. Annual Review of Sociology 50: 242–258. Online
Meyer, John W., Francisco O. Ramirez, and Yasemin Nuoglu Soysal 1992: World Expansion of Mass Education, 1870–1980. Annual Review of Sociology 65: 128–149. Online
UNESCO 2000: World Education Report: The Right to Education for all Throughout Life. Paris: UNESCO Publishing. MZES Allg/Bild/25,0.
United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs 2005: The Inequality Predicament: Report on the World Social Situation 2005. New York: United Nations, pp. 72–80. MZES UN/Series/1.2=2005
The World Bank and Oxford University Press 2005: World Development Report 2006: Equity and Development. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, pp. 34–36, 60–62. MZES UN/IBRD/Yearb/1=2006


Sozio-ökonomische Ungleichheit im Globalisierungsprozeß: Intranationale Ungleichheit der Einkommen, des Vermögens und Armut

a) Einkommensungleichheit
Atkinson, A. B. 2003: Income Inequality in OECD Countries: Data and Explanations. CESifo Economic Studies, Vol. 49 (4): 479–513.
Berger, Johannes 2005: Nimmt die Einkommensungleichheit weltweit zu? Methodische Feinheiten der Ungleichheitsforschung. Leviathan 4(33): 464–481. Sowi
Bradley, David, Evelyne Huber, Stephanie Moller, François Nielsen, and John D. Stephens 2003: Distribution and Redistribution in Postindustrial Democracies. World Politics 55(2) (Jan., 2003): 193–228. Sowi+ 400 MA 8470
Gagliani, Giorgio 1987: Income Inequality and Economic Development. Annual Review of Sociology 13: 313–334. Online
Pakulski, Jan 2004: Globalising Inequalities: New Patterns of Social Privilege and Disadvantage. Crows Nest NSW, Australia: Allen & Unwin, pp. 157–181 (income). MZES Theo/Unglei/37
United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs 2005: The Inequality Predicament: Report on the World Social Situation 2005. New York: United Nations, pp. 14–19, 43–58. MZES UN/Series/1.2=2005
United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis 1994: World Social Situation in the 1990s. New York: United Nations, pp. 21–51. MZES UN/Series/1.2.99=1
b) Vermögensungleichheit
Keister, Lisa A., and Stephanie Moller 2000: Wealth Inequality in the United States. Annual Review of Sociology 26: 63–81. Online
Pakulski, Jan 2004: Globalising Inequalities: New Patterns of Social Privilege and Disadvantage. Crows Nest NSW, Australia: Allen & Unwin, pp. 182–193 (wealth). MZES Theo/Unglei/38
Spilerman, Seymour 2000: Wealth and Stratification Processes. Annual Review of Sociology 26: 497–524. Online

c) Armut
Moller, Stephanie, Evelyne Huber, John D. Stephens, David Bradley, and François Nielsen 2003: Determinants of Relative Poverty in Advanced Capitalist Democracies. American Sociological Review 68 (1) (Feb., 2003): 22–51. Online
O’Connor, Alice 2000: Poverty Research and Policy for the Post-Welfare Era. Annual Review of Sociology 26: 547–562. Online
Pakulski, Jan 2004: Globalising Inequalities: New Patterns of Social Privilege and Disadvantage. Crows Nest NSW, Australia: Allen & Unwin, pp. 194–209 (poverty).
United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs 2005: The Inequality Predicament: Report on the World Social Situation 2005. New York: United Nations, pp. 50–58 (poverty). MZES UN/Series/1.2=2005 (siehe oben 13a).
d) Ungleichheit in einigen Weltregionen
Bian, Yanjie 2002: Chinese Social Stratification and Social Mobility. Annual Review of Sociology 28: 91–116. Online
Hoffmann, Kelly, and Miguel Angel Centeno 2003: The Lopsided Continent: Inequality in Latin America. Annual Review of Sociology 29: 363–390. Online

Lubeck, Paul M. 1992: The Crisis of African Development: Conflicting Interpretations and Resolutions. Annual Review of Sociology 18: 519–540. Online
Seidman, Gay 1999: Is South Africa Different? Sociological Comparisons and Theoretical Contributions from the Land of Apartheid. Annual Review of Sociology 25: 419–440. Online


Entwicklungspolitik und Entwicklungsprobleme

Bender, Dieter 1992: Entwicklungspolitik, 505–551. In: Dieter Bender et al., Vahlens Kompendium der Wirtschaftstheorie und Wirtschaftspolitik, Bd. 2. 5., überarb. u. erw. Aufl. München: Verlag Franz Vahlen. FR
McMichael, Philip 2000: Development and Social Change: A Global Perspective. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA, London, UK, New Delhi, India: Pine Forge Press, passim. MZES Allg/Wirt/90
United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs 2005: The Inequality Predicament: Report on the World Social Situation 2005. New York: United Nations, pp. 105–142 (chapter V und VI). MZES UN/Series/1.2=2005