Tranzitivní ekonomiky: Politická ekonomie Ruska, východní Evropy a st?ední Asie.
Dr. Jan Drahokoupil
former project director
RP9 A1 Institutions of Societal Integration: Market Economies, Organisations, and Welfare States
(Note: Generally, the former staff pages only feature publications that have been published at the MZES. Furthermore, the former staff pages feature publications that have been published in co-authorship with current MZES staff.)
Myant, Martin, and Jan Drahokoupil
Transition Economies: Political Economy in Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia.
Hoboken, NJ:
Drahokoupil, Jan
Globalization and the State in Central and Eastern Europe: The Politics of Foreign Direct Investment.
[BASEES/Routledge Series on Russian and East European Studies]
Myant, Martin, and Jan Drahokoupil
Transition Economies after 2008: Responses to the crisis in Russia and Eastern Europe.
[Routledge Europe Asia Studies]
van Apeldoorn, Bastiaan, Jan Drahokoupil and Laura Horn
Contradictions and limits of neoliberal European governance. From Lisbon to Lisbon.
Journal Articles
Drahokoupil, Jan, Martin Myant and Stefan Domonkos
The politics of flexibility: Employment practices in automotive multinationals in Central and Eastern Europe.
European Journal of Industrial Relations, 21, issue 3, pp. 223-240.
Drahokoupil, Jan
Decision-making in multinational corporations: Key issues in international business strategy.
Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 20, issue 2, pp. 199-215.
Myant, Martin, Jan Drahokoupil and Ivan Lesay
Political economy of crisis management in East-Central European countries.
Europe-Asia Studies, 65, issue 3, pp. 383-410.
Myant, Martin, and Jan Drahokoupil
Transition Economies after the Crisis of 2008: Actors and Policies.
Europe-Asia Studies, 65, issue 3, pp. 373-382.
Drahokoupil, Jan, and Stefan Domonkos
Averting the funding–gap crisis: East European pension reforms after 2008.
Global Social Policy, 12, issue 3, pp. 283-299.
Drahokoupil, Jan
Beyond lock-in versus evolution, towards punctuated co-evolution: On Ron Martin's 'Rethinking regional path dependence'.
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 36, issue 1, pp. 166-177.
Myant, Martin, and Jan Drahokoupil
International Integration, Varieties of Capitalism and Resilience to Crisis in Transition Economies.
Europe-Asia Studies , 64, issue 1, pp. 1-33.
Myant, Martin, and Jan Drahokoupil
Transition Indicators of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development: A Doubtful Guide to Economic Success.
Competition and Change, 16, issue 1, pp. 69-75.
Capik, Paweł, and Jan Drahokoupil
Foreign direct investments in business services: transforming the Visegrád Four Region into a knowledge-based economy?.
European Planning Studies , 19, issue 9, pp. 1611-1631.
Drahokoupil, Jan
Jiří Večerník's Czech society in the 2000s.
Europe-Asia Studies, 62, issue 9, pp. 1583-1586.
Drahokoupil, Jan, and Martin Myant
Varieties of Capitalism, Varieties of Vulnerabilities: Financial Crisis and its Impact on Welfare States in Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Historical Social Research, 35, issue 2, pp. 266-295.
Drahokoupil, Jan
After transition: Varieties of political-economic development in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.
Comparative European Politics, 7, issue 2, pp. 279-298.
Drahokoupil, Jan
Internationalisation of the State in the Czech Republic: Igniting the Competition for Foreign Investment in the Visegrád Four Region.
Czech Sociological Review, 45, issue 2, pp. 549-570.
Drahokoupil, Jan
Post-perekhodnye varianty politicheskogo i ehkonomicheskogo razvitija stran Vostochnojj Evropy i byvshego Sovetskogo Sojuza.
Мир России (Universe of Russia), 18, issue 3, pp. 39-60.
Drahokoupil, Jan
The Investment-Promotion Machines: The Politics of Foreign Direct Investment Promotion in Central and Eastern Europe.
Europe-Asia Studies, 60, issue 2, pp. 197-225.
Drahokoupil, Jan
The rise of the comprador service sector: The politics of state transformation in Central and Eastern Europe.
