Labour market flexibility and inequality: the changing skill-based temporary employment and unemployment risks in Europe.
Social Forces, 90, issue 1, pp. 17-40.
Johannes Giesecke
Former project partner
RP7 A2 Education, Labour Markets and Social Stratification
RP6 A2 Education, Labour Markets and Social Stratification in Europe
Journal Articles
Gebel, Michael, and Johannes Giesecke
Labour market flexibility and inequality: the changing risk patterns of temporary employment in Germany.
Journal for Labour Market Research (Zeitschrift für Arbeitsmarktforschung), 42, issue 3, pp. 234-251.
Gebel, Michael, and Johannes Giesecke
Ökonomische Unsicherheit und Fertilität. Die Wirkung von Beschäftigungsunsicherheit und Arbeitslosigkeit auf die Familiengründung in Ost- und Westdeutschland.
Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 38, issue 5, pp. 399-417.
Giesecke, Johannes, and Steffen Schindler
Field of Study and Flexible Work. A Comparison between Germany and the UK.
International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 49, issue 4-5, pp. 283-304.
MZES Working Papers
Gebel, Michael, and Johannes Giesecke
Labour Market Flexibility and Inequality: The Changing Risk Patterns of Temporary Employment in Germany.
[Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung: Arbeitspapiere; 112]
Conference Presentations
Gebel, Michael, and Johannes Giesecke
Does deregulation help? The impact of employment protection reforms on youths’ non-employment and temporary employment risks in Europe.
[20th International Conference for Europeanists on "Crisis and Contingency: States of (In)stability", Amsterdam, June 25th to June 27th, 2013]
Gebel, Michael, and Johannes Giesecke
European youth labour markets in crisis: Does the deregulation of employment protection help?.
[Spring Meeting of the Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28) "Economic Crisis, Social Inequalities and Social Policies", Trento, May 16th to May 18th, 2013]
Gebel, Michael, and Johannes Giesecke
Exklusion und Flexibilisierung auf Jugendarbeitsmärkten: Die Rolle institutioneller und struktureller Einflussfaktoren in Europa.
[DGS-Kongress, Ad-hoc Gruppe "Arbeitsmarktflexibilisierung und soziale Ungleichheit: Empirische Befunde, Trends und Risikogruppen", Bochum, October 03rd, 2012]
Gebel, Michael, and Johannes Giesecke
Flexibilization and inequality trends: The impact of employment protection reforms on youths’ non-employment and temporary employment risks in Europe.
[ECSR/EQUALSOC Conference: Economic change, Quality of life and Social cohesion, Stockholm, September 24th to September 26th, 2012]
Gebel, Michael, and Johannes Giesecke
Economic uncertainty and fertility: the effects of employment insecurity and unemployment on family formation in East and West Germany.
[Workshop "Economic Uncertainty and Family Dynamics", Berlin, July 03rd to July 04th, 2009]
Gebel, Michael, and Johannes Giesecke
Labour market flexibility and inequality: the changing skill-based temporary employment and unemployment risks in Europe.
[1st European User Conference for EU-LFS and EU-SILC, Mannheim, March 05th to March 06th, 2009]
Gebel, Michael, and Johannes Giesecke
Labour market flexibility and inequality: the changing skill-based temporary employment and unemployment risks in Europe.
[EQUALSOC EMPLOY-FAMNET Research Group Workshop, Berlin, May 11th to May 12th, 2009]
Gebel, Michael, and Johannes Giesecke
Atypical Employment and Welfare States: the Case of Germany (Research Group Presentation).
[EQUALSOC Midterm Conference, Berlin, April 11th to April 12th, 2008]
Gebel, Michael, and Johannes Giesecke
Employment Insecurity and the Transition to Parenthood.
[8th International GSOEP User Conference, Berlin, July 09th to July 11th, 2008]
Gebel, Michael, and Johannes Giesecke
Labor Market Flexibility and Inequality: The Changing Risk Patterns of Temporary Employment in Europe.
[ISA-RC28 Spring Meeting "Social Stratification and Insiders/Outsiders: Cross-national Comparisons within and between Continents", Florence, May 15th to May 18th, 2008]
Gebel, Michael, and Johannes Giesecke
Atypical Employment in Germany.
[EQUALSOC Research Group Meeting "Atypical Employment and Welfare Regimes", Trento, October 25th to October 26th, 2007]
Gebel, Michael, and Johannes Giesecke
Labour Market Flexibility and Inequality: The Changing Risk Patterns of Atypical Employment. Evidences from the German Labour Market.
[ECSR and TransEurope Conference on Globalization, Social Inequality and the Life Course, Groningen, September 01st to September 02nd, 2007]
Schindler, Steffen, and Johannes Giesecke
Field of Study and Flexible Work. A Comparison between Germany and the UK.
[EQUALSOC EDUC Research Team Workshop "Educational Fields of Study and European Labour Markets", Mannheim, September 17th to September 18th, 2007]