Formal and informal early education of Turkish-origin children in Germany.
Early Child Development and Care, 186, issue 1, pp. 173-189.
Elena Boldin

former staff member
RP9 A3 Focus Groups of Societal Integration: Migration and Ethnic Minorities
RP8 A2 Spheres of Societal Integration: Family, Education, and Labour Markets
(Note: Generally, the former staff pages only feature publications that have been published at the MZES. Furthermore, the former staff pages feature publications that have been published in co-authorship with current MZES staff.)
Journal Articles
Conference Presentations
Brüderl, Josef, Laura Castiglioni, Claudia Schmiedeberg, Elena Boldin, Kristin Hajek, Bernadette Huyer-May, Bettina Müller, Ulrike Müller and Nina Schumann
pairfam Waves 1-4: Field Report and Data Editing.
[Advisory Board Meeting of the pairfam-Project, Bremen, September 10th to September 11th, 2012]
Schmiedeberg, Claudia, Elena Boldin and Bernadette Huyer-May
Interviewerkontrolle bei pairfam.
[Methodenworkshop 2012: Aktuelle Probleme und Persperktiven der Feldarbeit bei F2F Umfragen, Gesis Mannheim, December 11th, 2012]
Boldin, Elena, Claudia Schmiedeberg and Jette Schröder
Probleme und Herausforderungen bei der Erhebung der pairfam-Daten.
[ALLBUS Methodenworkshop 2011: Aktuelle Probleme und Perspektiven der Feldarbeit bei F2F-Umfragen, Mannheim, November 29th, 2011]
Brüderl, Josef, Laura Castiglioni, Jette Schröder, Elena Boldin, Julie Gast, Bernadette Huyer-May, Volker Ludwig, Klaus Pforr, Claudia Schmiedeberg, Mirte M.M. Scholten, Nina Schumann and Philipp Schütze
pairfam Waves 1 - 3: Field Report and Data Editing.
[Advisory Board Meeting of the pairfam-Project, München, September 21st, 2011]