Polish Sociological Review, 162, issue 2, pp. 175-189.
Drahokoupil, Jan
Who won the contest for a new property class? Structural transformation of elites in the Visegrád Four region..
Journal for East European Management Studies, 13, issue 4, pp. 361-377.
Myant, Martin, and Jan Drahokoupil
International Integration and the Structure of Exports in Central Asian Republics.
Eurasian Geography and Economics, 49, issue 5, pp. 604-622.
Drahokoupil, Jan
Analysing the capitalist state in post-socialism: Towards the Porterian Workfare Postnational Regime.
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 31, issue 2, pp. 401-424.
Book Chapters
Drahokoupil, Jan, and Stefan Domonkos
Is the Egg Basket Worth Its Price? The Fiscal Implications of Pension Privatization in Eastern Europe.
Pp. 155-178 in:
Benedict J. Clements, Frank Eich, Sanjeev Gupta
Equitable and sustainable pensions: Challenges and experience.
Washington D.C.:
International Monetary Fund.
Myant, Martin, and Jan Drahokoupil
The Road to a Distinct System? The Development of the Welfare State in the Czech Republic.
Pp. 525-546 in:
Zlatica Zudová-Lešková, Emil Voráček
Theory and practice of the Welfare State in Europe in 20th century: Ways to the Welfare State.
Institute of History, Czech Academy of Sciences:
Myant, Martin, and Jan Drahokoupil
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Verfahren.
Pp. 279-290 in:
Raj Kollmorgen, Wolfgang Merkel, Hans-Jürgen Wagener
Handbuch Transformationsforschung.
Drahokoupil, Jan, and Martin Myant
Institutionalismus jenseits der ‚Spielarten des Kapitalismus‘: Transitionsökonomien in der vergleichenden Kapitalismusforschung.
Pp. 86-102 in:
Ian Bruff, Matthias Ebenau, Christian May, Andreas Nölke
Vergleichende Kapitalismusforschung: Stand, Perspektiven, Kritik.
Westfälisches Dampfboot.
Myant, Martin, and Jan Drahokoupil
Central Asian countries: Forms of International Integration and the Impact of the Crisis of 2008.
Pp. 257-274 in:
Joachim Ahrens, Herman W. Hoen
Institutional reform in Central Asia: Politico–economic challenges.
Drahokoupil, Jan, and Martin Myant
The European sub-prime? Financial crisis and the East–European periphery.
Pp. 130–153 in:
Petros Nousios, Henk Overbeek, Andreas Tsolakis
Globalisation and European integration: Critical approaches to regional order and international relations.
Drahokoupil, Jan, and Martin Myant
The politics of welfare restructuring in transition countries and the crisis of 2008.
Pp. 149-180 in:
Ipek Eren Vural
Converging Europe: Transformation of Social Policy in the Enlarged European Union and in Turkey.
Drahokoupil, Jan, Bastiaan van Apeldoorn and Laura Horn
Introduction: Towards a critical political economy of European governance.
Pp. 1-17 in:
Bastiaan van Apeldoorn, Jan Drahokoupil, Laura Horn
Contradictions and limits of neoliberal European governance. From Lisbon to Lisbon.
Drahokoupil, Jan
The politics of the competition state: The agents and mechanisms of state transnationalization in Central and Eastern Europe.
Pp. 135-155 in:
László Bruszt, Ron Holzhacker
The transnationalization of economies, states, and civil societies: new challenges for governance in Europe.
New York:
Drahokoupil, Jan
The rise of the competition state in the Visegrád Four: Internationalization of the state as a local project.
Pp. 186 - 207 in:
Bastiaan van Apeldoorn, Jan Drahokoupil, Laura Horn
Contradictions and limits of neoliberal European governance. From Lisbon to Lisbon.
Drahokoupil, Jan
On the state of the state: The Czech transformation and the moment of convergence in the Visegrad region.
Pp. 69 - 91 in:
John Pickles
State and society in post-socialist economies.
Papers / Reports
Drahokoupil, Jan, and Stefan Domonkos
Reforming pensions: the limits of diversification.
