The Corsairs of Saint-Malo: Network Organization of a Merchant Elite Under the Ancien Régime.
New York:
Columbia University Press.
Prof. Henning Hillmann, Ph.D.
+49-621-181-2804Postal Address
Visiting Address
University Mannheim
A 5, 6
Room:A 515
Research Interests
- Economic Sociology
- Political and Comparative-Historical Sociology
- Social Network Analysis
A1 Institutions of Societal Integration: Market Economies, Organisations, and Welfare States
A3 Focus Groups of Societal Integration: Migration and Ethnic Minorities
RP9 A1 Institutions of Societal Integration: Market Economies, Organisations, and Welfare States
Journal Articles
Burgdorf, Katharina, and Henning Hillmann
Identity from Symbolic Networks: The Rise of New Hollywood.
Sociological Science, 11, pp. 297-339.
Aven, Brandy, and Henning Hillmann
Structural Role Complementarity in Entrepreneurial Teams.
Management Science, 64, issue 12, pp. 5461-5959.
Hillmann, Henning
Economic Institutions and the State: Insights from Economic History.
Annual Review of Sociology, 39, pp. 251-273.
Hillmann, Henning, and Brandy L. Aven
Fragmented Networks and entrepreneurship in Late Imperial Russia.
American Journal of Sociology, 117, issue 2, pp. 484-538.
Hillmann, Henning, and Christina Gathmann
Overseas Trade and the Decline of Privateering.
Journal of Economic History, 71, issue 3, pp. 730-761.
Hillmann, Henning
Localism and the Limits of Political Brokerage: Evidence from Revolutionary Vermont.
American Journal of Sociology, 114, issue September, pp. 287-331.
Hillmann, Henning
Mediation in Multiple Networks: Elite Mobilization before the English Civil War.
American Sociological Review, 73, issue June, pp. 426-454.
Book Chapters
Burgdorf, Katharina, and Henning Hillmann
Archival data.
Pp. 337-351 in:
Gianluca Manzo
Research Handbook on Analytical Sociology.
Edward Elgar Publishing.
Boehm, Timo, and Henning Hillmann
A Closed Elite? Bristol’s Society of Merchant Venturers and the Abolition of Slave Trading.
Pp. 147 - 175 in:
Emily Erikson
Chartering Capitalism: Organizing Markets, States, and Publics.
Emerald Group Publishing.
Conference Presentations
Hillmann, Henning
Organization Theory Meets History.
[Using Historical Methods in Management Research, Milan, March 16th to March 17th, 2023]
Burgdorf, Katharina, and Henning Hillmann
Identity from symbolic networks: the rise of New Hollywood.
[Sociology Seminar, Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST), Paris, December 10th, 2021]
Burgdorf, Katharina, and Henning Hillmann
Kreativer Wandel durch symbolische Netzwerke: Die Identitätskonstruktion von „New Hollywood“.
[Frühjahrstagung der DGS-Sektion „Soziologische Netzwerkforschung“, Köln, February 14th to February 15th, 2019]
Burgdorf, Katharina
The Emergence of Auteur filmmaking: Identity formation through symbolic networks.
[4th European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN 2019), Zurich, September 09th to September 11th, 2019]
Hillmann, Henning
Corsairs and Careers in Economic Networks: Evidence from Ancien Régime Saint-Malo.
[4th European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN 2019), Zurich, September 09th to September 12th, 2019]
Hillmann, Henning
Privateers of the Atlantic: Merchant Elite Networks in Saint-Malo under the Ancien Régime.
[Social Research and Public Policy Seminar Series, New York University, Abu Dhabi, December 15th, 2019]
Brandt, Philipp, and Henning Hillmann
The ties that move the city: Vehicle sharing networks in New York City’s yellow cab industry.
[XXXVIII Sunbelt Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis, Utrecht, June 26th to July 01st, 2018]
Burgdorf, Katharina, and Henning Hillmann
Creative Revolution through Symbolic Collaboration Networks. The case of the New Hollywood Movement.
[XXXVIII Sunbelt Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis, Utrecht, June 26th to July 01st, 2018]
Burgdorf, Katharina, and Henning Hillmann
Creative Revolution through Symbolic Collaboration Networks. The Case of the New Hollywood Movement.
[Networks in the Global World, St. Petersburg, July 04th to July 06th, 2018]
Burgdorf, Katharina, and Henning Hillmann
Kreativer Wandel durch symbolische Netzwerke: Die Entstehung von „New Hollywood“.
[Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Netzwerkforschung, Darmstadt, December 03rd to December 04th, 2018]
Hillmann, Henning
Careers and Cohesion in Economic Networks.
