How gendered religious norms contribute to the emerging gender gap in Muslim youths’ interreligious friendships.
International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 98, (article no. 101919), pp. 1-20.
David Kretschmer

Former Researcher
A3 Focus Groups of Societal Integration: Migration and Ethnic Minorities
(Note: Generally, the former staff pages only feature publications that have been published at the MZES. Furthermore, the former staff pages feature publications that have been published in co-authorship with current MZES staff.)
Journal Articles
Kretschmer, David, Johanna Gereke, Fabian Winter and Nan Zhang
No Differential Effects of Classroom Ethnic Composition on Native and Immigrant Friendship Segregation: A Comment on Smith et al. 2016.
American Journal of Sociology, 129, issue 2, pp. 570-585.
Kretschmer, David, and Lars Leszczensky
In-Group Bias or Out-Group Reluctance? The Interplay of Gender and Religion in Creating Religious Friendship Segregation among Muslim Youth.
Social Forces, 100, issue 3, pp. 1307–1332.
Leszczensky, Lars, and David Kretschmer
Religious Friendship Preferences of Muslim and Non-Muslim Students in German Schools: Bright Boundaries Everywhere or Contingent on the Proportion of Muslim Classmates?.
Social Networks, 68, pp. 60-69.
Leszczensky, Lars, Sebastian Pink, David Kretschmer and Frank Kalter
Studying Youth' Group Identities, Intergroup Relations, and Friendship Networks: The Friendship and Identity in School Data.
European Sociological Review, 38, issue 3, pp. 493-506.
Kaiser, Anna, David Kretschmer and Lars Leszczensky
Social network-based cohorting to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in secondary schools: A simulation study in classrooms of four European countries.
The Lancet Regional Health - Europe, 8, issue Sept. 21, (article no. 100166).
Kretschmer, David, and Tobias Roth
Why Do Friends Have Similar Educational Expectations? Separating Influence and Selection Effects.
European Sociological Review, 37, issue 2, pp. 201–217.
Kretschmer, David, and Hanno Kruse
Neighbourhood effects on acculturation attitudes among minority and majority adolescents in Germany.
Urban Studies, 57, issue 16, pp. 3363-3380.
Pink, Sebastian, David Kretschmer and Lars Leszczensky
Choice Modelling in Social Networks Using Stochastic Actor-Oriented Models.
Journal of Choice Modelling, 34, issue March, (article 100202).
Kretschmer, David
Explaining Native‐Migrant Differences in Parental Knowledge about the German Educational System.
International Migration, 57, issue 1, pp. 281-297.
Kretschmer, David
Explaining differences in gender role attitudes among migrant and native adolescents in Germany: intergenerational transmission, religiosity, and integration.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 44, issue 13, pp. 2197-2218.
Kretschmer, David
Labor market underrepresentation results in minority discrimination: A dynamic hiring model with employer learning.
The Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 42, issue 2, pp. 83-112.
Kretschmer, David, Lars Leszczensky and Sebastian Pink
Selection and Influence Processes in Academic Achievement - More Pronounced for Girls?.
Social Networks, 52, pp. 251-260.
Kretschmer, David
Gender(ed) Segregation? Gender, Gender-Related Norms, and the Interreligious and Cross-Gender Friendships of Muslim Youth in Germany.
University of Mannheim.
Papers / Reports
Kretschmer, David, Kathrin Lämmermann and Lars Leszczensky
Dokumentation der Primärdatenerhebung in Form eines Online-Surveyexperiments im Rahmen des Projekts „Religion, Religiosität und die sozial-identifikative Integration muslimischer Jugendlicher“.
Kretschmer, David, Swetlana Nowoshenowa and Lars Leszczensky
Dokumentation der Primärdatenerhebung in Form von Gruppendiskussionen im Rahmen des Projekts „Religion, Religiosität und die sozial-identifikative Integration muslimischer Jugendlicher“.
Conference Presentations
Leszczensky, Lars, David Kretschmer and Kathrin Lämmermann
Gendered Mutual Evaluations of Young Muslims and Non-Muslims in Germany.
[Annual Convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Atlanta, GA, February 23rd to February 25th, 2023]
Kretschmer, David, Lars Leszczensky and Kathrin Lämmermann
Evaluations and Friendships of Muslim Youth in Germany: The Interplay of Religion and Gender. Results from a Survey Experiment among Young Adults.
[14th Conference of the International Network of Analytical Sociologists (INAS), Florence, May 26th to May 27th, 2022]
Kretschmer, David, and Lars Leszczensky
Strong ties, strong homophily? Variation in uni- and multidimensional homophily on socio-demographic characteristics by relationship strength.