[ETUI Policy Brief European Economic, Employment and Social Policy; 3/2013]
Beblavý, Miroslav, Lucia Kureková, Martin Myant, Stefan Domonkos and Jan Drahokoupil
Linking labour regimes and technological innovation in Central and Eastern Europe: The case of automotive and software industries.
[FP7 NEUJOBS Working Paper; 6.2]
Conference Presentations
Drahokoupil, Jan
Dealing with the fiscal implications of transition costs and reform reversals.
[IMF Conference 'Designing fiscally sustainable and equitable pension systems in emerging Europe in the post-crisis world', Vienna, March 18th, 2013]
Drahokoupil, Jan
Managing flexibility: Employment practices in automotive multinationals in Central and Eastern Europe.
[Central and Eastern Europe: Work, Employment and Societies between Transition and Change, Evry, November 21st to November 22nd, 2013]
Drahokoupil, Jan
Managing flexibility: Responses of automotive MNCs to host country industrial relations in Central and Eastern Europe.
[10th European Conference of the International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA), Amsterdam, June 20th to June 22nd, 2013]
Drahokoupil, Jan, and Stefan Domonkos
Averting the Funding-Gap Crisis: East European Pension Reforms since 2008.
[Espanet 10th Annual Conference, Edinburgh, September 06th to September 08th, 2012]
Drahokoupil, Jan
Coping with the Crisis: Policy Responses to the Crisis of 2008 in Eastern Europe.
[Tagung DVPW-Arbeitskreis Internationale Politische Ökonomie 'Die Globale Finanzkrise in politikwissenschaftlicher Perspektive', Magdeburg, May 27th to May 28th, 2011]
Drahokoupil, Jan, and Stefan Domonkos
East European Pension Politics 2.0: The emergence of diversity in Eastern European pension reforms after the crisis of 2008.
[The Global Economic Crisis and the Welfare State: Short-Term Responses and Long-Term Effects, University of Bremen, November 24th to November 25th, 2011]
Drahokoupil, Jan
East European Pension Politics 2.0: The emergence of diversity in Eastern European pension reforms after the crisis of 2008.
[Pension Outcomes, FP7 Gusto Project Workshop, Bologna, November 18th to November 19th, 2011]
Drahokoupil, Jan
East European Pension Politics 2.0: The emergence of diversity in Eastern European pension reforms after the crisis of 2008.
[Invited talk, Tallinn University of Technology, November 28th, 2011]
Drahokoupil, Jan, and Martin Myant
The road to a distorted system? Welfare states in East-Central Europe.
[Welfare State in Europe in the 20th Century, Prag, November 14th to November 16th, 2011]
Drahokoupil, Jan
Varieties of Capitalism in Transition Economies.
[Rethinking Capitalist Development in Emerging Countries, Rio de Janeiro, October 19th to October 21st, 2011]
Drahokoupil, Jan, and Martin Myant
What explains governments' responses to the world economic crisis.
[European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy Conference, Wien, October 27th to October 30th, 2011]
Drahokoupil, Jan
Financial Crisis and the Politics of Welfare Restructuring in Eastern Europe: Short-Term Impacts and Long-Term Prospects.
[Centre for Comparative Economics Seminar Series, SSEES, University College London, London, February 09th, 2010]
Drahokoupil, Jan, and Martin Myant
Financial Crisis as a Verdict on Transition: Introducing the Book Transition Economies: Political Economy in Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia by Martin Myant and Jan Drahokoupil.
[Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies Annual Convention, Los Angeles, November 18th to November 21st, 2010]
Drahokoupil, Jan
Forms of international integration and the vulnerabilities and resiliences to the crisis in Eastern Europe.
[The financial crisis in Central Eastern Europe, University of Osnabrück, June 17th to June 18th, 2010]
Drahokoupil, Jan
International Integration and Resilience to Crisis in Transition Economies.
[International Studies Association annual convention, New Orleans, February 17th to February 20th, 2010]
Drahokoupil, Jan
International Integration and Resilience to Crisis in Transition Economies.
[ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Münster, March 22nd to March 27th, 2010]
Drahokoupil, Jan
International Integration and Resilience to Crisis in Transition Economies.
