How and why party position estimates from manifestos, expert, and party elite surveys diverge: a comparative analysis of the ‘left–right’and the ‘European integration’ dimensions.
Party Politics, 28, issue 3, pp. 528-540.
Marcelo Jenny
Former project partner
RP7 B2 Contexts for Democratic Governance
Journal Articles
Jenny, Marcelo, and Wolfgang C. Müller
From the Europeanization of Lawmaking to the Europeanization of National Legal Orders: The Case of Austria.
Public Administration, 88, issue 1, pp. 36–56.
Müller, Wolfgang C., Mark Bovens, Jørgen Gronnegaard Christensen, Marcelo Jenny and Kutsal Yesilkagit
Legal Europeanization: Comparative Perspectives.
Public Administration, 88, issue 1, pp. 75–87.
Müller, Wolfgang C., and Marcelo Jenny
"Business as usual" mit getauschten Rollen oder Konflikt- statt Konsensdemokratie? Parlamentarische Beziehungen unter der ÖVP-FPÖ-Koalition.
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 33, issue 3, pp. 309-326.
Book Chapters
Jenny, Marcelo, Wolfgang C. Müller and Nikolaus Eder
Wie „europäisch“ sind Österreichs Journalisten? Opinion Leaders im Vergleich.
Pp. 33–48 in:
Andy Kaltenbrunner, Matthias Karmasin, Daniela Kraus
Der Journalisten Report III: Politikjournalismus in Österreich.
Müller, Wolfgang C., Nikolaus Eder and Marcelo Jenny
Demokratiereform: Reformnotwendigkeiten, Reformbereitschaft und Reformpotentiale in Österreich.
Pp. 62–68 in:
Susanne Janistyn, Karl Megner
Die Margaretha Lupac-Stiftung für Parlamentarismus und Demokratie.
Müller, Wolfgang C., Marcelo Jenny, Alejandro Ecker, Nikolaus Eder and Isabella Skrivanek
Der Elite–Public Gap in der europäischen Integration. Ein europäischer Vergleich.
Pp. 115–130 in:
Roman Pfefferle, Nadja Schmidt, Gerd Valchars
Europa als Prozess: 15 Jahre Europäische Union und Österreich. Festschrift für Peter Gerlich.
LIT Verlag.
Conference Presentations
Müller, Wolfgang C., Nikolaus Eder and Marcelo Jenny
Party Democracy and Individualized Constituency Campaigning: Candidate Strategies and Behavior in the 2006 Austrian Elections.
[Conference: Candidates in Constituency Campaigns from a Comparative Perspective. Is Collectivist Representation in Established Party Democracy under Stress?, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, October 02nd to October 03rd, 2009]
Jenny, Marcelo, and Wolfgang C. Müller
'Delors' Vision and the Sobering Reality of Europeanizing the Legal Order. An Austrian Perspective.
[ECPR Joint Session of Workshops, Granada, April 14th to April 19th, 2005]