[13th Annual Conference of International Network of Analytical Sociologists INAS, (virtual conference), May 31st to June 01st, 2021]
Kretschmer, David, and Lars Leszczensky
Strong ties, strong homophily? Variation in uni- and multidimensional homophily on socio-demographic characteristics by relationship strength.
[ECSR Annual Conference 2021, (virtual conference), October 07th to October 08th, 2021]
Kretschmer, David, and Lars Leszczensky
Strong ties, strong homophily? Variation in uni- and multidimensional homophily on socio-demographic characteristics by relationship strength.
[AS 3rd Conference. Cohesive Societies? Analytical-empirical Perspectives, (virtual conference), September 29th to October 01st, 2021]
Leszczensky, Lars, and David Kretschmer
Religious Friendship Segregation in German Schools: Bright Boundaries Everywhere or Contingent on Local Religious Composition?.
[43rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), (virtual conference), July 14th to July 16th, 2020]
Leszczensky, Lars, and David Kretschmer
Religious Friendship Segregation in German Schools: Bright Boundaries Everywhere or Contingent on Local Religious Composition?.
[Content Meets Structure - Integrating Different Perspectives on Social Networks Conference, (virtual conference), September 28th to September 30th, 2020]
Kretschmer, David, and Lars Leszczensky
Are there age-specific gender differences in the segregation of Muslim adolescents’ friendship networks?.
[4th European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN 2019), Zurich, September 09th to September 12th, 2019]
Kretschmer, David, Lars Leszczensky and Swetlana Nowoshenowa
Gender differences in religious segregation of adolescents’ friendship networks.
[ISA RC28 Spring Meeting, Frankfurt, March 21st to March 23rd, 2019]
Kretschmer, David, and Tobias Roth
Are Peer Effects in Educatonal Expectations Real? Spearating Influence, Selection, and Spurious Effects.
[26th Annual Workshop of the European Research Network Transitions in Youth (TIY), MZES, Mannheim, September 05th to September 08th, 2018]
Kretschmer, David
How Structural Constraints to Out-Group Interaction Translate into In-Group Preferences: A Mechanism of Selective Social Learning.
[XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Toronto, July 15th to July 21st, 2018]
Kretschmer, David
How Structural Constraints to Out-Group Interaction Translate into In-Group Preferences: A Model of Selective Social Learning.
[Seminar Analytische Soziologie, Venice International University, Venice, November 12th to November 15th, 2018]
Kretschmer, David
Labor Market Underrepresentation and Minority Discrimination: A Dynamic Hiring Model with Selective Learning.
[9th Network Workshop DFG Priority Program 1764. The German Labor Market in a Globalized World, ZEW, Mannheim, September 27th to September 28th, 2018]
Kretschmer, David
Academic Aspiration Similarity in Friendship Networks: Influence, Selection, or Spurious Association?.
[INAS 2017. Conference of the International Network of Analytical Sociologists, University of Oslo, June 08th to June 09th, 2017]
Kretschmer, David
Attitudes towards Homosexuality among Natives and Migrant Descendants: Differences According to Religious and Cultural Background and the Role of Intergenerational Attitude Transmission.
[4th Annual BAGSS Conference, University of Bamberg, September 20th to September 21st, 2017]
Kretschmer, David
Social Influence in the Formation of Attitudes towards Homosexuality among Adolescent Friends: An Instrumental Variable Approach.
[3rd European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN2017), University of Mainz, September 26th to September 29th, 2017]
Kretschmer, David, Lars Leszczensky and Sebastian Pink
Achievement Similarity Among Friends: Selection and Influence Processes.
[XXXVI Sunbelt Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), Newport Beach, CA, April 05th to April 10th, 2016]
Kretschmer, David
Friend Infuence Effects in the Formation of Gender Role Attitudes among Adolescents in Four European Countries.
[1st International CILS4EU User Conference, MZES, Mannheim, December 01st to December 02nd, 2016]
Kretschmer, David
Size Matters: Minority Labor Market Discrimination in a Dynamic Model with Employer Learning.
[Social Interaction and Society, ETH Zurich, Zurich, June 26th to June 28th, 2016]
Kretschmer, David
Size Matters: Minority Labor Market Discrimination in a Dynamic Model with Employer Learning.
[INAS 2016. Conference of the International Network of Analytical Sociologists, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, June 03rd to June 04th, 2016]
Kretschmer, David
Unterschiede in den Geschlechterrolleneinstellungen von Jugendlichen mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund: Der Beitrag intergenerationaler Einstellungstransmission.
[Frühjahrstagung der DGS-Sektion „Familiensoziologie”, Universität Duisburg-Essen, February 18th to February 19th, 2016]