Intergenerational Transmission in Religiosity in Immigrant and Native Families: The Role of Transmission Opportunities and Perceived Transmission Benefits.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46, issue 9, pp. 1921-1940.
Konstanze Jacob

Former Researcher
Jacob [at] dipf.de
A3 Focus Groups of Societal Integration: Migration and Ethnic Minorities
(Note: Generally, the former staff pages only feature publications that have been published at the MZES. Furthermore, the former staff pages feature publications that have been published in co-authorship with current MZES staff.)
Journal Articles
Jacob, Konstanze, and Frank Kalter
Intergenerational Change in Religious Salience Among Immigrant Families in Four European Countries.
International Migration, 51, issue 3, pp. 38-56.
Book Chapters
Heath, Anthony, Konstanze Jacob and Lindsay Richards
Young People in Transition: The National Identity of Minority Youth.
Pp. 274-302 in:
Frank Kalter, Jan O. Jonsson, Frank van Tubergen, Anthony Heath
Growing Up in Diverse Societies. The Integration of the Children of Immigrants in England, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden.
Oxford University Press.
Simsek, Müge, Konstanze Jacob, Fenella Fleischmann and Frank van Tubergen
Keeping or Losing Faith? Comparing Religion across Majority and Minority Youth in Europe.
Pp. 246-273 in:
Frank Kalter, Jan O. Jonsson, Frank van Tubergen, Anthony Heath
Growing Up in Diverse Societies. The Integration of the Children of Immigrants in England, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden.
Oxford University Press.
Dollmann, Jörg, and Konstanze Jacob
CILS4EU-Datensatz (Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries).
Pp. 365-381 in:
Debora B. Maehler, Heinz Ulrich Brinkmann
Methoden der Migrationsforschung: Ein interdisziplinärer Forschungsleitfaden.
Springer VS.
Jacob, Konstanze, and Frank Kalter
Die Intergenerationale Transmission von hochkulturellen Lebensstilen unter Migrationsbedingungen.
Pp. 223-246 in:
Jörg Rössel, Gunnar Otte
VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
MZES Working Papers
Jacob, Konstanze, and Zerrin Salikutluk
Broader than a Border? Origin and Host Country-Specific Cultural Capital and Educational Aspirations in Germany and Israel.
[Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung: Arbeitspapiere; 163]
Dollmann, Jörg, Konstanze Jacob and Frank Kalter
Examining the Diversity of Youth in Europe. A Classification of Generations and Ethnic Origins Using CILS4EU Data (Technical Report).
[Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung: Arbeitspapiere; 156]
Jacob, Konstanze
Between Secularization and Migration: Religiosity of Minority Youth in Western Europe.
University of Mannheim.
Conference Presentations
Jacob, Konstanze
Intergenerational Transmission of Religiosity in Immigrant Families – How Important are Intergenerational Relations?.
[Immigration and Integration in Cross-National Comparison, MZES, Mannheim, November 17th to November 18th, 2016]
Jacob, Konstanze
Intergenerational Transmission or Intergenerational Assimilation? Religiosity of Immigrants in Western Europe.
[Forschungskolloquium „Empirische Sozialforschung“, Konstanz, May 31st, 2016]
Jacob, Konstanze
Immigrants’ Social and Religious Assimilation: Does Adolescents’ Social Embeddedness Affect the Development of Religious Attachment?.
[CILS-NOR Workshop, Oslo, April 13th to April 14th, 2015]
Jacob, Konstanze, Jörg Dollmann, Frank Kalter and Irena Kogan
Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries.
[data@BAGSS Lecture Series, University of Bamberg, July 02nd, 2014]
Jacob, Konstanze, Jörg Dollmann and Frank Kalter
Integration or Ethnic Stratification? The Need for Comprehensive Measures of Immigrants’ Generational Status to Determine their Success of Intergenerational Integration.
[5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Ljubljana, July 15th to July 19th, 2013]
Jacob, Konstanze
Intergenerational transmission of religiosity in immigrant families in the context of social embeddedness.
[4th NORFACE Conference „Migration: Global Developments, New Frontiers”, London, April 10th to April 13th, 2013]
Jacob, Konstanze
Intergenerational transmission of religiosity in immigrant families in the context of social embeddedness.
[XXXIII. Sunbelt Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis, Hamburg, May 21st to May 26th, 2013]
Kalter, Frank, and Konstanze Jacob
Parent-Child Dyads: Intergenerational Change in Religious Salience among Immigrant Families.
[Conference "Migration: Global Development, New Frontiers", University College, London, April 10th to April 13th, 2013]
Jacob, Konstanze, and Frank Kalter
Intergenerational Change in Religious Salience among Immigrant Families in Four European Countries.
[European Population Conference "Gender, Policies and Population", Stockholm, June 13th to June 16th, 2012]
Jacob, Konstanze
Intergenerationale Transmission von Religiosität von Migranten im Kontext sozialer Einbettung.
[Intergenerationale Transmissionsprozesse in Migrantenfamilien, Vienna, December 03rd to December 04th, 2012]
Jacob, Konstanze, and Frank Kalter
The Intergenerational Transmission of Religiosity among Muslim Families in Four European Countries.
[3rd NORFACE Migration Conference, Mannheim, March 29th to March 31st, 2012]
Salikutluk, Zerrin, and Konstanze Jacob
Cultural knowledge and educational aspirations of immigrants in Germany and Israel.
[ECSR/EQUALSOC Conference: Economic change, Quality of life and Social cohesion, Stockholm, September 24th to September 26th, 2012]
Jacob, Konstanze
Intergenerational Assimilation or Intergenerational Transmission? Do Parents or Peers Matter More for Cultural Attitudes of Immigrant Children?.
[ECSR 20th Anniversary Conference: European Society or Societies? A 20 Year Perspective, Dublin, November 17th, 2011]
Jacob, Konstanze, Jörg Dollmann, Frank Kalter and Irena Kogan
What Standard Surveys Can Learn From Immigrant Surveys.
[4th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Lausanne, July 18th to July 22nd, 2011]
Jacob, Konstanze
The Intergenerational Transmission of Lifestyles in the Context of Migration.
[Conference on 'Life Style Research', Zurich, April 08th to April 10th, 2010]