[Sociology Seminar Series, Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST), Paris, December 13th, 2018]
Hillmann, Henning
Careers and Cohesion in Economic Networks: Evidence from Eighteenth-Century Saint-Malo.
[Area Management Seminar: BWL, Mannheim, November 21st, 2018]
Hillmann, Henning
Quantitative Analysis of Qualitative Data: The Case of Historical Networks.
[Paris Seminar on the Analysis of Social Processes and Structures, Paris, December 14th, 2018]
Hillmann, Henning
Traders and Corsairs: Elite Networks and Privateering in Old Regime Saint-Malo.
[Networks - Regulation Seminar, Sciences Po, Paris, April 15th, 2016]
Böhm, Timo, and Henning Hillmann
A Closed Elite? Bristol's Society of Merchant Venturers and the Abolition of Slave Trading.
[30th EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies) Colloquium, Rotterdam School of Management and Erasmus University, July 03rd to July 05th, 2014]
Hillmann, Henning
Author Meets Critics: Emily Erikson, Between Monopoly and Free Trade.
[39th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Toronto, November 06th to November 09th, 2014]
Hillmann, Henning
City of Corsairs: Elite Cohesion and Privateering in Old Regime Saint-Malo.
[Historical Network Research Conference, Ghent University, September 15th to September 19th, 2014]
Hillmann, Henning
Returns to Structural Complementarity: Roles in Entrepreneurial Teams.
[Semiar Series: Kolloquium Soziologie: Neue Entwicklungen der empirischen Sozialforschung, Department of Sociology, ETH Zurich and University of Zurich, March 19th, 2014]
Hillmann, Henning
Economic Networks as Organizational Foundations of Elite Politics: Evidence from Old Regime France and England.
[38th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Chicago, IL, November 21st to November 24th, 2013]
Hillmann, Henning, and Brandy L. Aven
Networks and Institutions: Lessons from Entrepreneurship in Tsarist Russia.
[Gastvortrag, ESSEC Business School, Paris, March 12th, 2013]
Hillmann, Henning, and Brandy L. Aven
Networks and Institutions: Lessons from Entrepreneurship in Tsarist Russia.
[Vortrag bei der Research Group "Comparative Institutional Analysis", Lund University, May 29th, 2013]
Hillmann, Henning, and Brandy L. Aven
Networks and Institutions: Lessons from Entrepreneurship in Tsarist Russia.
[INAS 2013: 6th Analytical Sociology Conference, Stockholm University, June 07th to June 08th, 2013]
Hillmann, Henning, and Brandy L. Aven
Structural Diversity: Entrepreneural Performance of Founding Teams in Late Imperial Russia.
[29th EGOS Colloquium: Bridging Continents, Cultures and Worldviews, Montreal, July 04th to July 06th, 2013]
Hillmann, Henning
Structural Diversity: Entrepreneural Performance of Founding Teams in Late Imperial Russia.
[108th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, New York, NY, August 10th to August 13th, 2013]
Aven, Brandy L., and Henning Hillmann
Network Diversity of Founding Teams: Entrepreneurial Performance in Late Imperial Russia.
[“Embeddedness and Beyond”, Joint Interim Conference of ISA RC02 “Economy and Society”, ESA Economic Sociology Research Network, ASA Economic Sociology Section, Moscow, October 26th to October 28th, 2012]
Hillmann, Henning
Economic Networks as Organizational Foundations of Elite Politics: Evidence from Old Regime France and England.
[International Network of Analytical Sociology, Annual Meeting, New York, June 08th to June 09th, 2012]
Hillmann, Henning, and Christina Gathmann
Overseas Trade And The Decline Of Privateering.
[European Historical Economics Society Conference, Dublin, September 02nd, 2011]
Hillmann, Henning
SCANCOR Workshop on Instituitional Analysis, Mannheim, Germany.
[Workshop, Columbia University, April 07th, 2011]
Hillmann, Henning
Fragmented Networks and Entrepreneurship in Late Imperial Russia.
[European Group for Organizational Studies, 26th Colloquium on Communities and Networks in Entrepreneurship, Lisbon, Portugal, July 01st to July 03rd, 2010]
Hillmann, Henning
Fragmented Networks and Entrepreneurship in Late Imperial Russia.
[Economic History Association, Annual Meeting “The Economic Implications of Identity”, Evanston, IL, USA, September 24th to September 26th, 2010]
Hillmann, Henning
Relational Counterbalances to Economic Endogamy: a Theory and a Historical Example.
[Academy of Management, Annual Meeting “Management and Organizational Theories in Historical Context”, Montréal, Canada, August 09th, 2010]
Hillmann, Henning
Relational Counterbalances to Economic Endogamy: a Theory and a Historical Example.
[Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta, USA, August 14th to August 17th, 2010]