[Council for European Studies International Conference, Montreal, April 15th to April 17th, 2010]
Drahokoupil, Jan
Political economy of crisis adjustment in Eastern Europe.
[ECPR SGIR 7th Pan-European International Relations Conference, Stockholm, September 08th to September 11th, 2010]
Drahokoupil, Jan, and Martin Myant
Political economy of crisis adjustment in Eastern Europe.
[European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy Annual Conference, Bordeaux, October 28th to October 31st, 2010]
Drahokoupil, Jan
Capitalist variety in Central and Eastern Europe: financial crisis as a verdict on 'transition'.
[Transitions – Transformations: Trajectories of Social, Economic and Political Change after Communism, University of Jena, July 02nd to July 03rd, 2009]
Drahokoupil, Jan
Global Financial Crisis and its Impacts in Eastern Europe, Russia, and the CIS: Crisis of and crisis in the varieties of dependent capitalism.
[EAEPE & University of Hertfordshire symposium ‘The transformation of post-Soviet economies twenty years on’, Offley Place Country House, October 09th to October 10th, 2009]
Drahokoupil, Jan
Neoliberalism and welfare reform in Central and Eastern Europe: What is driving the ‘second-generation reforms’?.
[The European Social Model in a Global Perspective, Luxembourg, March 06th to March 07th, 2009]
Drahokoupil, Jan
Neoliberalism and welfare reform in Central and Eastern Europe: What is driving the ‘second-generation reforms’?.
['Activation and Security' ASPEN/ETUI-REHS conference, Brno, March 20th to March 21st, 2009]
Drahokoupil, Jan
Neoliberalism and welfare reform in Central and Eastern Europe: What is driving the ‘second-generation reforms’?.
[BASEES Conference, Cambridge, March 28th to March 30th, 2009]
Drahokoupil, Jan
Service Sector Outsourcing in the Visegrád Four: Transforming the European Assembly Platform into a Knowledge-Based Economy?.
[RSA Research Network Seminar ‘The Role of Business Services and Knowledge Transfer in Cluster Formation in Central and Eastern Europe’, Jagiellonian University, Krakau, September 17th to September 18th, 2009]
Drahokoupil, Jan
The European subprime.
[5th CEU Conference in Social Sciences: “Old Challenges in a New Era: Development and Participation”, Budapest, June 19th to June 21st, 2009]
Drahokoupil, Jan
The IMF is back: Conditionalities in crisis lending to post-communist countries in 2008-2009 and their impact on national strategies and political identities.
[CEELBAS seminar ‘Elites and the Formation of Political Identity in Post Soviet Space. Global Influences’, University of Cambridge, November 27th, 2009]
Drahokoupil, Jan
The new capitalist habitus of Europe: How social and political actors respond to the changing capitalist environment.
[Europe and the World before and after 1989: Trans-national and comparative perspectives on Eastern and Western Europe, University of Padua, June 10th to June 11th, 2009]
Drahokoupil, Jan
The politics of welfare reforms in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
['Discourse, Power and Politics', 4th International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis, Kassel, June 25th to June 27th, 2009]
Drahokoupil, Jan
The ‘European sub-prime’: the financial crisis and the European periphery.
[Globalisation and European Integration: 'The Nature of the Beast', University of Warwick, June 05th to June 06th, 2009]
Drahokoupil, Jan
What difference does the financial crisis make for welfare states in Eastern Europe and the CIS?.
[9th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Lisbon, September 02nd to September 05th, 2009]
Drahokoupil, Jan
What difference has the financial crisis made for the welfare-state regimes in Eastern Europe and the CIS?.
[Debatte conference ‘1989−2009: the East European revolutions in perspective’, London, October 17th to October 18th, 2009]
Drahokoupil, Jan
On the Position of New Member States within the EU and Its Implications for the European Regulatory Model.
[Transformation of social policy in and around Europe, Ankara, October 13th to October 14th, 2008]
Drahokoupil, Jan
State and development in the post-communist world.
[Comparative perspectives of development experiences in South America and Eastern Europe, Tallinn, October 09th to October 10th, 2008]